Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Wait.... there's two now?!

Making a few changes to the last chapter. I'm going to change the pictures and I changed the descriptions.

Also, again, wrote this on my phone.

Chapter 108

"Like I said earlier: Love the house." I shouted back as I walked away from White Noise's and Grey Byte's home slash studio.

"Come back anytime bro!" Byte yelled after me as he closed the door.

[Those guys are awesome! I mean come on, Byte has two wives! I want two wives!]
{Not gonna happen Break, I'm loyal to only Twilight.}
[You're no fun.]

I shrugged as I continued to walk, looking at the surrounding forest. Very creepy.

<I agree, too creepy for me.>

I shuddered slightly, feels like I'm being watched.

[... Wings?]

I spread my wings, which woke Kara up, and jumped into the air, and quickly flew above the trees. There, much better.

I began to fly lazily towards Ponyville.

Kara jumped off my back and soared beside me.

I looked over at her and chuckled, "I see you're finally awake."

She hooted with happiness and flew up closer to me.

I laughed and rolled lazily in the air, "The past few weeks have been crazy. You agree girl?"

Kara gave a nod and flew over me.

I twisted around till I was flying upside down and looked up at Kara, "You know what? I'm just gonna be lazy today." I put my hooves behind my head and crossed my hind legs, still flying upside down.

Kara hooted and dropped down on me, landing on my chest.

I chuckled, "Oh no, you're flying Kara. I'm trying to relax here."

She shrugged and curled up on my chest.

Oh come on! "Kara, you do know I can just turn over and you'll fall off, right?"

She waved me off with her wing.

[Flip over! Do it!]

I sighed and lifted her up, "If you're going to lay on me, let me turn over. You can get on my back."

She nodded and flew off of me and waited for me to turn over.

I smirked, "Now, you gotta catch me!" Her eyes widened as I twisted around and flew towards Ponyville at a high speed.

I laughed loudly as I sped away.

<That wasn't nice.>
[We're only playing. Look, Kara is.... Whoa! She's flying fast!]

I looked back and my mouth fell open, Kara was almost matching my speed. Wow.

No matter, I can just...


... Slam into a tree... Why did I go so low to the ground? I slide down the tree trunk and hit the ground with a small thud.

I slowly sat up from the ground and rubbed my head.

Kara landed in front of me and cocked her head in concern.

I looked at her and chuckled, "Oh, I'm fine. Just hit my head." Again.

I forced myself to stand and sighed, "Every time."

After a few more seconds, I began to walk the short distance to Ponyville. Kara, for once, flew above me.

I walked into town, still rubbing my head.

[Hey Lance, we need your help settling a argument.]
{What is it about?}
[Dawn says our angel form should be called Holy Dawn, but I think we should be called Holy Break. Which one do you like?]
{Tough choice, but, since Dawn is the pure side of me, we're going with Holy Dawn. Of course, I may change it later.}

I chuckled and continued to walk through the town.

.... Bored now!

[You know what we should do?]
[Be idiots!]
{I'm done for this.}

I began to skip, and I mean girly skip, down the street.

All the ponies I past just laughed and continued on with what they were doing. It's a good thing they all know me.

I was having a tiny amount of fun as I skipped through the town, but I quickly became bored again.

[Wow... we have a short attention span.]
<I know right? I think this is the first time we've actually had time to ourselves in a long time.>
[So.... what do we do?]
<No idea. We usually have a problem to solve caused by one of our friends.>
[*Sigh* Shit man...]

I stopped my idiotic skipping and just trotted down the street.

I passed the café I use to work at. It sucks that I was fired after Omnius left the first time. But come on, I forgot all about it.

[I'm surprised we haven't lost Spark yet. I mean, we left our aunts kid at Disney land that one time.]
{Hey! That wasn't my fault! That stupid mouse kept bugging me! How was I suppose to know that the security guards would forget to take him with us when they pulled me off that guy?!}
[Hey, all I'm saying is that I'm surprised we haven't lost one of the kids yet.]

I shrugged and passed it, getting a glance from the cashier.

