Seventh Element

by Stormwhite

The Arrival

The dark hooded man walked slowly as he approached his target destination. A thousand years it’s been since his pain and hatred formed. He has been plotting for a millennium how to get his revenge. On this day this beautiful summer’s day he shall commence his plan. Wrapped in a black cloak so that no one may know who he is only one person was allowed to see his face. That one person who caused him to turn into the crazy psychopath that he is today her name is Celestia.

“Come on spike we promised we’d meet pinkie pie and the others for a picnic at the park.” Twilight called down to her number one assistant. “Relax I’m coming just finished packing the basket.” Spike answered back. “Well get the check list and make sure we have ever-” Before the girl could finish her sentence Spike came up with the checklist and a quill ready for the next orders. Twilight looked pleased with the boy then she rambled on a whole list of items. To witch spike checked off everyone. “Well I guess were ready come on Spike.” Twilight said in a joyful tone “Ok” the boy responded as he grabbed the basket and followed twilight out the door.

Walking past the cake shop Twilight met up with pinkie pie. Who startled both of them by jumping out from behind and yelling “Hiya!” the three then proceeded to walk to the park where they met the rest of their friends. Apple Jack was setting up the blanket and Fluttershy helped. Over to the side Rarity could be seen sitting on her plush sofa which she brought from home using her magic. Rainbow dash floated over all their heads using her wings. She was also the first to spot Twilight, Spike and pinkie pie as such she was also the first to greet them. “Hey look who decided to show up took you guys long enough.” “Ah lighten up rainbow glad yawl could make it.” Said Apple jack. “Sorry were late, but I had to make sure we brought everything.” Said twilight apologetically “Well yes that’s fine and dandy, but did you bring any food because I’m simply famished.” Twilight smiled and obtained a purple glow she lifted the basket with her fingers and with her other hand she put the food on the blanket. “Bon appetite” Twilight said as the feast was on the blanket. “OH BOY!!!” pinkie exclaimed as she stuck her face in the mashed potatoes. “Oh pinkie will you please learn some manners” Rarity said with disgust.

As the others were talking Fluttershy looked off into the distance and saw a man entering ponyville. I wonder who that could be the shy girl wondered. “U-u-um guys who is that?” “Who’s who?” Twilight asked her friend. Fluttershy then pointed at the mysterious hooded figure. Pinkie Pie took her head out of the potatoes and let out a huge gasp. “A new person in ponyville?!?!?! I have to go say hi!” The girl then ran over to the hooded man. “Should we go with her?” twilight asked “I reckon she’ll be fine”. “Hiya my names Pinkie Pie welcome to ponyville.” She greeted the man with that remark and a huge smile. “Where is twilight Sparkle?” The man inquired. “Twilight she’s over there” Pinkie pointed over her shoulder with her thumb. “Well now you are of no use to me any more fare well.” The man raised his hand and it began to glow with a Black aura. Then in an instant it came crashing down at Pinkie. Who was frozen like a dear in the head lights.

*BOOM* the sound echoed, and the five ponies and spike at the picnic turned to see that only the man and a small crater remained. “What in tarnation!?” exclaimed Applejack. “Guys where did Pinkie Pie go!?” Fluttershy said with worry. The five scanned the area and she was nowhere to be found. “Twilight sparkle!” The man said with a thunderous voice. Twilight from across the park looked at the hooded figure feeling the thick tension. The man returned the look and after a minute or two said “Prepare to Die.”

The man’s words were piercing Twilights skull like a drill. It echoed in her head, and for a moment the girl lost herself. “What’d you do to Pinkie pie?!” Apple jack screamed at the mysterious figure. “I killed her” The man said with smirk “wasn’t that obvious?” Twilight sank to her knees. He killed her? What? How is this possible? Rarity and Fluttershy just stood there not knowing what o do looking at this man in pure fear. Applejack looked in disbelief, and while all the others stood there shocked Rainbow dash had enough and charged at the enigma. Spike went over and shook Twilight trying to bring her back to her senses. “Come on Twi get yourself together.” The boy said in a futile attempt.

“Stop!! I’m over here!” On queue Rainbow Dash flung her wings open and stopped dead. She looked over at an alleyway and Pinkie pie was waving at her. “You’re alright!” Rainbow said with excitement that her friend was unharmed. The other ponies Jumped for joy to see their friend in good condition. Twilight even came to her senses and got to her feet. “B-but how!” The hooded man said with Anger “I crushed you!” “Nope.” The hooded man then turned to see who said that, but was greeted with a fist to his face. This sent him flying back quite a few yards. “He saved me!” Pinkie Pie said with a giant grin and a giggle. “Big Macintosh!” exclaimed the young man’s little sister. He looked over to her and in his charismatic way said “Eyup.” He was the strongest person in all of Ponyville. “Aj I reckon you get out of here before things get to ugly.” The six girls and Spike stared at big Mac with disbelief. Was he really going to fight this man? While they ran away like cowards this couldn’t be could it? The hooded figure stood up and cracked his neck. “I see you have a death wish I’ll be more than happy to make that wish come true.”

“Big Mac! You can’t fight this guy he’s too strong!” Said twilight. “Yeah don’t be hero.” Added Rainbow dash. “Guy’s let’s go.” Said Apple Jack who looked around to see shocked expressions on her friend’s faces. “Are you insane he’ll get Killed.” Yelled Rainbow dash. “My brother ain’t stupid He knows what he’s doing. If he didn’t step in twilight could have been toast by now believe me I don’t want to see him do this either, but what can we do to stop that guy!?”. “I can use my magic to fight him.” Protested Twilight “Twi darling it’s you he’s after I think that’s what he wants’.” Responded Apple jack “Well I’m not leaving him!!”Roared Rainbow Dash as she charged at the Mysterious figure. “”Rainbow Dash No!” Called out Pinkie who by now rejoined the group.

Big Mac saw what she was trying to do and yelled at her to quit, but it was too late. Rainbow dash was in full throttle ready for a head on collision as she neared she closed her eyes and waited for impact. However it never game after a good thirty seconds Rainbow opened her eyes to see she was floating in midair. “W-w-what?” The hooded figure had his hand raised with a black aura surrounding it. There was no aura around Dash, yet she was stopped, and worse couldn’t move. The other girls were in shock to say the least Pinkies jaw had hit the floor. Before anyone else could say or do anything Big Macs fist was near the hooded man’s face. The enigma just narrowly avoided the assault. “Oh You’re good too good in fact. Something just doesn’t seem to add up here.”

“You want us to leave and contact Celestia?” Called Twilight as rainbow dash flew back to the rest of the group. “Eyup” Said Big Mac reassuringly. “Ok then, just promise us you will be alright!” Called out his Apple Jack “Eyup” He said again. “I swear that man needs to learn some new vocabulary.” Rarity said annoyed with his constant phrase. Be careful Big Mac Rainbow thought as she left with the others. Twilight had Spike take down a letter.

Dear Princess Celestia
We as well as the other citizens of ponyville are in grave danger. Please we need your help come as quickly as possible. There is a hooded man terrorizing the town. Big Mac is about to fight him, and we don’t want that. He stopped full speed Rainbow dash with just his weird Magic. Please Help.

Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle.