Angel Skylight: How Angels Fall and Fly Again

by ThornDrayton

-(- Chapter 1 -)- New Homes and New Foods

From that point onwards, Angel tried having a normal pegasus life. But, since he had only a single wing on his body and lived in pegasus-only Cloudsdale, he had much trouble getting from point A to point B so as he needed his parents help to get to school, visit the doctor and such. Since he was born a pegasus, he still retained the ability to stand and manipulate clouds, but that didn't come in to much use very often.

After some rough years, he managed to live on to the age of 19 years old. And he saw it fit that his parents couldn't chauffeur him around Cloudsdale all his life. So, to make nearly everypony's life easier, he decided to move to the small town of Ponyville. He didn't really see any other reason to live anywhere else. Canterlot was way expensive, Manehatten was too claustrophobic as he wasn't much of a big city stallion, and anywhere else was just really far away. So, nearby Ponyville seemed to fit the bill.

"Hey! Careful with that!" He snatched a box from one of the home-mover ponies and opened to still see if what was inside was still there. As expected, it was. He walked into his new little cottage on the outskirts of the town and placed it carefully on a mantelpiece. He watched as the mover earth ponies dragged and lugged furniture from the van outside into the home. Angel had to have it all perfect as he was a perfectionist like that. Always have to finish details to the best it can be.

He payed the earth ponies with what little Bits he could spare and they went on their way, leaving a near Bit-less Angel and a old cottage behind them. Angel set to work rearranging the furniture so try were all in their most effective positions, or at least where he thought they would fit best.

After what seemed like two hours of wood shifting and ornament tweaking, he finally was finished with the task. And boy, was it annoying. One lamp wouldn't light up the entirety of a desk he placed, and it took him much more time than it should of to get the positioning of it perfect. But, alas, if he didn't do it, it would bug him until he actually did it. And that would just be irritating for something so linear to still be in his mind when he was hanging out at the local tavern, or out at a restaurant. Speaking of restaurants, Angel was absolutely famished.

Since his fridge wasn't properly hooked up yet, he had to go and grab a bite to eat from the locals. Since he didn't know the town at all, he figured he'd just walk around and hope he stumbles into a stall or a cafe. So that's what he did. Not many other ponies were out today, apart from three little fillies racing around on a wagon. They seemed to have fun, and they were laughing a lot. Angel decided to not be a pervert however and he kept walking down the unfamiliar roads.

"Hey, uh, excuse me? Mister?" A tiny hoof tapped his hind leg, and he spun around to see one of the fillies that was racing around just then was now in front of him, She had spiky mauve hair, and an orange coat.

"Oh, hello there squirt, Whaddya want?" Angel reviewed his statement in his mind and realized he sounded a bit rude, but she was only... what, 10 years old? She probably didn't notice, Angel reassured himself.

"Are you a pegasus? Like me?" She fluttered her tiny wings and gave a small smile.

"Uh... yes? Why would you be asking me that?" A bit of confusion swept over him. The little filly stopped flapping her wings and pointed to his wingless side with her hoof, a face of thought over her.

"You only have one wing. Pegasi have two. Are you like some really freaky alicorn or something?"

"What? No, I'm not an alicorn... it was an acci-" He was cut short when a earth filly wearing a big red bow ran the corner and looked at them both. She called out,

"Scootaloo! Come on! We have another idea to get our Cutie Marks, Professional Hide-and-Seekers! Sweetie Belle is hiding, come on!" The tiny orange pegasus, apparantly called Scootaloo, jumped up and followed her companion, using her wings to try to get faster. Angel shook his head, and continued with his journey to find food.

After some dead ends, a bump with a strange mail-mare, and a lot of corner turns, he ends up staring upon a large house. Well, its made of sweets, so I suppose its edible? Angel thought for a second, but remembered, it's a house, somepony probably lives there. Maybe they bake or something. He decided that, out of sparing his empty stomach another long trek, he'd see what was up. Maybe whoever lives there can direct him to a restaurant. He poked his head into the giant gingerbread home and called out,

"Hello? Um... This house is made of food, so I assumed it's a serve-yourself buffet." The room inside was a brightly lit goldmine of cakes, muffins and cookies all lined up behind a counter. Angel looked around the rest of the room to see a till, much more tasty goodies on display and a few tables and chairs with a baby sitting on it. Wait a second, a baby? The foal reached his teeny tiny hooves up at Angel and laughed a high pitched giggle.

Suddenly, a tall slender stallion rushed in and scooped him up, muttering, "Oh Pound, you really ought to not go around climbing on things!" He acknowledged Angel as he started trotting towards a flight of stairs. "Oh, a customer, er.. I'll be there in a second." He then walked upstairs, carrying 'Pound' over his shoulders. He soon after walked back down, "Don't worry, Pinkie's got them cov... oh, I haven't seen your face before, new-comer?"

"Uh, yeah, I got a place near the edge of town. These treats are for sale, right?"

The stallion nodded and shook his hoof, "I'm Carrot Cake, I run Sugercube Corner, with the missus. Me and you will be seeing each other a lot, by the way. Pinkies always throwing parties up in her room. She invites every pony. So, what will you have?"

Angel pointed to a cookie he had been eyeing his entire visit. "I'm Angel Skylight. No one special"

Mr. Cake looked at his wingless side and chuckled nervously, "Uh... Right." He passes him a bag with the Sugercube Corner logo printed on, half a dozen cookies inside. "That'll be eight Bits please."

Angel payed what was needed and left, using his wing as a hand to munch on one of the delicious chocolate cookie he had received as he headed back home for rest.