//------------------------------// // Blazeian // Story: Umarekawari // by Ravings1 //------------------------------// Blazeian sucked in air before letting out another stream of fire. Zach and Twilight moved out of the way just as the fire hit the ground. As the two landed, they both fired at Blazeian, however, the dragon easily dodged out of the way. Rainbow was the next to move in, flying strait towards it. "Rainbow, that's not a good idea!" Zach called out, but it fell upon death ears. Blazian spewed out more flames, but Rainbow Dash managed to dodge it. She then went towards its head, once she was close enough, she turned around planning on bucking it. Blazeian made no attempt to move, knowing what was to come. As soon as her hooves made contact with it, she screamed in pain, falling from the skies. Twilight instinctively flew towards her, summoning her magic to catch her before she hit the ground. As the both descended towards the ground, Twilight examined the damage. Rainbow had severe burns on her hooves, some of the flesh had been melted away, reveling the muscle underneath. "Damn it." Zach said under his breath. "Don't touch it. It's flesh can easily melt away your skin." Zach said. The ponies heard Blazeian produce a deep gurgle, as if it was laughing at them. Zach glared at it before taking to the air, the dragon responded to this by breathing more fire at him. Zach dodged out of the way, shooting lasers at it, though it manged to dodge most of them, one of them hit its appendage. Though it wasn't physically in pain, it had dimmed a little, Zach then remembered its weakness. He flew towards the dragon, while it countered with more fire, Zach barrel rolled out of the way, which caused him to almost shoot downwards. 'Future tip, never again.' He thought as he corrected himself. He neared Blazeian, who now resorted to trying to hit him with its body. As it missed a charge, nearly hitting Zach, he shot more lasers at dimmed appendage. The shots hit their mark, causing the appendage to dim out completely, now looking like a dying fire. Blazeian then lost altitude a bit, as the appendages are what keep it levitating. As it corrected itself the best it could, Zach has already on the other side, firming at the other appendage. As that one dimmed too, Blazeian's upper body fell towards to eh ground, pulling the rest of the body with it, as just two of its appendages couldn't support its weight. As Blazeian hit the ground, Zach immediately performed his charge, shooting up higher into the air. He then came down, creating an explosion and sending Blazeian flying away. As it landed, it tried to pick itself up, but looking ahead of itself, it saw Vinyl with her bass cannon pointed strait at it. With a smile, Vinyl fired at Blazeian, causing it to roar in pain as it was pushed back. As the attack ended, Blazeian laid there, motionless, but then it twitched, and kept doing this until its color change, changing into a cyan and blue color. "It's now in its ice form!" Zach said. Blazeian's damaged appendages lit back up, now the same color as its body. With its appendages working again, it took to the sky, looking down at the heroes with spite in its orange eyes. It breathed in more air, before letting out blue fireballs. The ponies moved out of the way, as the fire made contact with the ground, the ground froze in the place the fire made contact with. Zach yelled in pain as he was hit by a fireball, the area he was struck at being covered in a thin layer of frost. "Zach, are you alright?!" Octavia asked worriedly, coming up to him. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said with slight pain in his voice. "It's fire is like dry ice, very painful. Oh, I regret making this thing." He said, the last part to himself. The two heard a roar as Blazeian made a dive towards them. Zach pushed Octavia out of the way while he himself moved to the side of where Blazeian would be, encasing his back hooves. Turning around, he give the incoming appendage a powerful buck, resulting in it dimming completely. With Blazeian being so close to the ground, it's lost in altitude caused it to hit the ground, sending it rolling. As it came to a stop, Twilight was already on it, shooting her own lasers at its other appendages. Meanwhile, Zach made his way to the downed dragon, encasing his hooves again. He ran up to Blazeian's head and started pounding on it, Blazeian grunted with each hit. But it soon recollected itself and tried to fire at him and Twilight, though it missed Zach, it managed to hit Twilight's wing, sending her to the ground. "Vinyl, now!" Zach called out as he ran to Twilight. "On it!" She called back as she shot her bass cannon at Blazeian again. The blast sent it tumbling again, as she was dealing with the dragon, Zach went to go check on Twilight. "Are you alright?" He asked. "No, not really." She answered as she picked herself up. She looked