Just keep on moving Lance. There has to be at least one thing to do.

[Well, there is one thing.]
{And what would that be?}
[Greg is always up to something! And it's been at least two or three hours since the last time we saw him, so he should be back at Sugar Cube Corner.]
{Sure, why not.}

I turned to the left and galloped down the street. Heading for Sugar Cube Corner.

After a good five minute run, I got lost by accident, I came upon the bakery.

I trotted up to the door and pushed it open. On the other side was the usual. Ponies buying deserts and baked goods.

It only took a second to see Greg, who was laying on a table. That's so Greg.

I walked over and cleared my throat, getting his attention.

"Yo man." He said with a smile.

I gave a small wave, "Yo. Listen, I'm bored. You got anything to do?"

He smirked, "Oh yeah. I got a new spell."

I shook my head, "No, no spells." I still remember the last time.

He sighed, "Dude, it's just a mustache spell."

[I want one!]
<Me too!>

I shrugged, "Alright, fine, do it."

He smiled, "Nice. Follow me."

He jumped off the table and lead me up the stairs and to his and Pinkie Pie's room.

I have a bad feeling about this.

He turned and smirked, "Ready?"

I shook my head, "You know, I change my..."

"TO LATE!" He yelled as he aimed his horn at me, and caused a beam of magic to hit me.

Hot... hot... HOT! It feels like someone is sticking a red hot rod in my brain! I'm never listening to Greg again!

I grabbed my head in pain.

[OUCH! It feels like I'm being ripped apart!]
<What's happening?!>

I suddenly shot to the side, slamming into a closet, which broke the door and caused me to land inside it.

"Huh, that's what it does." Greg said.

I rolled over in the pile of dirty clothes and groaned, "What do you mean?"

"Yeah, what do you mean?" Said a voice that sounded like... me?

I stood up and looked at Greg, who was looking at a third pony. I looked at the pony and... WHAT THE! Is that... me?

A pony that looked exactly like me stood up and looked at me, "Whoa!"

This pony was like me in every way! He even had a miniature Break and Dawn on his shoulders.

I and the pony look alike looked at Greg and said at the same time, "Greg! What did you do?!"

We looked back at each other and said, "Whoa..."

Greg smirked, "Nice! I made two Lance's!"

I looked at the other me, "A clone?"

He shook his head, "No, you're the clone."

I held up a hoof, "Okay wait. Let's not argue about this. We both know I'm the real Lance."

The other me furrowed his brow, then smiled, "Yeah, you are the real Lance."

That was easier than they make it out to be in all those movies, "Well, now that that's settled." I looked at Greg, "Fix this."

He shrugged, "I don't know how dude. But come on! You have a clone, think of all the cool things you can do!"

The second me looked at me and smirked, "Oh dude, we can so do this! Come on, we can prank all our friends."

[Do it Lance! It'll be fun!] My Break said happily.
[Aww fuck yeah!] The other Break yelled out.

I shrugged, "Could be fun."

The clone laughed, "Aww sweet."

I chuckled, "One thing, we can't call you Lance. That's my name.'

He waved a hoof, "Say no more, I'll go by Jun. I've always like that name."

I nodded, "I know, one of my favorite names. Okay, Jun, follow me. Time to have some fun!"

Jun laughed and opened a window, "To the wind!"

He jumped out the window and I soon followed.

Once in the air, he looked at me, "I need to know something. We're an angel, right?"

I nodded as I flew beside him, "Yes, we are."

He smiled, "Nice, I want to go into the angel form. How do I again?"

I shrugged, "Do it like you go into Breaking Dawn, just think about it. Shouldn't you know this? You are me after all."

He smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, sorry. Let me try." He closed his eyes and tried to focus. But, as I could see, he failed. "Well, I guess we do have one difference."

"What?" I asked curiously.

He sighed, "I'm not a angel. Damn, that would have been cool to have that form!"

I chuckled, "Don't worry about it."

He looked at me angrily, "Don't worry about it?! If I'm not an angel, that means I can die!"

