//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery in Equestria // by Probably Minion //------------------------------// "Hey Discord, get Princess Celestia on the other end on the video chat line!" said Dr. Evil. "With pleasure!" said Discord and he called Princess Celestia and she answered immediately. "What do you want this time Dr. Evil?" asked Princess Celestia with an angry look on her face. "Princess Celestia I have called you to inform you that the six ponies that you sent to stop me and Discord fell into my trap and are currently being held against their will!" said Dr. Evil. "The six ponies have the Elements of Harmony that are protecting them from any harm and there is nothing you can do the defeat them." said Princess Celestia. "Oh..... so that's what they're wearing around their necks. I thought it was just a new fashion trend!" chuckled Dr. Evil. "Twilight, if you hear me I want you to power up the Elements of Harmony as soon as possible to save Equestria." said Princess Celestia. "Goodbye Princess Celestia. I hope you enjoy not having any power once Discord and I fire this laser within the next few minutes!" laughed Dr. Evil and he hung up. Right after he hung up, he saw that Austin and Scootaloo somehow figured out how to open the cage that the Mane 6 were being held in and they were ready to power up and defeat this "dynamic duo".