The Crusader

by Kasune

Summer Sun Celebration Pt. I

“Nuh uh!”

“Yuh huh!”

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “It doesn't make any sense, Applebloom!”

“Like anything 'bout Ms. Pie makes sense.”

“That doesn't mean she has horseshoes of improbability,” huffed Diamon Tiara. “If she had a magic item from an old mare's tale, why would she even be living in Ponyville?”

“Thhe could be a retired adventurer.” Twist spoke up. “Maybe thhe wath friendth with Daring Do.”

“As if.”

The three fillies had grabbed a table in Sugarcube Corner, a milkshake sitting in front of each of them. Diamond Tiara scoffed at her friends as she busied herself wiping dirt off of her hooves. Twist was quietly drinking her shake, occasionally piping in as Applebloom told tall tales.

“Ah'm bein' serious.” Applebloom slammed a hoof on their table. “Ya know, Ah saw her walk through a mirror once.”

“So she's clumsy.”

The yellow filly rolled her eyes. “Not inta a mirror, through the reflection.”


“Hey, girls.” A pink mare popped up between Twist and Diamond Tiara, a cupcake balanced on her nose. “What cha talkin' about?”

“Your horthethoeth of improbability.” Twist answered as her two friends looked around in confusion at how Pinkie Pie had snuck up on them.

“That's silly.” Pinkie Pie remarked, waving her hooves for everyone to see. “I don't even wear shoes.”

“Ha!” Diamond Tiara smirked at her friend before turning her attention back to Pinkie Pie. “Applebloom was trying to tell us she saw you walking in a mirror.”

“Oh, that probably has something to do with my planeswalker piercing.” She responded, tossing the cupcake in the air and catching it in her mouth.

Applebloom narrowed her eyes at the chewing pony. “But, ya don' got any piercings.”

“Or do I?” Pinkie Pie whispered as she wrapped a hoof around Applebloom's shoulders, somehow having gotten around to the other side of the table. After a moment of silence had descended on the table, she started giggling.

“Tho, are you friendth with Daring Do?”

“Of course not.” Pinkie scowled, putting on an air of dignity. With a wink at Twist, she added, “She never shows up for any of my 'You Survived a Deathtrap' parties. Granted, they were deathtraps.” She let loose a maniacal laugh, then ruffled Applebloom's mane. “I've gotta get back to work girls. Maybe I'll tell you more later.” With that said, she ducked under the table.

Diamond Tiara glanced under the table to see that the mare had disappeared. “Okay, I'll admit that was weird.”

“Why's everypony gotta do that.” Applebloom groaned as she smoothed out her mane.

Diamond Tiara slid over, reruffling Applebloom's mane. “Because we know it's just going to get dirty again.”

“Hmph.” The yellow filly jumped out of her seat. “Fine. Ah don' gotta take this.” She smirked, lightly kicking Diamond Tiara's flank. “Granny Smith wants mah help settin' up fer the family reunion tomorrow anyways.”

“Thee you at the Thummer Thun Thelebration?” Twist asked, leaning forward.

“Cain't keep me away,” smirked Applebloom as she walked out the door.

An air of busyness surrounded Sweet Apple Acres as several ponies rushed about the farm, many carrying crates or other supplies. Applebloom smiled as she weaved between ponies, making her way to one of the supply carts in front of the farmhouse. “Hey, Applejack, Big Mac. What's-”

“Cain't talk.” Applejack grunted as she lifted a crate, setting it on her brother's back. “Ain't ya sposed ta be helpin' Granny Smith?”

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh nodded, walking off in the direction of the barn.

Applebloom groaned at the tag team tattling. “Ah just wanted ta say howdy 'fore Granny sent us all on errands.”

“Nope.” Applejack lifted a crate for herself, stepping off the cart. “Got a last minute order from the Princess, so yer doin' full duty this time.”

“What!?” Applebloom jumped ahead of her sister, coming face to face with her. “That ain't fair!”

“Ya don' turn down a royal order.” Applejack deftly maneuvered around the filly. “If'n we cin finish in time, we'll help settin' up the reunion.”

“Ugh.” Applebloom grumbled, trudging to the farmhouse. Just as she was about to open the front door, she put on a huge grin. It wasn't like her and Granny could finish all on their own. Even if it meant a little extra work for her, they would still get some help. “Hey, Granny, what d'ya want me ta do first?”

