Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Shattered Sounds radio station

Two things: I typed this whole chapter on my phone XD and number two: Hurt like hell, damn arm.

Short, but meh. I'm doing my best.

Chapter 107

I stepped out of the library with Kara on my back, how does she keep finding me? I chuckled slightly to myself, at least my friends took the news well. The only one who freaked out was Aaron, but meh.

I looked around at all the ponies and smiled, gotta love this town.

[Damn right! This town is awesome!]

A dull blue pony walked by with a box full of decorations.

Huh, is Pinkie having a party? Again?

I trotted after the pony and tapped his shoulder, "What's with the decorations?"

He turned and smiled, "Hey Lance! Don't you know? Nightmare Night is only three days away! We're just getting ready."

Nightmare Night? Sweet! "Really? Only three days? Awesome."

He nodded, "You betcha! This year will be the best yet!"

I laughed, "Probably. It'll be interesting, I'll tell you that."

He chuckled and turned, "Can't wait!"

[Who was that?]
<No idea.>

I turned and began to walk towards the market area of the town. Yeah, I'm bored.

Kara spread her wings and fell down on my back, just relaxing.

[What are we? A bed?]
< Apparently so.>

I shrugged and walked through the small crowd of ponies, all doing their afternoon shopping.

I stopped in front of a random cart and looked at it's products.

[What should we go as for Nightmare Night?]
<An Angel?>
[... Really?]
<Yeah! We could change into our angel form and...>
[No, we are not doing that. I have a more badass costume. And, I know for a face Twilight can change the color of our mane to match it.]
<Oh yeah? What is it?>
Break leans over and whispers in Dawn's ear.
<Ow! I like that!>
[I knew you would.]

I chuckled, I liked this idea for a costume. Anyway, back to looking at things I can't buy because I don't have a bit on me.

"No, that won't work. We need four bowls, not two!" Said a voice that I kinda recognized.

"Well soorrryyy! If you don't like how I buy our things, do it yourself!" Said a second voice that I also kinda recognized.

I turned around to see two ponies with mustaches and black sunglasses. One was a white Pegasus with a white and caramel mane, his cutie mark was a 3/4 time signiture. The second was a grey unicorn with a blue and blood red mane, his cutie mark was a... NES Controller?

[Are those fake mustaches?]
[Seems suspicious.]
<I say we follow them.>

I silently slipped up behind them and pretended to be interested in a rock... a rock? Really Lance?

The two suspicious ponies continued to argue for a few more seconds before moving on to another stall. I stayed close behind them.

They walked from stall to stall, picking up a few items here and there.

[Never mind, this is boring.]

I began to turn around, but stopped when the white one leaned down to the grey one.

"Now, we can go back."

The grey one laughed, "Finally!"

The pair began to walk out of the market area and out of the town.

Yep, I'm curious. Gotta follow them.

I followed them out of the town and into the Everfree forest... what the... why are they going in here?

I stayed behind them, staying silent.

They pulled off the sunglasses and the fake mustaches.

[Called it.]

I chuckled lightly and continued to follow the two strange ponies. They walked down a old beaten path for a few minutes before turning off on a wooden cabin.

They walked up to the door and walked in.

Okay, I got to know more about this.

<No Lance, every time we look into strange things, we end up hurt or worst.>
[I say we do it.]
{Going with Break on this.}

I stepped out of cover and advanced on the door.

Upon reaching it, I could hear music coming from the inside.

I reached up and knocked on it.

Suddenly, everything on the other side stopped, I mean, the music cut off and I could hear hushed voices.

[Hey Lance, I just found out the coolest thing!]
{Not now, tell me later.}

The door opened to reveal a blue mare. It took me a second, but I recognized her as Colgate.

"Uhhh, yes?" She asked nervously.

Okay, now I'm confused. "I was just wondering through and saw this place.... why are you in the middle of the Everfree forest?"

"I got this." The white pony said as he walked took the place in the doorway, "Before I say anything, I must ask a question. Brohoof?"

I smiled and held up my hoof, "Oh yeah brony!"

He chuckled and slammed his hoof into mine, "Haha, I knew you were a human. I just knew it."

