//------------------------------// // Questions and Answers // Story: PONI // by The Crimson Harbinger //------------------------------// Kix sat in an almost vacant hallway, fiddling with the alicorn he had carved what felt like an eternity ago. Despite most of the ponies hating his guts, Pinkie had happily found and reattached it's head, and had given the figure to him on his way in without a word, just a cartoonishly huge smile. He supposed ponies weren't that bad, and they had begun to warm up to him after they heard about his rescuing of Colgate. In fact, it was her hospital room that he now patiently waited. It wasn't that he felt feelings for her, no, far from it. Rather, he felt as though he had an obligation to check up her, come a full circle, that sort of thing. And even if he did have feelings for her, such a relationship could never be possible. They were two different species, or rather, species that were too different. And besides, he didn't need a girl to feel complete. He was a trained soldier. He didn't need emotions in his line of work. Yeah, He thought, dismissing any trace of his previous wanderings, and flashed back to the now. He looked out of place in the sterilized white hall, his greyish-black armor made him stand out like a sore thumb. But he didn't care how looked, mainly because he had nothing else to wear, and he wasn't about to take it off either. He looked back down at the figure, and couldn't help but break a smile as he remembered back to when he had carved it. I must've looked like such an idiot. He thought, tucking it safely away in one of his empty ammo bags. That was one problem being stuck on a foreign world. The lack of ammunition had almost gotten him killed but a few hours ago when he had attempted to take down one of the last brutes. He had the element of surprise, but when he went for the kill, he got the sound any soldier dreads hearing: the click of an empty mag. The brute had heard it as well, and swung around with a mighty blow, knocking Kix off his feet. He would have been dead, if not arrogance that caused the brute to rant on and on about 'how good he would taste' and 'how easily he had beaten him'. The sound of a door opening caught his attention, and he looked up to see a nurse walking towards him. "How is she?" He asked, making sure to keep his voice monotone and unreadable, not wanting to give off the impression that he was growing soft. Which, mind you, he most certainly wasn't. "Well, honestly it's a miracle she's still alive. Whatever you used, it worked wonders. She's still asleep, but you may go in if you want to." She turned, and before leaving added: "You saved her life." "Yeah, I guess I did." Kix didn't know whether to feel proud or burdened. On the one hand, his feat could help him gain some respect and trust amongst the ponies who could help him get home, while on the other, it could set a standard for how he was to earn their trust. Saving one pony that was in his immediate vicinity was easy enough, but running rescue missions? He shook his head slowly as he stood up. Besides, brutes didn't take prisoners, only the scrapes they were going to eat later. Kix slowly opened the door to Colgate's room and stepped inside. The white walls were decorated with pictures of her friends and family, or what Kix assumed were her family, and some even of herself. For a while Kix just stared around the room, gazing into her past. In every picture she posed with the same perfect smile, so white it almost seemed to shine. Colgate herself lay in center of the room, her chest slowly rising and falling beneath the thin bedsheets as machines hissed and beeped in the background. A single IV ran into her left foreleg, strapped down with blue and white bandaged that matched her mane almost perfectly, but not quite. He retrieved the tiny alicorn from his bag and gently set it down on her bedside table, with a scribbled note dangling around it's neck a piece of paper. It felt wrong to come see her like this and not leave a 'Get-Well' card, and seeing the other cards and gifts there for her reminded him of Earth. Before he exited the room, he glanced back at Colgate once last time, and silently wished her good-bye. Only God knew if he would ever see her, or anyone else, again. The Covenant where here and they wouldn't stop coming. It would be slow at first, a few brute squads here and there, but it was only a matter of time before they sent in an invading army. And Kix was going to be honest with himself, if they did, it wasn't going to be a very long war. ................................................................................................. "We have received word of what you did Kix," Celestia's voice was warm and inviting as they walked down the castle corridors, but Kix still found it hard to trust her. "It was very brave, doing what you did." "Yes, and still managing to complete your original mission." Luna added, giving him a warm smile. "Okay, what's the deal?" Kix said, stopping just outside one of the doors leading out of the main hall. "I'm sorry Kix, but I don't quite understand." Celestia turned, her smile fading into a look of confusion. "I mean, why are you treating me so nicely all of a sudden? I'm the guy you're trying to get rid of, remember?" "Yes, and we shall be rid of you in time." Luna said, and Kix would've thought it harsh if it wasn't for the joking smile she wore. "But you have proven useful to us, and we are simply impressed by the amount of faith you have put in us." "Okay, let's get some things straight. One: I don't trust you, and two: I'm not your tool, so unless it helps me get home quicker, I don't want a part of it." Celestia seemed a bit surprised at Kix's words, but then again, he had just cut it to her cold. "And what of Colgate?" Luna said after a moment of silence. "Is her survival essential to helping you get back?" "That was different!" Kix defended. "Oh really? How so?" Luna rebutted. "You stated clearly that you only wish a part in things that shall help you return to your planet quicker, and since you rescued Colgate, is it wrong to assume that her survival is an important part to getting you home?" "Yes, it is very wrong to assume. We all know what happens when you assume." Kix said, the two princesses completely oblivious to his joke. "And no, saving her was not essential." "So why did you?" Luna asked. "Why save somepony who may not want to help you?" "Because I couldn't watch her die, alright?!" Kix snapped, his voice almost a yell. "Not