Applebloom collapsed on her bed. “Ah cain't believe we set up the whole reunion by ourselves.”

“Yer siblin's don' know what they missed.” Granny Smith cackled as she made her way past Applebloom's room.

The filly groaned, massaging her shoulder.

“Howdy, Aaapppllleeeebloooom!” A stallion grinned as he slid into the room, hopping onto the bed. “Rise 'n' Shine, cousin!”

“The sun ain't even up.” Applebloom mumbled, rolling over. “Five more minutes, Braeburn.”

“Well, shucks,” Braeburn tipped his hat, climbing off the bed. “If ya don't want no breakfast, Ah'll jus' let Granny Smith know.” He smiled as he walked out of the room.

After realizing what she'd said, Applebloom bolted upright and, after struggling against her covers, hopped out of bed. “Braeburn?” She galloped out of the room.

Right into a noogie. “No, Braeburn! Stahp!” She giggled between shouts before finally shoving the tan stallion away. “Ah gotta find somehow to stahp ponies from doin' that.”

“And ruin all the fun?” Braeburn gave his best innocent smile.

Applebloom sat down as she rolled her eyes, not that her cousin could see it. “Ya said somethin' 'bout breakfast.”

“Jus' figured that'd get ya up.” Braeburn poked her in the side. “I'm not sure Macky remembers escortin' me from the train station last night. How 'bout we surprise everypony with some griddle cakes?”

Applebloom grinned mischievously. “Ah call the non burny parts!” She laughed as she bounded for the stairs.

“Ya've done this before, right?”

“How hard can it be?”

“That don' look right...”

“Ah just need ta figure out how to work this.”

“What d'ya mean by that?”

“Hey, ya'll gonna burn Granny's griddle!”

“Don' do that!”




“What in tarnations is goin' on down here!” Applejack stood in the doorway, her eyes barely open and her mane going every which way but right.

The two ponies looked at each other, Applebloom covered in pancake batter and Braeburn in ash before turning their attention back to the sleepy farm mare. “It was his(her) idea!” They shouted in unison.

“Ya'd let a little filly take the blame?”

“Ya said ya knew what ya were doin'.”

“Ah do! Mostly...”

“That's enough.” Applejack glared at her relatives. “Me an' Big Mac was up all night, most ponies'll be arrivin' at ten, and,” she made a show of checking her bare hoof, “it's 'The-sun-is-still-down' o'clock. Clean up, be quiet, and Ah'll make breakfast when Ah wake up.” She turned around and trotted towards the stairs. Pausing, Applejack looked over her shoulder. “After dawn.”

“That was a mighty fine breakfast, Applejack.” Braeburn smiled, patting his stomach. “Why, Ah do-”

“Hush, you.” Applejack stated firmly as Big Macintosh started picking up the breakfast dishes. Braeburn cringed, directing his gaze downwards. “Ah love ya, Brae, but can ya act yer age fer today?”

The stallion leveled his eyes at Applejack. “Honestly? Why, it's jus' family 'round today.”

“Actually, a Canterlot representative should be poppin' in.” The orange mare stood up, walking towards the sink. “She'll be 'specting this last minute caterin' job. An' we wanna make a good impression over a royal order.”

Braeburn's eye's widened. “Anyway ya want me ta help?”


Applejack chuckled. “Big Mac's right. We actually got e'erything done last night.” The two siblings worked together to clean the dishes. “Just behave yourself and enjoy the reunion.”

“Shucks, that's-”

“Not mutually exclusive.” Applejack shot a glance over her shoulder. “If'n ya know what's good fer ya.”

“Fine.” Braeburn grumbled. Then, with a grin, he elbowed Applebloom. “Ah'm sure we cin occupy ourselves someway.” He stood up and walked away from the table, trailed by the youngest Apple sibling. Stepping outside, he smirked at Applebloom. “So, cousin. Tell me 'bout the mares o' Ponyville.”

“-and then she tol' us somethin' 'bout a planeswalker piercing, but she don' got no earrings.”

“Ya don' say.”

“Ah think she were foolin' with us.” Applebloom pouted, lowering her head onto the picnic table. “Said somethin' 'bout throwin' parties fer Daring Do.”

