//------------------------------// // Chapter 49: Start it Slow, Just Stretch // Story: Saiyan of Equestria // by Boyzilla //------------------------------// Peaceful Intermission Chapter 49: Start it Slow, Just Stretch The next day, after school and the beginning of the new weekend. Ken Altarmore-Heartstrings listened carefully alongside his twin sister to their mother, Lyra. She had been discussing something alongside a small vacation after the school year ends. Ken happily wanted to go, he always wanted a good family vacation! Maybe they'll go to the beach? He always wanted to see the beach and ocean one day. But apparently that wasn't in the agenda as he continued to listen to his mother speak. "And so, we're going to the Four Border Tournament four weeks from now." Lyra finished. The Twins had confused expressions on their cute little faces. "Four Border Tournament?" Ken questioned in confusion. "What's that mom?" Kira asked with curiosity. "It's a event that holds multiple tournaments at the borders between four nations. There's sports, food, games, and other friendly competitions. But the main one, with a grand prize of fifty-thousand bits, is the fighting tournament." Lyra said to them. Ken stayed positive, there were more than just fighting. So he just won't do the fighting tournament! Problem solved, his sister can go fight if she wanted too. He'll watch instead, and cheer her on. "That sounds great mommy!" Kira said excitingly. Ken nodded, and smiled, "Yeah, the food part sounds amazing!" Lyra giggled, "Of course you would think of food. But I am hoping you would attend the fighting tournament." Before Ken could reply, his sister spoke up, "Sure thing! I wanted to attend anyway! I can't wait to test my skills against other fighters!" She exclaimed, pacing in place. "No thanks mom, I'll just watch." Ken said, hoping to pass. "Are you sure Ken? This only happens once every five years." Lyra said, her eyes seem to betray some hope. 'Why is mommy looking at me like that?' Ken thought to himself as he opened his mouth to reply. 'Because she's in trouble.' Ken closed his mouth, his eyes in shock. 'Huh? What you mean dad?' He replied to his father, Chris, in worry. The being inside of him replied, 'Lyra and Bon-Bon are running low on money, Ken. Haven't you wondered why she hasn't been cooking lately? Why the pantry and fridge seem so low on stock all the time?' 'Well yeah, but that's because mommy just hasn't gone grocery shopping.' A disapproving sigh was heard, 'No Ken, the reason she told you that. Is because in truth, she can't afford more groceries. I know you think that because Kira will attend she'll win and get the money. But what if she doesn't? It'll be much better odds if you would attend as well.' "You don't have to attend if you don't wish too Ken, there are plenty of events for you to have fun!" Lyra said as she ruffled Ken's hair with her hoof. Ken smiled, "Thanks mom." "Anytime my little munchkin." "Moooooom!" Kira giggled, "Hehe, you had it coming nii-san." Lyra ruffled Kira's hair as well, "Yes he did, adorable munchkin." "Moooom! My hair!" 'Ken, can you at least train? Just exercise a bit, you don't have to use Ki to exercise,' Chris suggested. Ken sighed, 'Okay, but I won't spar or use Ki! Only exercise!' The child exclaimed in his thoughts. 'That's my boy, Being within the backyard, his sister training against an invisible foe as she moved through her martial art katas. Ken walked to a secluded area away from his sister's range, and slipped into a fighting stance. His muscles tensed, his tail slowly wagging in anticipation. Ken felt his heartbeat began to race as he struggled to move, it was as if something was gripping him tight. 'There is nothing to fear Ken, it won't happen, I promise.' Ken's breathing hastened, his legs started to shake a bit in fear. Can he train? Can he fight? He broke his promise, a promise to protect his sister, not only that. But he was the one who hurt her! 'Calm yourself, those thoughts are only there to mislead you. The responsible one for those events were not you, but another. You are innocent, you did not hurt Kira.' His dad was right, right? It wasn't his fault, he didn't make himself transform into that. The bad scientist did, they always did, they ruin everything. But wasn't it because of his power that they kidnapped him and tried to take Kira in the first place? 'It will not happen again, you are safe. Start It slow, just stretch, stretching is fine, it's like waking up from sleeping.' Ken calmed, and began to slowly stretch instead. Stretching his arms and legs, the small boy felt more secure during something like this. The way his father put it, like waking up from bed time, felt so soothing, so sure. His dad believed in him, his whole family did. So he should be able to train, if only at least just do some katas. After finishing a good couple minutes of stretching, Ken took and released a deep breath. He got into a stance of his father's own martial arts school. The Angel Style, a form more suited to protecting one's self and others than by attacking. Ken moved his legs, which slowly moved along the grass to coorespond to his mental commands. The child closed his eyes, as he focused, with the help of his father, only on the Kata set. The half saiyan boy's arms, hands, legs, feet, his entire body, moved slowly and surely along the exercise performance. Ken moved his hands outward, then back in, bending them at the appropriate time. He turned his body, before bending and going through the second set of movements. Ken's breathing increased, his heart started to pump, his body beginning to go out of formation. 