there, not like that." He added, his tone growing somber. "Not like that." "I'm sorry Kix, I didn't mean to upset you." Luna apologized. "I didn't realize-" "No, no. It wasn't your fault." Kix interrupted, "I shouldn't have yelled like that. I don't know what came over me." "But I think I do." Celestia said, taking a step towards him. "You care for her Kix. And not just Colgate, all of us. I know you don't want to admit it, but you do. Even for those who don't care about you." "But why?" He said, this time asking Celestia for an answer. "I've seen my own people die on the streets and I've never given it a second thought! I've watched my friends die in the arms of their loved ones and never felt anything." "That seems a little extreme though Kix," Celestia stated gently, not wanting to upset him more. "But I'm a soldier. We're trained not to become attached to people! But as I set her down in the stretcher and watched them wheel her away, I felt nothing but regret!" "And why is that Kix?" Luna said, motioning for to take a seat on one of the benches lining the hall. He gladly obliged. "As they took her away, I felt as though I should've been able to do more. I mean, I've saved entire cities from obliteration for God's sake! And yet, I can't even save a single pony from a war that she wasn't supposed to be involved in." "But you didn't fail Kix." Celestia reassured, sitting down beside him. "Colgate is still alive thanks to you." "I know, but I can't help thinking about what would have happened if I had just kept going and hadn't checked on her. She would have died thinking I had killed her. I'm trained to save lives, not watch them slip away." "Now Kix, you are not to blame for what happened." Celestia said sternly, placing her hoof on his shoulder. "And you shouldn't think about what would have happened had you left her, because you didn't, and that's what really matters." "Yeah, you're right. It's not very professional of me to dwell on 'what-ifs' and so on." "You know," Luna said, "you seem to rely heavily on your training to get you through most situations you are faced with. What if you stopped and started to rely on what you believe?" "But that's just it Luna," Kix said, looking up. "I don't know what to believe anymore. I mean, I get thrown into the same war no matter what planet I'm on, so there's really no other way to react but to treat it just like I always have." "And how is that?" Luna asked. "Get the job done." Kix replied. "No matter the cost." "You know what I think would be good for you?" Celestia said after a long pause. "And what might that be? A stroll in the park? No offense Prism, but I think I'm done taking orders from you for today." "Of course," Celestia agreed, "but what I was about to say doesn't involve myself or my sister." "Oh really," Kix said skeptically, "so what is it?" "I think it would be good for you to visit with Twilight and her friends." "Hold on just a minute there," Kix said, straightening up. "You do know that those ponies hate me, right?" "Come now Kix," Celestia said with a slight chuckle. "they don't hate you. I think it's what's happened in the garden that's got them concerned." "Nah, I'm pretty sure it's hatred." Kix pressed, holding up his hands. "Pure, uncontaminated hatred." "Sister, surely you recall how eager they all were to be rid of him before the attack." Luna said, addressing Celestia. "Were they not the same towards Discord when you asked Fluttershy to reform him." "That may be true, but if these Covenant return in force, you may need all the help you can get." "And how could they possibly help me?" Kix asked, ignoring his urge to ask about this 'Discord' that Luna had mentioned. "I know soldiers when I see 'em, and they aren't exactly war-material." "That may be true, but I'll have you know that they have saved Equestria repeatedly in the past." "Those six?" Kix said with a look of disbelief, though neither alicorn could see it. "I'm surprised they could be in the same room together." "You'd be even more surprised when you hear just what else they've managed to accomplish together." Luna chimed in, "They reunited my sister and I after they had only just met." "As impressive as that sounds," Kix said, not sounding impressed at all, "I just think it's too soon. And besides, I'm not really in the mood for talking. To them, at least, and not all at the same time." "Very well. We will not force you into this. But it would be good for you to make some friends while you're here." Celestia said. "Make some friends? Seriously? I'm not gonna waste time I could be using to get home to make friends." Kix said sternly. Celestia sighed. "Kix, I am going to be honest with you. Unless one of the bright ponies of Equestria figures out the mechanics of a space craft, I'm afraid getting you off the planet just won't be possible." "Wait, early you said you could teleport things to the moon. Could you do the same thing with me, only to Earth?" Luna answered for her. "No. We would need an already-existent magical connection to your planet in order to do so, like we do with our moon." Kix sighed and sat back in his seat. "So I'm stuck here for good." "Maybe not forever Kix. Have hope." Celestia smiled warmly. "Whatever you say Prism," He sighed again. Suddenly Luna perked up. "I know what would make you feel better!" She exclaimed. "Oh really?" Kix said without looking up. "I hope it's better than Celestia's idea." "You could go visit Colgate in the hospital." "But I already did that." Kix explained, "I went there early today." "Yes, we know. What I meant was visiting her when she's awake, and talking to her. It might do you good to hear what she has to say." Kix thought for a moment, wondering how talking to her would help him get home, before shrugging and agreeing. "On one condition," He said, holding up one finger. "Unless there's any more Covenant activity, I'd like to spend the rest of today searching the remnants of the Covenant cruiser for anything salvageable. Cables, equipment, that sort of thing." Celestia looked at Luna, and both nodded upon meeting eyes. "Alright Kix. We agree to your terms and will leave you be for the rest of the day." "Really? You got all that from just eye contact?" The two sisters laughed as Kix stood up and prepared to leave, but before he could Celestia called out to him. "Oh, and one more thing. We have prepared a room for you in the upper hall. Feel free to use as you wish." "Thanks." Was all Kix said before turning and exiting through the main doors.