I stopped flying and held up my hooves, I'm staring to scare myself, "Whoa there, you don't have to worry about that. You won't die anytime soon, it's not as if you're going to throw yourself into danger... wait, you are me... well, let me do all the dangerous stuff then."

He glared and snorted, "This means I can't become the dom.... forget it."

Break leaned over to my ear and whispered, [Something seems off about him]
{I agree.} I whispered back.

He quickly calmed down and smiled, "Sorry about that, you know how we get."

I slowly nodded, "Yeah... It's fine."

He pointed ahead, "Ready?"

I shrugged, "Not really. I kinda need to talk to Twilight. Wanna come?"

He smiled, "Sure, I'll come... mostly because I have to."

Yeah, true. I don't want him running around alone till everyone knows about him. I don't l like this, but meh. He's me, what could be so bad about me?

So much, that's what. Well, as long as I watch him, everything should be fine.

I pointed a hoof forward, "Follow me." I shot forward and began to fly towards Canterlot.

<Hey Lance, remember when I said we're irresponsible?>
<We forgot Kara.>

I facehoofed, I knew I forgot something! Well, she knows were we live. And she always finds me, so I'm not worried.

Ten minutes later

We landed in front of Dali's door and walked in.

I told Jun to follow me and we headed for my... our room. Once there, I opened it to see Spark, but no Twilight. Darn, where is she?

Spark looked at me and smiled, but then looked confused when he saw Jun, "Dad?"

I chuckled, "Don't worry Spark, it's me, and this is my clone... I guess. You can thank Uncle Greg for this." Gonna get him back for this.

Spark looked between us, "Whoa, you look just like each other."

Jun smiled, "Good."

I looked at him, then back at Spark, "Just remember, I'm the real Lance, the one who has the cut on his cheek."

Spark looked at me strangely, "But you don't have a cut on your cheek."

I held up a hoof, "Yet." I picked up a piece of paper and pulled it across my cheek, causing a paper cut to form. I winced in pain, but it was worth it. Now I look slightly different from Jun.

Spark sighed, "Oh dad, really?"

I shrugged, "Yes, really. Now, I need you to do something."

He smiled, "What is it dad?"

I pointed to the open window, "Can you go hang out with Nova or something. I need to speak to your mom in private."

He sighed, "Can't, see's with her new coltfriend."

Poor kid, "Oh... well go play with Star Chaser."

He hung his head, "Yeah, that could be fun." He then hovered off the bed and flew out the window.

When he get's back, I'll help him with this problem. But for now...

"Okay Jun, go in the living room. I've got to do something."

Jun nodded and left the room.

I walked over to my desk and pulled out a piece of paper. I then wrote, "Twilight, there are two of me, Lance. The real me has a cut on his face. So please don't get confused."

I placed that on the desk and moved to my dresser.

"Hey Lance, I just saw Twilight." Jun said as he ran into the room.

I turned, "You did? Where?"

He chuckled, "She said she was teleporting to the library."

I cocked my head, "Why?"

He shrugged, "Don't know. But she thought I was you and told me to get to the library as fast as I could."

Oh no, what's wrong now?! "Okay, you stay here. I'll go meet her at the library. I'll tell her about you when I get there."

He nodded, "Sounds like a plan. I'll stay here till you get back."

I flew to the window but stopped, "One last thing, remember: You're not the real me, so if you see anyone we know, tell them."

He saluted, "Can do!"

I smiled and flew out the window.

I have to hurry! By the way he said it, it sounds urgent!

I flapped my wings harder and pushed myself to fly faster.

Back at Dali's house

Jun smirked, "Idiot." He then chuckled and jumped on the bed, "Can't believe he actually believed me."

He stretched out and laid back.

Twilight walked in and looked at him, "What did you want me to do again Lance?"

He looked at her and smiled, "Oh nothing Twi, just wanted you to stay away from the room while I prepared."

She cocked her head, "For what?"

He smirked, "I think you know."

She giggled, "But the kids?"

"They already left. It's only us." He said, licking his lips.

She trotted to the bed, "I see."

Jun sat up and smirked slyly, "You're all mine."

Oh shit! This can't be good XD