//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Odyssey // Story: Medievil: Equestrian Adventure // by Theblondeknight //------------------------------// There have been a few legendary journeys throughout Equestrian history, but this is one you Odyssey... ha ha ha...get it? Odyssey? Ought'a see? Bwa ha ha ha The addition of Nightmare Moon to the group was an uneasy one, to say the least. Having grown up with stories of the villainous pony and how terrible she was, the mane six couldn't bring themselves to feel anything akin to ease around her, and for what it was worth, neither could Dan. She was a different kind of villain than he was used to, and he had to admit, all in all, she seemed to be even trickier and dastardly than the cads he was used to dealing with. The Princess of the sun was put into a very sudden and justified upheaval. The Canterlot throne room fell into deadly silence when Celestia laid eyes upon the dark figure of Nightmare Moon, walking in confidently with the mane six and Sir Dan. Celestia silently sent away all the guards around her and had the large doors shut when the group of eight made it inside. "What is the meaning of this? Why is she here?" Celestia demanded,knowing something was wrong, and striding forward to meet the group. Her empowered eyes never leaving the figure of the dark alicorn. Before Twilight could say anything to her teacher the villain smirked and walked up, pushing the others aside to face the ruling Princess. "Calm yourself Celestia, for I have not come to you with intent to destroy, but to aide you. We face the same problem, and I can be a valuable ally in the quest to defeat the dark sorcery that has caused the dead to rise." Celestia still refused to remove Nightmare Moon from her line of sight and replied with some difficulty in keeping calm, "You could very well be behind this, and if you have deceived them I will see to it that your punishment is more severe this time." "You try to teach me lessons by sending me away, as if I were a child; do you honestly think that banishing me for a time will reform me, or make me miss you and this land? I would sooner spend a thousand years on the moon than mere hours in the life I once lived. You shall tremble and fall to my power eventually...but not now. I cannot afford to defeat you now." "If you are so endangered by the dark magic causing these catastrophes then why have you waited until now to do something about them?" The Solar Princess fiercely inquired as the mane six followed the lead of Daniel, giving the two space and staying as quiet as possible. "Endangered? I was not endangered, and had planned on letting you resolve this on your own, but when your servants and the prophesied one came looking for me, I had no choice but to get involved," Nightmare Moon explained, catching Celestia's eyebrows raise at the mention of the prophecy. Celestia looked over cautiously at Dan and the mane six before responding. "You know I cannot allow you to do as you please, even if you help us, don't you? You're too dangerous and untrustworthy to be left to your dark whims," Celestia clarified, going up to her even closer than before yet seeming a little calmer. "Fear not...as it happens I already attempted to dispose of them, and yet here I stand, humbled as the loser of our battle." At this Celestia backed down and stared for the briefest of moments at the others, both extremely proud and surprised at hearing their great accomplishment. She breathed in deeply and thought about the possible consequences that Nightmare Moon could bring about, but also realized that she was right. They would fare much better with somepony of Nightmare Moon's abilities helping them. "Very well, so long as you never stray from Twilight and the others, and always obey my orders...then you will be allowed to aid us, and we are grateful for your help," Celestia told her, having a bit of difficulty in actually thanking her. "Of course I have already agreed to the terms that the Elements of Harmony not be used against me and that I shall inherit half the spoils of the war, but I shall agree to these terms as well, so long as mine stand." "...So be it then," Was all Celestia could reply and turned around in order to go and find the guard captains she was speaking with when Nightmare Moon stopped her. "Celestia!" The Princess of the sun stopped short and looked back at her, almost as if the villain didn't really exist, and was only a figment of the royal's imagination, or some bad memory of long ago. "What would you have us do next?" Nightmare Moon asked, almost trying to engage in a form of witty banter with the situation. "I will inform you when I have a plan, until that time I suggest you see the medical staff; none of you look very well." "We intend to," Nightmare Moon quickly responded, "but afterwards may I suggest we take a journey?" "What are you trying to get at? What is it exactly that you want?" Celestia finally asked. "Very well. It is my belief that Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Empire may know something about this evil spell, and how to stop it. I can arrange a meeting with her and find out. Of course since I am untrustworthy they must accompany me," She explained, earning another annoyed sigh from the Princess before her response. "Then go with Dan, Twilight, and the other Elements, and find out what you can. If Chrysalis