//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Where have I seen this Before? WHERE?!!! // Story: Rarity's 5 Spikes // by trahzo //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle and Spike were in a quiet grassy field trying to practice the replication spell! "Okay Twilight, I'm wide open!" "Here I go!" Twilight focused hard until... "HI!" "Ah!" Then the shot blasted into the sky! "Pinkie, what are you doing here?" "You mean, what am I doing here again? With Rarity, again!" Then Rarity spotted Spike and gave him a big hug. "Pinkie, will you ever...EVER make sense?" "I don't think so, and as I remember, we should step away!" Then the shot began falling down towards Rarity & Spike! "Rarity, Spike, heads-up!" They called out, but it was too late, the shot landed! They were to busy canoodling to notice, yes, I just used canoodling! That's when the blast hit them! "Oh-no, are they alright?" The moron wondered. "Hey that's mean!" "Not as mean as this! Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats...HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now take down the stupid pink one!" "Aaaaah, Fluttershy help meeeeeee!" Then Pinkie Pie ran all the way to Fluttershy's cottage while the Thundercats chased her down! Rarity waved her front hooves clearing away the smoke! "Spike, are you okay!" "Yes, Rarity, I'm in fact fine after being hit by that magical force." "Oh, phew, if I could find you in this fog, I'd hug you right now!" "Aw, you're always so sweet on me that I don't deserve it!" This sounds similar...BUT TO WHAAAAAAAAT!!! "Spikey-wikey? Spikey poo? Where are you? *cough!* blasted smoke!" Then she felt some scales. "Oh, there you are my darling Spikey! Here comes a kiss, pucker-up!" "Whoa, pony who looks like Elusive, I am not Spike!" Said a female voice. Where have I seen this before...it's so fucking WEIRD, I feel like I read something similar! "Wait, what?" Then the smoke cleared revealing 5 Spikes! Regular Spike, Anthro Spike, Human Spike, Stallion Spike, and Barb the R63 Spike! "Oh, so that's why you called me Spike, because I look like him!" "Wow Twilight the spell worked!" A bruised "Yeah, but not in the way I intended!" "Finally! I always wanted brothers, now I have 3 and a sister!" "This is no time for stupid comments Spike, okay everyone, follow me!" "Coming!" Then all 5 Spikes, well 4 Spikes & Barb all lifted-up Rarity! Rarity felt like a queen! So, soon, they were all in Twilight & Spike's room to explain themselves! "Okay, lets' start with you!" "Hi, I'm Barb! I was thinking about what would happen if I suddenly turn lesbo, and now that I'm in a world where my handsome stallion: Elusive is now the beautiful mare: Rarity..." then she put a claw to her chin. "...I guess I'm turning lesbo!" "Alright, strange monkey Spike's turn, go!" "1st of all, I'm a human, 2nd of all, humans and apes only share genes, 3rd of all, I was just hanging out on my bed, tossing a baseball around feeling curious about bestiality, but now that I live in a world where Rarity is a pony..." Then he put his hand on her back. "...I guess I get to experience that!" "Okay, human looking but still a dragon Spike, go!" "I'm an anthro! Anyway, I was just wondering the same thing as well!" Then he put his claw on Rarity's back as well! "Pony Spike...(Oh gosh, do I need to break-up with Flash Sentry?) Go!" "Hey, I live in a world where dragons are the dominant species, I had just gotten rejected by Rarity because we're the different species, but now that I'm in a world where she is a pony..." then he had a pleading face! "...Please?" "Why of course, all of you are alternate versions of my wonderful darling Spike that I wouldn't mind having you all 5 of you as my harem! Hooray, I get to have Spike 5 times over!" "Geez, why don't you just go on your 1st date already?" "Hmph, you're just jealous because more males & females are attracted to me than you darling!" Then Twilight looked away and then took Pinkie to the hospital for her messed-up face! "So, I wonder who's gonna take me on my 1st date!" Then all 5 turned and discussed! "Break!" "Okay Rarity, after talking it over, your 1st date with one of us will count as the 1st date with all 5 of us, so, to be similar to that other story..." Wait, did human Spike say other story? "I'll be your 1st date, girlfriend!" "Ooh la la, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye everyone." "Bye Rarity! *Sigh!* " they all replied.