//------------------------------// // Treble Clef // Story: Clickity Hack's Tome of Origins // by ClickityHack //------------------------------// /u/RavenClawDash Treble Clef knew something was quite wrong with the world. She couldn't tell what exactly, but it seemed as if she was missing something or missing out on something. Still, she kept this to herself. Other ponies bothered her too. It would be very rude to say so however and it was said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," So it was written and so it was done. Or in this case, not done. Not said. Everyday was a Saturday and every day a morning. She questioned this in her own way, the quiet way, never mentioning such a taboo subject out loud. Some weekends she would watch the other ponies go on adventures, if they could be called that, but it was as if she only existed in a flash of a moment compared to them. Their adventures were sort of lacking in venturing for the most part: Baking Dress-up Make-overs Sometimes Applejack would fall in a river or an evil demon would kidnap a princess and she would hide in the corner and smile on the inside, humming to herself, gaining inspiration to strum at her guitar. She wasn't even sure how this was possible honestly. Then one day, just that one day, she got on stage for a brief instant! Oh it was simply the best day ever, but for some reason they never had a concert again. Or maybe she missed it. She wasn't sure. Life was so confusing like that. But one day Treble Clef heard the most beautiful voice singing a song that she was pretty sure did not belong on her channel... what was a channel anyway? Oh well. Another question she was afraid to ask... A bold and bright pink pony was bouncing around the contrasting water-colored landscapes. The world seemed grainy and fuzzy compared to this pony's rich defined aura. How magical! The pony was singing about smiles and though she was hesitant to ask her name, she quietly stalked...er...followed this stranger who was blindly hopping around. Then, more magic happened, and the pink pony looked at her watch (where did THAT come from) and sighed. Her hooves seemed to reach up in to thin air which was pulled aside. Another world appeared in a sort of... portal... maybe... maybe this was the other "channel" she kind of knew about in the back of her mind. Well... she already had her guitar strapped to her back from earlier... might as well see what's on the other side...