is behind this, defeat her and break the enchantment, and if she knows whom it was that cast the spell, find out and report back to me," Celestia told them, then specifically faced Twilight before speaking again, "And be sure that the Changelings are not angered or provoked to act against us if they are innocent in all this. The last thing we need is to upset them too." "I understand Princess," Twilight replied and smiled gently, a little off set when Celestia's expression remained the same detached look until she walked off, leaving the group alone. At that, Twilight headed off to find a doctor with most of the others, leaving behind only Dan and Nightmare Moon in the throne room to do as they pleased. Dan didn't seem to mind when she looked back, and though Twilight was sure he wasn't making any kind of face, it almost seemed to her that he was encouraging the others off so he could be alone with the villain. Nightmare Moon, meanwhile, walked slowly around the hall and inspected the stain-glass windows, admiring, in a sense, the beautiful architecture and the general atmosphere of the throne room. She stopped completely in front of the window that depicted her banishment. "To think that a mere few days ago I had intended to come here and burn these walls down...to crush the throne and tear down the peace of this land..." Nightmare Moon stood in silence a few seconds more and used her magic to shatter the window and watch the shards fall all around her. Dan immediately stepped back, not quite in fear or anxiety, but more out of a natural reaction to the shattering. Nightmare Moon observed his actions and snickered. "Not a fan of window art?" She asked mockingly. "Not a fan of flying glass shards- still have one good eye," Dan replied as Nightmare Moon headed out and passed him by, turning to look back at him before closing the doors behind her. After another look at the strange knight, she followed the trail left behind by the mane six, leaving Dan to the confines of the room. ... Changeling lands could be summed up in one word alone: barren. The only consolation to the group was that they were able to use magic to teleport fairly close to the changeling hive. The surrounding area was all sand and stone and few clouds adorned the peach colored skies. The air was warm and dry and morale was crushed the instant they arrived. After a few seconds to take everything in and look around, Rainbow was the first to speak up, directing her words towards Nightmare Moon, "So where exactly is this nest supposed to be?" "It is close by, hidden behind those mountains," the dark alicorn replied and pointed with her hoof into the distance. The mountains weren't very high, but they were comprised entirely of large rocks and would be bothersome to traverse across. Before anyone could say anything else, Nightmare Moon took the first steps towards the nest, prompting the conversation to be made on the move. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Fluttershy asked Twilight, who in turn directed her glance at the villain; Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes at the question and gave a snort. "Regardless of how you feel, this must be done. I don't know many others evil or powerful enough to take such an action against the world. Besides, the changelings will not attack me for merely entering their lands." "And what about us?" Applejack asked, eyebrow raised at the idea of entering the changeling home with an evil alicorn and a foreign warrior. "You will not be accepted into the hive with any such favor. I would advise the rest of you to stay hidden from their unfriendly eyes while I get the information we need." "And how do we know you won't just plot something out with their Queen and betray us?" Rainbow asked with a serious expression. "I suppose you don't. You'll have to place your trust in me and my faithfulness to our agreement," Nightmare Moon answered and eyed the jewelry around the necks of Twilight's friends. The grim and scorching sun batted down on them and the light and periodic winds did little to alleviate the fatigue caused by the trip, but when they finally did reach the top of the stone ridden mountain a fantastic new sight came into view. The mountains surrounded a flat, sandy plain with only one feature: a large hole that caved into the darkness below. Dan's eye went wide and the mane six all paused. Nightmare Moon had seen the sight before and headed on unimpaired by the unique oddity of the changeling lifestyle. "That's a mighty deep hole..." Applejack commented as the group moved slower at the beckoning of Nightmare Moon, who eyed every inch of the hole while creeping forward. "What's the problem?" Twilight asked the alicorn, who remained quiet and watched the darkness of the pit stare back at her. "Nightmare Moon?" Pinkie mimicked Twilight's call for attention. Rarity and Fluttershy looked down the hole, trying to figure out what was making the villain behave in such a way, but they could find nothing more than shadows and obscure blackness. Rainbow was more or less waiting the problem out and keeping quiet as the villain stared down the pit without moving her eyes. "No guards. We should hear the sounds of guards chattering amongst themselves below us...but all is still and peaceful," Nightmare Moon explained, still not taking her eyes away from the hole. "Is it a trap?" Dan asked, spinning