Rarity's 5 Spikes

by trahzo

Chapter Tres: The Same Species!

"Get bent Thunderlane!"

"Nu-uh! I'm here to tell you why this isn't right! Rarity, you & I belong together!"

"No we don't Thunderlane, you took my friendly hug to seriously."

"Rarity, baby! You know you don't really mean all of that, do you? Besides, this isn't even this world's Spike, the Spike we all know is a dragon which automatically means that the Spike right here is not compatible because he's not naturally a pony!"

"I care not about the species, as long as there's love, it will work out!" Rarity said.

"Yeah, we have a bunch of interspecies relationships besides us! Here in Ponyville, we got Fluttershy & Iron Will!"

Then Thunderlane shot a disgusted look!

"In Apploosa, Breaburn and Little Strong Heart!"

Then he felt a pain!

"Canterlot, Princess Celestia & Discord!"

Then the pressure caused him to open himself up fro an attack! Stallion Spike then sent Thunderlane blasting off with a fire spell! Then Rarity hugged and kissed her hero!

"That ruffian was getting on my nerves!"

"Same here, now let's go before the movie begins!"

Then they made it, 2 minutes before the movie began! The movie they were watching was serious romance, called Mike's 5 Kerri's...I'm in trouble aren't I? They sat down, and Rarity leaned against Spike, he responded by putting his hoof around her back. She silently sighed in delight. Spike planted a kiss on her forehead, and she nuzzled him. H-hey, manager, can you please remove that rude guy in the front he's got his phone on! Thanks for removing...hey, wait, why are you telling me to leave? Then the manager pointed to a sign that said no yelling, then I was kicked out. Fortunately with my reality bending powers as the author, I can still narrate! So they used their magic to feed popcorn each other.

"Aren't you on a diet?" Spike whispered.

"Yes, but today is binge day!"

"Okay then."

They then sat quietly throughout the movie until a romantic scene where they couldn't take it & just made out right there in the middle of the audience! No one noticed because some did the same thing, while the non-studs struck out miserably! Soon, Stallion Spike & Rarity broke the kiss and looked straight at each other happily. Soon the movie ended and the 2 lovebirds exited with thier heads leaning on each other.

"What a magical time!"

"It's as I always imagined, well how dragon me imagined it any way, he he!" Stallion Spike joked! "But yeah, I had a great time as well!"

"So, do you have any other plans?"

"We could take a long walk in the park before it gets dark!"

"Good suggestion, I just have to leave by 7:45 because that's when I have to pick-up Sweetie Belle from Applejack's/"

"Then let's get a move on my white flame!"

"Oh you!"

So they went down the road, seeing others on dates, others buying ice cream, and others packing-up their picnic items and carrying their sleepy children home, which caused something in Spike to feel uneasy...

"Something he matter Spikey-Wikey?"

"Wha? Oh, no I'm fine, I guess I'm just getting tired!"

"Good timing, because we have just finished our walk! I'll see the next you tomorrow."

"Okay...bye Rarity!" Then they left, and when Spike returned to the palace the other Spike's were doing...something.

"Hey, glad you're back Pony me, quick, get that welding torch off the shelf!" said Human Spike.

"Okay, but what are you doing?'

"Oh, it's something that Rarity is going to love, I assure you!" Human Spike told him.