The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab

by Fuzzyfurvert

211. Osmosis by Silver Scrolls

by Silver Scrolls


Celestia looked down at the hyperventilating purple alicorn that, just this morning had called her to tour the new castle she had been given. A smile had worked its way onto her lips and had stubbornly refused to go away, something about the smaller alicorn always made her smile, even before she was an alicorn the small mare had brought a smile to her lips. Celestia chuckled a little as Twilight’s hoof started moving in and out with her breathing. Breath out, extend the hoof, breath in and pull it in. Everytime the hoof approached her Celestia had to resist the urge to bump it with hers and mimic the poor thing in fornt of her.

Finally Twilight managed to calm herself and her horn lit up as a stack of note cards popped into existence. She flipped through them, whispering to herself nervously as she read each card before they suddenly vanished with a pop and Twilight finally looked up at her mentor. Smiling weakly she cleared her throat. “So umm, yea, this part.” Her breath hitched for a moment before she shook herself. “OSMOSIS!” She screamed and turned bright red before dropping down to her belly and covering her eyes.

Celestia tilted her head with a titter. “The process of a soluble moving across a semipermeable membrane to a medium with a lower concentration of the same soluble.” She lowered herself until her face was right in front of the quivering purple mess on the floor. “What about it?”

Twilight eeped and scooted backwards. “You are correct. I wanted to talk about a new way to apply that principle. It’s something I discovered with friendship and wish to try and apply in a new field of research.” Twilight tipped a table over and hid herself behind it. “When discovering how to be a friend and what friendship entails I discovered that I had very little friendship but the five mares I would come to call my greatest friends had a lot.” She took a deep breath. “I surmised that perhaps ponies were a semi permeable membrane and friendship was a soluble. If this was the case then perhaps it could apply to other emotions.” She stopped talking and the table shook violently causing Celestia to worry slightly.

Rising to her hooves she silently moved towards the table. “That interesting idea. It makes a fair bit of sense as well but what does it have to do with this?”

The table slowed a little. “One emotion I chose to research in this case was love.” The room grew extremely quiet and Celestia paused. “I observed budding romances amongst the population of Ponyville and surmised that I was correct. Emotion is a soluble and it can move from pony to pony and in this case even be forced across the membrane to a small degree.” A purple horntip peaked above the table. “As such I came to wonder if perhaps the love I held in my heart had perhaps traveled across the pony membrane into another, a very specific mare whom I cherished above all others.” The table scooted across the floor towards Celestia. “I thought that maybe the large amount of love I had had perhaps bled over and the mare might return my feelings.”

Celestia lifted a hoof and it bumped against the table causing it to stop. Slowly she moved her head to look over the table to the mare hiding behind it.”Would that mare perhaps be-” She was unable to finish as a pair of purple lips decided to cut her off by creating a perfect seal with hers. The kiss felt warm, and a little hungry. It wasn’t a physical hunger it was a hunger of the heart, it begged for the recipient to return it, to confirm everything behind the kiss and the recipient was more than willing. Her horn lit in a golden glow and Twilight was lifted from behind the table and into Celestia’s waiting embrace as she returned the kiss wholeheartedly.