around to look for any enemies that could be surrounding them while they talked, but Nightmare Moon shook her head and leaned in closer to the hive entrance. Twilight bit her lip and moved over to Rarity, whispering something in her ear and causing the white unicorn to look back with mild concern, but none of the others took notice of their exchange. Finally Nightmare Moon spoke up: "I don't like this...something is wrong in this hive, but we still might find valuable information here, so I suggest that most of you keep close to the exit. I would like Dan to accompany me down, however." The Alicorn of Shadows eyed the one eyed knight in a manner that none of the ponies liked very much. Dan himself looked over with the mildest concern and intrigue, but Twilight immediately shot down the idea. "No, I'm going too," She spoke in a near command. Nightmare Moon's eyes widened a bit at the words. "As you wish, but the larger the group is the more likely we are to get caught; the rest of you keep quiet and out of trouble up here. With any luck this should go quickly and we will have what we came for." Most of the others did not look pleased, but after a loud and indignant sigh from Rainbow Dash, they all relented and watched the alicorn lead Twilight and Dan down into the maw of the changeling hive. Their allies and the cad called Nightmare Moon disappeared into the Changeling pit without another word. A vile smell immediately filled their nostrils and a damp atmosphere surrounded them as they descended. The beige sand and brown dirt were lost and a black, organic material of some kind replaced it. The walls were filled with holes and crevices and the path they entered into split up into nine different directions within one minute's worth of travel. "Well, where to?" Twilight asked as the group halted at a fork in the path. "Normally I wouldn't be as hesitant to choose, but with the lack of any normality in this hive the choice becomes much more difficult. Any of these paths can take us to the Queen, but some will get us there sooner than others, and the number of changelings we should encounter also varies depending on the direction we take." "Any lucky guesses?" Dan asked, having drawn his sword already and keeping it at his side. "I think our best bet lies on this path," Nightmare Moon told the other two and walked on, "it goes down into the Well, and passes by the egg chamber, but it can get us to the Queen faster than most other routes." "The Well?" Twilight parroted back. "The Well is the place where sick or injured changelings are taken to heal. It is not very heavily guarded, and any changelings being healed will not be awakened very easily," Nightmare Moon explained, walking down the twisted path and making a sharp left turn into a large crevice when the path melded into the wall. A few steps into the crevice and a changeling cry of indistinguishable location and meaning rang out at them, but no creatures approached them. If Dan had to guess the emotion behind the cry, he would say it was either agony or rage. Silence once more abounded as the group treaded down the crevice, past a few openings, but no changelings could be seen yet. Finally a crunch under his foot made Dan jump back a bit and look down in surprise as a changeling corpse lay in stillness below him. Twilight shivered and Nightmare Moon's expression became a bit colder than normal. She lit the path with her horn as all semblance of light quickly became extinguished. Their journey through the hive continued on uninterrupted for a moment more, then Nightmare Moon gave a whispering command: "Stop!" "What's wrong?" Twilight asked looking up ahead as Dan watched the rear. "A typical changeling trap," Nightmare Moon responded, "yet not one to be tampered with. It is important that in this next area you do not touch the liquid on the floor." With that she began to make her way forward in the thin corridor. "What is it?" Dan asked, scratching his head at the sight of the greenish-gray slime that coated the floor in puddles and pools. "An organic material like that which makes up the structure of these caverns, but designed specifically for trapping invaders. It is not only extremely sticky, but acidic and venomous as well." Nightmare Moon carved a path through the goop ridden trail and within a few minutes had gotten out of the trap zone. Twilight took a while longer, but also made it out with no problem. Dan was able to get more than half way in when a loud cry rang out through the passageway, forcing him to seize up and stiffen. "What was that?" Twilight questioned with concern. Nightmare Moon gave no answer, but called out to the concerned foreigner: "Sir Dan! You must hurry!" Dan hopped across the pools and did his best to speed up his exit as another cry was let loose and the ground at the beginning of the path split and splintered as something traversed beneath it. The creature grew closer to Dan as the skeletal knight made one last jump, landing in front of Nightmare Moon and Twilight, both having readied spells to deal with the attacking beast. A shadowy head rose from the ground and large mandibles reached for Dan's leg, and having caught it, the creature threw him down. Nightmare Moon was the first to fire her magical blast, but the attack seemed to be negated by some strange force. Twilight followed up but the result was the same. Dan struggled to