I chuckled and looked into the house, "So, why are you in the middle of the Everfree forest?"

"Best place to put a radio station." He said with a smug look.

I raised an eyebrow, "You're the ones who run the brony radio?"

"Yep! Only us." He said proudly.

I smirked, "You know, you don't have to wear sunglasses and fake mustaches when you go to town. You're on the radio, not tv, they don't know what you look like."

He facehoofed, "I told Byte we didn't need... never mind. You wanna come in?"

I shrugged, "Sure, I've been wanting to see what your studio looks like."

He smiled, "Oh, you'll love it. Byte also has a gaming system."

"Nice." I held out my hoof, "Names Lance."

He shook my hoof, "White Noise, and my two partners are Grey Byte and Navy Shadow."

I rubbed my chin, "I never heard you mention Navy Shadow on the radio."

Noise shrugged, "He's the one who runs the equipment."

I nodded and walked in, "Nice place."

He closed the door and smiled, "Thank you, we built it ourselves."

"Good job." Yeah, I don't really know what to say right now, so... "Where's Grey Byte and Navy Shadow?"

He pointed down a hall, "Byte's down there, as for Navy Shadow... I think he went on a adventure. He should be back in a few days or so."

I look down the hall, "Is it alright if I go talk to Grey Byte? I've kinda been wanting to talk to him." He is the funniest one on the radio after all.

"Go for it. I'll be in the studio... don't be surprised when you see his wives." White Noise said as he left the room.

I began to walk down the hall, but stopped, "Wait, wives?!"

[I'm worried now...]
<So am I...>

I passed by a few doors, opening a few. It took a few tries, but I finally found the one with Grey Byte in it.

He was laying in front of a tv... wheres the power coming from? He was also playing a Nintendo... this is strange. At least his cutie mark makes since now.

I walked in to see that there was a mare laying down beside him while he played. Berry Punch.

[My mind! I'm so confused!]

I thought he had two...

"Got the chips!" Colgate said behind me as she trotted in and over to the others.


"Also, you have company." She said as she sat down next to him.

He turned and smiled, "Well hey there."

I did a small wave, "Hi. Names Lance."

He gave a nod and smiled, "I think you know mine." He then turned back to his game, "So, what brings you here?"

"No reason at all, just curious." I then looked at the two mares, "Two wives?"

"Yep, it's a mutual agreement." He said simply.

Berry Punch turned around to face me, "Yeah, at first it was creepy, but now it's fun."

Colgate also turned, "Are you married?"

I nodded, "Sure am."

"To who?" Grey Byte asked.

I chuckled, "Twilight Sparkle."

He turned, "Damn man, how'd you score that?"

I shrugged with a smirk, "I don't know, guess I'm just that good."

[You got lucky.]
{I know.}

He rolled his eyes, "Uhuh, sure." He then went back to his game. "Wanna watch?"

I looked around and smiled, "Sure. Haven't seen a tv in a while anyways."

"You'll love this then." He said with a chuckle.

I walked over to a couch and stretched out on it. Comfy.

As I watched him play the game, I remembered something.

{Okay Break, what did you have to tell me.}
[What do you mean?]
{You said you had to tell me something at the door.}
[Oh yeah! I just found out something cool we can do!]
{Which is?}
[We can send letters to other dimensions!]
[Yep! I got to do something! Get me some paper and a pencil!]

I looked around and saw a notebook and a pencil, "Hey, can I use those?"

"Sure, go ahead." Grey Byte said.

I stood up and walked over and picked it up.

[Watch this!]

My hoof then grabbed the pencil and began to write a note on the paper.

'Hey Graze! WAAASSSSAAAAAPPP?! This is Lance, or should I say, Break! You've got to respond to this!'

{I'm curious about this.}

My hoof raised the paper in the air and a green flame engulfed it.

[And sent! Can't wait for a response!]

I chuckled, it's not like he'll be able to respond.

Back to the couch!

<Time to relax and watch some tv! YAY!>

The letter thing is KillJoy's idea XD

Also, you can tell I was in a rush. Sorry about that.