back at her wing, seeing a layer of frost on it. "I don't think I'll be able to fly for now." She said as she tried to move her numb wing, Zach understood, nodding his head. "Watch out!" Vinyl called out. Blazeian had managed to recover and was now headed trait towards the two. Zach thought quickly, he needed to protect himself and Twilight. He planted his hooves into the ground and summoned up a shield. Just as the shield formed, Blazeian rammed into it at full force. Zach grunted as pressure started building up on his skull. Blazeian backed up, shaking its head, trying to rid itself of the pain of ramming into the shield. Once it's pain subsided, the dragon moved to the right, trying to get behind the shield. But Zach kept facing towards it, making sure the shield was between it and the two ponies. Once Blazeian saw it was not going to be able to get behind the shield, it resorted to trying to break it. It shot some cold fire at the shield, not doing much though. Seeing this, it flew back into the sky, turning back to Zach after reaching a certain point. "Oh crap..." Zach said worriedly, as it knew what the dragon had in mind. Blazeian then charged at the alicorn's shield. With one powerful hit, the shield shattered. The impact on the shield transferred into Zach, sending him flying back, and landing painfully against the library, leaving an imprint on it. Zach was pealed off the tree by gravity, allowing him to fall painfully to the ground. He groaned as his whole body ached. Blazeian shook off its own pain, as the pain left its head, it focused on Twilight. She was to busy looking back at Zach to notice the dragon eyeballing her. It breathed in, planning on putting Twilight on ice. As it was about to shoot though, it was nailed by the bass beam, causing it to miss fire and send it flying. Twilight turned back around, only now remembering what was happening. She looked at the now downed. Blazeian, then back at Vinyl, who saved her. After a moment of silence, Blazeian was back up in the air, now it's body a grey and black color. The ponies looked back up at the dragon, shocked that it was still going. "Damn it," Twilight said under her breath, annoyed with this creature. "how tough did Zach make this thing!?" She asked aloud. Blazeian breathed in more air, before letting out a beam of dark fire. Twilight and Vinyl quickly moved out of the way as the fire tore through the ground. Zach was barely picking himself off the ground, Blazeian really did a number on him. He looked back at the fight, just in time to see the dark fire beam run across the ground. Zach looked up seeing Blazeian in its final form. "Dark Blazeian already?" He asked before shaking his head. He needed to help his friends right now. He looked back up, trying to determine who Blazeian's next target would be. The dragon breathed in and shot out another beam, Zach followed the beam and saw it was aimed at- "Octavia!" Zach called out. Octavia moved out of the way of the beam while looking back at Zach with a smile on her face. "Zach!" She called out to him, glad that he was alright. Meanwhile Blazeian dove down and was headed strait for her. "Watch out!" Zach tried to warn her, but it was too late. Octavia turned towards the dark dragon, attempting to dodge it, but it was already to close. It rammed into her, causing her to scream out in agony. She rolled of Blazeian's head onto the ground, Blazeian just smirked as it was able to score such a damaging hit. Zach ran to her position, worried what might have happened to her. As he reached her, Zach saw the her underside, legs and left side of her torso was all severely burnt. Blazeian made a U-turn, planning on doing the same thing to Zach. Twilight warned him, but it fell upon death ears, as Zach already knew what the dragons intentions were. Zach looked up at the dragon, glaring at it. He encased his hoof, waiting for the right moment. As Blazeian was a few feet from the two, Zach reared up his leg, and as. Blazeian quickly neared them, Zach threw his hoof forward. The magic encased hoof made contact with the dragons head, causing the dragon to come to a dead stop. After a moment of the two standing still, seemingly frozen in time, Blazeian was the first to move. Rearing up and roaring in pain, reveling a crack on its head. Zach continued his assault, encasing both hooves and hitting Blazian on both sides of the head. He then encased his back legs, turned around and gave a powerful buck to Blazeian's head, gaining him a charge. Without a second thought, Zach activated his charge, soaring through the air, turning back towards the ground and heading for the dragon. "Die!" Zach yelled out as he impacted the ground, sending the dragon flying. Blazeian floated in the air, as its body started turning into ash, soon being blown away by the wind. Zach was breathing heavily from his assault, and, after a minute, he fell down onto his side.