8-Bit Pony

by Dawn Flower


“What in the ten thousand Hells is that thing?” Black Mage retorted, staring at the unicorn stallion in front of him.

“Awww, little thing’s kinda cute.” Fighter followed up.

The unicorn stallion regarded them both strangely. It quickly looked between them, and looking them both up and down, while trying to figure out just what these strange things are. “So… what are you guys supposed to b…”

“It talks!” Fighter interrupted him, his arms spread high in the air. “That’s so awesome. Can I ride it?”

Black Mage turned back around to face Fighter. “No Fighter. You can’t ride it. You have no idea where it’s been.”

Fighter then looked down at his feet, dejected. “Awww, man. You don’t let me ride ponies, crimes against nature, or hobos or anything. You’re no fun.”

“Please be quiet while I try to figure this out.” Black Mage then turned back around to look at the unicorn in front of him. “Now then,” he started. “The logical explanation here is that we have been transported to another dimension; one in which ponies are the dominant species, but are different from the types of ponies that we have back in our dimension, and probably have access to forms of magic that we have never known before.”

When he was finished speaking, he then turned back around to face Fighter. “What do you think of that theory, Fighter?”

Fighter simply stared back at him for several seconds before responding. “How many times have you turned around now?”