Rarity's 5 Spikes

by trahzo

Chapter 7: Rescuing Rarity!

*POW!* Human Spike's fist went after punching a diamond dog in the face!

The Diamond Dogs returned and with earplugs to kidnap Rarity who recently got married to & had kids with all 5 Spikes prior to this chapter. The Diamond Dogs intended to bring her back to the mines so she could be their slave and mine gems forever! What they didn't account for was the 10 heroes who would stop them, the other members of the mane 6, and the 5 Spikes! Stallion Spike used his magic to amplify Dragon Spike & Barb''s flames, burning 20 dogs to cinders! Human Spike used his technical genius to create electric fists that could dish out 300+ watts of pain! Anthro Spike over powered Spot & Fido! The Mane 6 then freed Rarity! Then it was just down to Rover.

"Really? Why do me always lose?I Me thought we'd win this time with the earplugs!"

"Well too bad, now it's time finish you guys off. Hey Dragon Spike, Me and human, have been working on a special something something for you all to use to end a foe's life!" Then Twilight pulled out a purple and green football!

" *Gasp!* Yes!" They all knew what was going to happen!

"Goranger Hurricane!" All 5 called out!

1st, Human Spike served it!

"Barb, quick!"

Then Barb kicked it around like a hacky sack, then launched it with the headbutt!


Then Stallion Spike bucked it!


Then Anthro caught it and planted it on the ground!

"Now's your chance Dragon!"

"Here I go, END BALL!!!" Then Dragon Spike punted the football at Rover!

"Oh-no, what's gonna happen?" Rover was frozen with fear, then the football bounced off his chest. "Ha ha, loser..." Then the ball exploded, killing Rover!

Rarity then ran to her heroes to give them all an individual kiss on the lips.

"My heroes."

The End.