Braeburn patted his cousin's back. “Ah'm sure she was jus' tryin' ta keep yer spirits up. Sure sounds like that kinda filly.” All around the two ponies other ponies were lost in their own conversations and activities, the Apple Family reunion in full swing. “Well, ain't she just the purdiest thang?”

“Huh?” The filly looked up, following her cousin's gaze. A purple unicorn was walking towards Sweet Apple Acres, a small dragon riding on her back. “Ya think she's pretty?”

“She's a bit on the small side, but Ah'd say yeah.”

“Just a moment.” Grinning, Applebloom hopped up from the table and trotted up to the unicorn, each reaching the gate at about the same time.

“Well, howdy there!” Applejack beamed as she trotted up to the gate as well. “Welcome ta Sweet Apple Acres! How cin Ah help ya?” She stuck her hoof out at the unicorn.

“I'm Twilight Sparkle.” The unicorn replied, shaking hooves with Applejack. “I'm supposed-”

“I'm Spike!” The dragon on her back piped up.

Twilight shot her rider a dark glare, then turned her attention back to Applejack. “I'm sup-”

“Mah name's Applebloom!” The filly pitched in, hopping next to Twilight.

The unicorn stomped, a wild look in her eyes. “ImsupposedtomeetmissApplejackaboutthesummersuncelebrationcatering!” Applebloom took a step back from the crazy mare.

“That'd be me. “ Applejack chuckled, taking a step forward. “Here ta check on the vittles? Well-”

A clanging bell interrupted Applejack as Granny Smith took to the porch. “SOUP'S ON!”

“What timin'.” She smiled, placing a hoof over Twilight's shoulder. “We prepped most o' the same Apple Family specialties, so ya cin test e'erything without divin' inta the reserves fer tanight.”

Twilight ducked under Applejack's hoof, backing up. “Oh, that's not necessary. I just needed to make sure everything is ready for tonight. As it seems you have everything under control, I should be on to my next stop.”

Spike poked the back of her head. “It's gonna be a long night not to eat, Twilight.” He punctuated with a rub of his stomach.

She shook her head in response. “We're on a pretty tight schedule as it is, Spike.”

“Don'cha wanna have lunch with us?” Applebloom said as she sidled up to Twilight, firing up her best imitation of a sad puppy.

For all that it's worth, Twilight Sparkle lasted a good five seconds longer than most adult ponies ever did against The Pout before her resolve melted away. “My schedule...” She sighed, lowering her head in defeat. “I could do lunch.” She cast a quick glance at Spike. “A quick lunch.”

“Yay!” Applebloom bounced into the air, transformed from a vision of sadness to joy. “Wanna come sit next ta me?”


“She has that effect.” Applejack smiled, patting Twilight on the back. “Ah promise it's safe.” Catching sight of Braeburn waving at them, her smile changed to a smirk. “Relatively speaking, that is. Ah'll catch up shortly ta talk arrangements and such.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” The unicorn replied numbly, opting to follow Applebloom as she bounced back to the picnic table she'd been sitting at.

“Well, howdy there, miss.” Braeburn smiled as the trio approached the table. Welcome ta Sweet Aaapppllleeee Acres!”

Applebloom hopped onto the bench, spinning around to level her eye at Twilight. “He has a crush on you.”


“Oh, yeah. Been watchin' ya e'er since ya walked down the road.” She looked past Twilight, feigning attention. “Ah think somepony's callin' mah name. Better go an' help pass out pies.” Applebloom winked at Spike as she jumped off the bench, dodging Braeburn's attempt to grab her.

“Pie? I want some!” The dragon smirked as he jumped off of Twilight's back, chasing the filly. He caught up as she ducked behind a tree, taking a vantage point to watch. “Why'd we do that now?”

“Woke me up 'fore the crack a' dawn.” Applebloom grinned as she watched the two ponies attempt conversation without blushing. “Least Ah could do was embarrass mah cousin. You?”

“Her teacher told her to make some friends.” He smirked mischievously. “And she's sort of like my big sister.”

“That's the spirit.” She lightly popped Spike's shoulder. “Gonna be around fer the Celebration tanight?”

“That's the plan.” Spike rubbed a claw over his shoulder. “Why?”

Applebloom put on an innocent look. “Ah know a filly who could use a little fright.”