Diary of the Night

by CalebH

War of Shadows - Chapter 132

In truth we should count our blessings. In the entire underworld there is only a single prisoner missing. His brother we still call friend but that will not stay Tirek’s hand when he decides to strike.

I was ready to hunt him down while he is still weak. The time for Celestia’s merciful judgments on the wretch is long past and Equestria’s executioner aches to ply her trade. For hours Celestia sits where the fell centaur once was imprisoned.

Though her eyes look at nothing and no words escape her mouth, her eyes and lips do not stop moving. How many years of Equestria’s future she planned in that time, I cannot say. When she has finished we return to Canterlot. She will not divulge her plans to me, she merely asks me if she can use an artifact I have stored away.

It is one of the few pieces of Father’s fallen kingdom to survive. Star Swirl the Bearded never did have a chance to finish his greatest work, but I still hold the remembrance of my teacher and friend dear.