'You're doing great, keep it up. You can do it, it's not going to hurt anyone.' The words of his father echoed within his mind. Ken calmed once more as his body returned to finishing the Katas, another second, another minute, and then... He was done. The eight year old opened his eyes, standing straight as he looked at his hands, and then glanced around to his surroundings. Nothing was destroyed, nothing bad. Everything was fine, exactly the same. A smile, a giggle, and then childish laughter. "I did it, I did it! I can train, I can train!" Ken exclaimed in excitement, jumping in place in sheer joy. "I won't transform into that, I won't! I can train!" Ken said to himself. A pair of clapping hands encored him from within the seal, 'Good job Ken, I'm proud of you.' 'You were right dad! I didn't need to be so scared! They're just Katas! I can stretch and do Katas!' Ken replied. 'Yes, yes you can. I know for sure that one day, you'll begin training with Ki energy again.' Chris said. Ken was too excited to hear that one, but the full-blooded saiyan within him just smiled at Ken's happiness. "Ken!" The voice of Kira yelled out. Ken turned around to his sister run up to him, "Yeah nee-chan?" "I saw you practice your katas, does that mean we spar again?" Kira asked with a bright smile on her face. The boy stepped back a bit, "No... Not yet... I don't to want go that far," He said. Kira kept her smile up all the same, "That's alright then, but can you tell me how do I control my Super Saiyan form?" Ken looked up, "Huh? What's wrong with it?" "I can't transform without breaking it and falling on my butt, that's what!" Kira said comically. The twin brother giggled, "Okay, well transform over there, and I'll watch so that daddy can see." Kira nodded and went a few meters away, before turning toward him and began screaming. Her power level raised dramatically, which shocked Ken to notice how much more powerful Kira was then him now. Her aura flashed into existence and the ground crackled and crumbled beneath her overwhelming energy. 'She's using too much energy, she has to learn to keep her energy within while transforming or else going to run out of juice before she even goes blondie mode.' Chris half-joked. "Kira, stop!" Ken shouted over the artificial wind generated by her Ki. Kira heard him, and stopped her transformation. She bent over, her hands resting on her knees as she took in gulps of air from expending so much energy. She stood back up and walked over to him. "So? What am I doing wrong?" She questioned. "Dad says your wasting too much Ki, you can't just grab your Super Saiyan power and release it all at once. It doesn't work like that. You got too keep it in your body as you transform," Ken explained to his twin. "Otherwise you run out of Ki before you even finish transforming!" "Ooooooooh... Oops." Kira said with a embarrassed expression on her face. 'You see, Ki energy is what gives a saiyan his power. It's an energy that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds all life together. The Super Saiyan transformation is one such feat that exceeds the general limitations of what Ki energy can accomplish.' Ken sweat dropped, 'Dad, I can't help but think you've been waiting to say that for some time...' 'Well, I forgot to say it when first teaching you...' Chris lamely excused. "Ken, Kira, dinner is ready!" Lyra's voice yelled from the backyard door. "Alright, food!" The twins shouted. The two twins rushed toward the house and straight into the dining room, ready to devour delicious calorie filled substances. And behold, Lyra Heartstrings, and Bon-Bon, came into the dining room carrying a large pot with her unicorn magic. She placed the pot on the kitchen while Bon-Bon passed out some bowls and silverware. "I managed to make something good tonight, so eat up!" Lyra said as she lifted the top off to reveal the beautiful sight of freshly made vegetable stew, packed with lots of nutrients and delicious content! "Yay! We're not eating sandwiches or cereal tonight!" Ken exclaimed with joy, "Best. Day. Ever!" "Had to save- Find some vegetables on sale as they had gotten a little too expensive recently. But enough about that, let's eat." Getting a giant soup spoon, Bon-Bon filled the twin children's bowls with the stew. Which the two happily began to devour at a slower pace, to savor the moment and flavor of a good meal. Ken felt his taste buds explode with joy, his tail wagging behind him as he continued to take spoonful's of the stew again and again. "More please!" The two twins said, raising their now empty bowls. Lyra took a bite as she used her magic to refill the twin's plates. 'Eat well Ken, you were fantastic today.' With his sister at his side, actually, his whole family. Ken thought today to be a great day. A nice day at school with friends, getting the courage to train, and having a nice meal with his family. Tomorrow looked to be hopeful, and filled with a potential future where things can finally go back to normal for good.