Broken wings and broken dreams

by Torroza

Chapter 13

Twillight was laying on a cushion in front of the crackling fire in the livingroom reading a book about advanced mathematics.
She was suddenly jolted out from her concentration on the book by the thunder and looks out through the window at the storm raging on outside. "Huh, I knew the weatherteam had a storm scheduled, but this seems a bit extreme, I hope Scootaloo gets home soon."
Spike looked up from his comicbook. "Yeah, nobody should be out in this kind of weather, especially not my little niece."

Just as Spike said that another lightning struck somewhere up higher on the mountain and the thunder almost made some ponies in the town deaf. But it mostly scared ponies, especially a little orange pegasi filly on her way home from school. She looked out from her impromptu hiding place underneath a park bench and up at the sky. "Oh, it was just thunder." She said and chuckled a bit to herself.
The filly got back out from underneath the bench and started walking again and while walking she thought back about that day around three months ago.

Scootaloo looked over at her two best friends, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle who just looked at her with suprised faces.
After a few seconds Apple Bloom cleared her throat. "So, whatcha are telling us is that ya're moving to Canterlot?"
Scootaloo looked down at the ground a bit sad and nodded. Sweetie Belle went up and hugged her. "Why are you moving?"
The pegasus filly looked up at her friends. "Twillight's parents have just given her their house, and they don't have to pay rent for it. And both Twillight and Rainbow have gotten jobs up in Canterlot, so it'll be easier for us to live there, or that's what they tell me atleast."
Apple Bloom nodded understandingly. "Ah get it, since RD can't get a honest work here'n Ponyville, they'll just jump on any chance to improve their own and yer life."
Scootaloo looked a bit suprised at the young apple. "Yeah, I guess. I know we have to move to get enough money, but I don't want to move away from you girls." She looked at her friends as tears started to form in her eyes.
She was quickly brought into a hug by both of the other fillies. "Scootaloo, we'll always be best friends, and we can always come and visit, Rarity goes to Canterlot all the time, I'm sure i can convice us to take us with her every now and then." Sweetie Belle said with a smile.
Scootaloo wiped away and tear and nodded. "Yeah, that would be nice. And I'll come down here and visit when I can. Maybe we can ask Flutters if we can have a sleepover at her place again sometime." She was almost crushed when Apple Bloom tightened the hug. "That would be mighty fine. But we'll sure miss you Scoots." Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, it'll not be the same without you."
The pegasus looked at her best friends and hugged them tightly. "I'll miss you girls to."

Twillight and Rainbow Dash looked at the three girls from a little distance away. Twillight sighed and said. "I sure hope she'll be able to make some new friends in Canterlot, I hate splitting those three up."
Rainbow nuzzled her and said. "So do I, but you know as much as I that we have to do this." Twillight nodded sadly while she looked at the fillies while saying. "I wonder if Spike has gotten everything packed up when we get to Canterlot." Twillight looked at her marefriend and shook her head while saying. "I don't think so, he may be very capable, but it's a bit to much for even him to fix in just one day." Rainbow looked at her with a smile. "Then I guess we'll just help him." Twillight giggled a little at her marefriends enthusiastic voice. "I guess we'll have to do that." She looked over towards the fillies once again and said. "I guess it's time to get going." Rainbow nodded and called out towards the fillies. "Scootaloo, it's time."

Scootaloo looked up and saw her parents waiting for her on the other side of the square. "I'll be with you soon." She called back and than proceeded to hug her friends even tighter. "I'll miss you girls, take care of Ponyville while I'm gone." Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom nodded and hugged her back.
After a little while she slowly eased her grip on the other girls and took a step back. "I guess this is goodbye for now girls, I'll send letters to you when I get the time to write them." Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. "Letters, you? Twillight're really rubbing off on ya Scoots." They chuckled all free and than shared one final hug before saying goodbye before Scootaloo ran to her parents as they went towards the trainstation.

She ran up to the mansion and opened the door and quickly ran in and shut the door behind her. She heard a voice call out. "Is that you Scootaloo?." She called back while drying herself with a towel hanging in the hallway. "Yeah it's me mom."
Once she finished drying herself she walked into the livingroom and saw her mother, Twillight laying on a cushion in front of the fire place reading a book and her uncle, Spike sitting in a armchair reading one of his many comic books. "Hi guys, crazy weather we got today."
Spike mumbled something sounding like an agreement being to focused on his comic book to answer properly.
Twillight chuckled and looked at her daughter. "That it is indeed, now come here, I want to hear about your day at school." She patted at the empty space beside her on the cushion.

Scootaloo did as her mother and laid down on the cushion and leaned in towards her and sighed. Just as she was about to start telling her about her day at school they heard the door open and than be closed really quick. Twillight looked up and called out. "Honey, is that you?"
A quickly dried of cyan pegasus entered through the doorway and smiled. "That it is Twily." Scootaloo shone up and jumped up and ran towards her. "Big sis!" She threw herself around Rainbow's neck and hugged her.
Rainbow chuckled and hugged her back. "Hi there Scootaloo, how was school?"
Twillight smiled at the sight of the two sisters. "She was just about to tell me when you got back, why don't we cuddle down all four of us and than you both tell us how your day was?" Rainbow nodded and said. "Sounds good to me, what do you say Spike?" She didn't bother asking Scootaloo, she already knew she would agree.
Spike looked up, since he had been listening with half-a-ear he knew what they were talking about. "Sure." He put a bookmark in his comic book and jumped down to join them.
Twillight levitated another cushion over to her that Rainbow laid down on, Spike and Scootaloo laid down inbetween them. Rainbow extended her now magically healed left wing(curtesy of Princess Luna) over the filly and dragon and laid it on her marefriends back.

Scootaloo smiled as she snuggled into her bigger sister's side and thought: Life has without a doubt turned towards the better since my birthday.