//------------------------------// // Chapter Six: Au Naturale! // Story: Rarity's 5 Spikes // by trahzo //------------------------------// Rarity awoke to breakfast in bed, after breakfast she headed out. She freshened up in her own bathroom since the castle had none of the things she usually has to be ready in the morning. So after Rarity went with the slow business day, she got herself ready for her date! "Oh Spike, my OG Spikey Dragony Wikey, I'll make sure this date ends with sex!" She said with a grin of naughtiness. "1st on my list, do not buy condoms, check!" Later...Rarity met with her Drake of drakes at the castle. "Hello milady!" "Hello spike, my love..." Then this played in the background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KISNrYsJsEY&list=PL2957EFFE385B585D&index=18 "Spike..." "Rarity..." "Spike..." "Rarity..." "Oh Spike..." "Oh Rarity..." Then the background music stopped with Twilight intervened. "Hey Rarity." said Twilight "Uh...Rarity? Spike? Hello?" They were way too lost in each other's eyes, that they didn't even notice Twilight shooting their butts with magical energy, so Twilight decided to pour water all over them. That's when Spike used an umbrella to protect Rarity's mane. "Nice try Twilight, but you're right, we'd better get going. Let's Go Rarity." "We'll see you later Twilight at the slumber party." Rarity said as they walked away. "Bye." Then just before Twilight went back into the Castle, she used her magic to create a shield that bounced the flower pot into air. "Ha, not today!" So now we Spike and Rarity having fun at the Bleach, I mean beach, sorry I was thinking of the anime while at the beach the other day. Rarity had a 2 piece swimsuit that Spike couldn't believe looked great on her. Then again come-on, it's Rarity am I right? "Is that a carrot dog or are you just happy to see me darling?" Then Spike looked down in panic. "Tee hee, don't worry Spike, you're little one's calm." "You troll!" "Now, would you like to apply sunblock to my back?" *Thud!* So, the day went on with Rarity and Spike tossing & catching a Frisbee, kicking everyone's flanks at Volley Ball, drinking mango smoothies, sharing a carrot dog with whipped cream behind some rocks...wait, why would they be eating in a secluded area? They don't need to be alone to eat, no one would care. *Extra walks in and whispers in my ear.* Huh? What's that? Oh, is that so? Okay, now get lost! To rephrase that...you know when I said sharing a carrot dog with whipped cream? I meant to say Rarity sucked on his scaley cock a doodle doo! I'm sorry for the bad joke. Also, the whipped cream, I'm sure you know by now what that is...I'm in trouble aren't I? Well, after that, as soon as they emerged from behind the rocks, no-one noticed the ___ all over Rarity's face because it was so white, that it blended in with her white fur. Dang, you never thought I'd go that far did you? Well, I did, fuck you man or woman! "I'm sorry." "It's okay Spikey-Wikey, just promise next time, your baby gravy goes into my vag." "Wait what?" "Ku, ku, ku!" Dammit Rarity, lower naughtiness would yah! Rarity and Spike then laid on the blanket. They bothnoticed all of the children and felt awkward from seeing so many. "Do you feel like having children one day Spikey-Wikey? It's physically possible for us, you & I, I'm not talking about the Stallion you." "YES!" Spike blurted out, making everyone think he's crazy. Then again... "Hey, it's Spike, savior of the Crystal Empire, Princess Twilight Sparkle's Number One, Element of Generosity's boyfriend!" Then everyone clapped and cheered for no reason at all. "Oh, I'll assure you all, that he'll be my husband soon!" Then they began cheering got louder. "Now, would you please leave us be?" They all obliged and then went back to doing what they were doing. "Phew, thank goodness my titles kept me from making everyone think I'm crazy." Spike & Rarity had a wonderful time at the beach but then it was time to go, besides Dan ruined everything taking his revenge on the beach! So they went back to the castle for the Slumber party, unfortunately it was girls only so only Barb was allowed to join them, but after it ended Rarity led all 5 Spikes to bed, and then their night ended with hours of passion between Rarity, her 4 boyfriends, and one girlfriend...yep, plagiarism if I ever seen it!"