keep away from the beast and stuck his sword at it multiple times before it burrowed back under the ground and retreated. "Well done Sir Daniel, but be wary. Those are the burrowing predators of these deserts known to the Changelings as 'Sand Dragons' and they are not to be taken lightly," The dark alicorn complimented and warned, then headed off into the darkness again now that the immediate threat was gone. "Are they immune to magic or something? Our attacks didn't work at all!" Twilight inquired as the three walked deeper into the darkness of the Hive. "They dwell in mysterious caverns deep within the lands of this world and many are protected against pony magic, yes. Be thankful the attacker we just faced was not fully grown." Nightmare Moon's words caused Twilight to cease walking for a moment as she contemplated the dangers Sand Dragons possessed. "Not fully grown?" Dan questioned as Twilight rushed forward a bit to catch up. "So what happens if you or I come upon one alone?" Twilight questioned as the path took an immediate plunge through another, smaller hole with some kind of changeling webbing around the perimeter. "Then you pray you can successfully attack it. If not, you flee, and even then you probably won't make it." The cold logic and absence of any emotion from the advice gave Twilight chills and made her look over at Dan, more thankful than ever that he had agreed to help them. "We're approaching The Well...be mindful of what you do," NIghtmare Moon cautioned as she lead the other two through another, smaller still, hole with webbing around the perimeter. There was only one path for them to take, and it was surrounded by darkness and neon green sacs of some sort that adorned the walls like blood vessels. The air was colder in this part of the Hive and in the distance another changeling shriek sounded out, and was abruptly stopped by what sounded like a wound that made the throat fill up with blood, distorting the cry. After that, their own breathing was the only sound that could be heard. Nightmare Moon lead on and traversed a great distance into The Well when they came upon the center of the facility. It was a room with many more green sacs on the walls than there were in the halls, and inside the sacs rested many prone changelings. Dan put his hand to his face and slightly recoiled while Twilight's eyes shriveled up at the sight. The most striking object in the room, however, was the large pit filled with the familiar green substance in the sacs. "The Well is a place of mystery and magic, but it is especially dangerous to those not of changeling physiology. Mind your actions around the pit; fall in, and you won't come out...not the same way you were before you fell in." Dan began to wonder how the alicorn could waltz in the Hive so easily, especially knowing how dangerous it was, but another Sand Dragon like rumbling disturbed him out of his thoughts. "Watch yourselves! This foe is beyond you!" The villain's warning was rendered mute when mandibles several times larger than those before broke through the ground and knocked her down; a small trail of blood began to run down the alicorn's face as the Sand Dragon revealed itself fully. It was massive, a dark brown in color, and it's four eyes were blood red. It had two massive arms and two equally massive legs, and on the whole, the creature was easily the height of the Golden Oaks Library, probably a little bigger. Embellished upon it's back were eight orange pods of unknown purpose. Twilight instinctively shot a magic blast at it's chest, but the creature hardly seemed to notice the attack. It's attack cry was not as masculine or as long as Dan expected, but it's short, high pitched, cry had terrifying impact upon their ears and instilled a certain level of fear in his heart regardless. Dan tried his longbow, but the arrows wouldn't stick in the Sand Dragon's tough exterior. In contrast, one mighty swing of the creature's arm knocked Dan back into the wall, cracking it in several places. The skeletal knight proceeded to fall on top of the semi-recovered Nightmare Moon. Twilight jumped forward, eyes wide and heart racing, as the creature struck again. She zig-zagged her way to her companions and was able to take Dan's sword with her magic as the creature's foot came down to crush her. Twilight held the sword up like it was a torch in the middle of a sea of darkness, and closed her eyes as the Sand Dragon's foot drew nearer to her. She was plunged down, through the ground, but not much farther, as the sword at least was able to pierce through the creature's defenses, however slightly, causing it to lift its foot. Unsure if she could meet another attack like that, Twilight rolled away, keeping the sword close, and attempted to get behind the massive foe, where perhaps it was weaker. She charged forward and recalled a similarly daring feat when she and some of her friends encountered the Hydra at Froggy Bottom Bog. Time seemed to slow as her mouth opened and her own battle cry left her lips. The creature didn't seem very affected by the sword wound, but Twilight had faced fierce opponents before, and she wasn't ready to give up. By the time she managed to get behind it Dan and Nightmare Moon had risen and both did what they could, however measly, to distract the Sand Dragon while Twilight attacked from the rear. The arrows bounced off repeatedly and the magical blasts seemed to evaporate when they touched the Sand Dragon's exterior, but the monster was aggravated enough to stomp its good foot in front of them and knock them down before turning back to Twilight. However the unicorn was swift, and as the Sand Dragon turned around, Twilight hurled the sword into one of the eight orange pods and the creature howled in pain at the strike. Twilight retracted the sword just before the creature burrowed down into the ground. Once under the protection of the desert floor, it lashed out against the world itself and pieces of the ceiling fell and the ground splintered around the ponies and their knight ally. "We have to get out of here!" Twilight called out as Dan and Nightmare Moon rushed over, avoiding the failing stalactites. "It will not let us leave now; we fight it and slay it, or we die!" Nightmare Moon shouted back, using her magic to illuminate the floor and reveal the exact location of the beast below them. Upon realizing it had been spotted, the Sand Dragon burst through the floor in front of the three opponents and hit Dan so that he flew back and almost fell into the pit of The Well, barely being caught by Nightmare Moon's magic as the alicorn flew to the side to avoid the attack. At that same time, Twilight took a bold move and plunged the sword into the lower left eye of the beast and gasped as it shook it's head, throwing the sword far behind it and trapping its prey without their only useful weapon. A silent rage possessed the Sand Dragon and it stood still for a moment, letting Twilight and the the others get closer together before it bolted it's mandibles forward and aimed to snap Twilight in half. The unicorn was able to teleport behind the creature in time, but as soon as she vanished, the Dragon fixated on Dan and within a couple of seconds held the skeletal warrior within its massive jaws and snapped his body in two. Nightmare Moon used her magic to create a flash that blinded the creature and forced an illusion of infinite darkness upon it, taking away its ability to see its prey. The villain acted quickly and grabbed both parts of Dan, who was wide eyed at the unfortunate wound, and even more unfortunately, was unable to properly control his lower half. Perhaps it was too great a feat, or maybe something about Equestria made it so that he could not move any part of his body without being attached to the rest of him, but no matter the case, he was rendered more than a little immobile. "Dan! Are you okay?" Twilight called out in the fear that their foreign hero had been slain, but an uneasy nod from the Gallowmerean legend reassured Twilight. She brought the sword up to her side and readied herself as NIghtmare Moon explained the creature's loss of sight. As long as they were careful, they could defeat the Sand Dragon with no further problems. As if that was going to be the case... Nightmare Moon set Dan down and joined Twilight as the creature slowly maneuvered itself to face them. It's sight was gone, but though its hearing was not particularly grand, it could still determine where its meal was. Twilight ran over and Nightmare Moon took flight, intending to end the threat before it could attack them again. Twilight got into position and stood her ground while the creature made its decision to attack. Nightmare Moon cast a spell from above and the sword grew several times in size, and though it put a greater strain on Twilight, she was able to stick it into the beast's upper chest, near the shoulder, and send the behemoth to its back, after which it quickly wormed its way into the ground again. "It worked, but it was not enough! Prepare yourself Twilight Sparkle; we are almost finished!" The dark alicorn called as she descended and more rock debris fell from the cavern ceiling. Twilight put the hilt of the now massive sword on the ground and let some of her energy be diverted from maintaining her grip on it. She wiped away a drop of sweat from her face and looked to Dan, who was lying in wait with his longbow, just in case. A tremendous shaking interrupted her thoughts and before she could react the creature appeared in front of her. Oddly, its back was turned, but Twilight was too focused on attacking to notice that one of the orange pods was opening. The sword came within inches of striking down the Sand Dragon, but from the pod came a foul, heavy gas that contaminated Twilight's air and rendered her immobile; the sword dropped to the ground and returned to its original size. Dan fired several arrows at the creature's wounded eye, allowing Nightmare Moon some time to get Twilight out of harm's way. As she escaped with the unicorn, Dan was left unable to evade the pouncing attack of the massive creature, and the knight was knocked unconscious and his longbow was rendered asunder. The Sand Dragon took a moment to try and figure out the whereabouts of Nightmare Moon and Twilight, using its nose to sense the odor of the gas it sprayed onto Twilight as a tracer. It burrowed into the ground again and swiftly breached the surface, one of its mandibles struck Nightmare Moon in the face and forced her back a couple of steps. She regained composure in time to dash over and avoid a nasty attack with the crushing jaws of the monster before her. Before the creature could act again Nightmare Moon's eyes went white with power and she teleported behind it. She grabbed a hold of several loose stalactites and brought them raining down on the Sand Dragon's body, forcing it away from Twilight and Dan, all while giving the alicorn a perfect opportunity to attack again; it was an opportunity she did not waste. While its head was facing her, she attacked it mentally, corrupting its thoughts and leaving it further dazed. To her surprise it was completely effective, giving her a brilliant idea. Originally she had planned on leaving it stunned just long enough to maneuver around again, and maybe get Twilight back into the fight, but now she could end it all, and she was going to. Summoning her vast power, the villainous alicorn grabbed the sword, bringing it to her frontside and empowering it. The sword grew in size again, but rather than simply plunging it into the dazed monster's body again, she teleported it so that the blade was immersed in the green substance of The Well. After it was coated Nightmare Moon teleported it above the creature as it began to stir and recover. "Face the wrath of confronting the Ruler of Night!" With those words the villain bored the sword into the top orange pod, poisoning the natural chemical make up of the Sand Dragon and causing it great pain as the other pods soon began to be diluted with the power of The Well. It stumbled around and fell to its knees, clawing at the ground and growling in fury and immense pain. Nightmare Moon's first action was to revive Twilight, using her magic to excite the impaired brain activity of Twilight's mind. She slowly came to and found Nightmare Moon over by Dan, attending to his injury and doing her best to forge the two pieces into one again. She saw the massive creature as it's only good left eye began to turn green and it's skin began to shrink, ripping open in various places and exposing the weaker muscles and flesh. She couldn't move or react to anything that went on after she was poisoned, but she did see everything. One of the last things she remembered before coming to and regaining control again was Nightmare Moon's final attacks. It took her a moment to realize that it was kind of a cruel fate. The Sand Dragon was only acting on impulse, yet it was being mutated for it's troubles. Still...she supposed it was better the Sand Dragon than her or her allies. "You did it..." She remarked as she sat down near Dan and began to aide the alicorn in repairing Dan, who had been woken only a moment ago. "It had to be done. Truthfully I am astonished the confusion spell worked. Had it not, we might have ended up as Sand Dragon food." Twilight only looked back at the alicorn with a flustered respect and admiration. She did pull them through, and while Twilight still wouldn't willfully trust her with her life...she would trust her with a lot of other things by this point. Nightmare Moon was earning trust and respect, and was showing that she was committed to ending the magical curse upon the land just as much as the Mane Six and Dan were. Meanwhile, Dan was trying to control himself while the two ponies literally seared his bones back together, reconnecting his lower spine with a crude forging spell. He was glad things turned out okay, but rather disheartened to realize that they still hadn't found any changelings to speak to, and thus, their work was far from done. In all, the time to regroup and rest up took a good 15 minutes, but by the end of it, all three adventurers were ready to begin their trek again. The Sand Dragon had gone prone and was struggling to breath as a purplish slime oozed from its mouth and the rotting pods in its back, all while more of its skin had torn off and only one eye remained partially unchanged by The Well's healing substance. They traveled down the path once more as the atmosphere of battle left them and the mood became eerie and abandoned once more. The usual darkness of the changeling tunnels became familiar again as the green glow of The Well became more scarce. The musky smell of the tunnels was present, but another, fouler smell was haunting the air. "We are close to the Egg Chamber," Nightmare Moon announced as several holes in the wall acted as windows of sorts, showing many a yellow eggs glistening in some sort of mucus a floor or two below their path. Dan was a little disgusted by the sight, but more than that the smell, and yet what he noticed most was the discontent look on Nightmare Moon's face. "What do you think happened down here for them to abandon their eggs like this?" Twilight asked the alicorn, who now looked down at the glimmering embryos with some disdain. "Something very wrong happened here...I only hope there are still changelings left to speak with." "They're not all dead, right?" Dan asked the villain for a change. "I can't say unless we find out what's been going on. If Queen Chrysalis has been killed then this might end up being a waste of time and effort. Without her the other changelings would soon enough fall into anarchy and remain without guidance forever." Within another moment the path lowered them and opened up into a large, flat room. The walls were adorned with bones and other odd trinkets, but those seemed to be natural decor. What concerned the group was the mass of corpses scattered across the room, even going so far down they were even littered before the throne. If the Queen was alive, she was without her throne and likely in the absence of much company.