//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Young Apple of My Heart // by Bananza //------------------------------// "Class, don't forget to have that paper on the history of pre-modern Fillydelphia complete by Monday. No excuses!" Fisherberry started to stack her papers as the students filed out of the school house. Once outside, Big McIntosh was immediately beset by Cherilee and Thunderlane. Cherilee turned and smiled a wry grin at Nimbus Storm. "So now what? Thunderlane has got his cutie mark, but I don't want to ostracize him just because of something as simple as finding out what his special talent is." "Hey, who said corralling lightning clouds is simple!" Thunderlane retorted. "For all we know your going to get your cutie mark in glitter and messing up your mane." "Hold on just a second Thunderlane, it took me hours to get my hair to look like this! Just because it may look like I just got out of bed doesn't mean I did! If you were to see my hair having just woken up, you would a whole mess of a difference" "A whole mess of a difference eh?" then after a glare from Cherilee, "okay okay okay, I'm sorry. It just that," Nimbus pauses for a second staring at Cherilee's mane-do, "can it get any more angular?" "Ha-ha, very funny. Do you at least like my style Big Mac?" "Eeyup!" Big McIntosh responds, grinning at Thunderlane as Cherilee just groans. "Seriously," she says, "You two are going to be the death of me. I realize it is funny sometimes, but only answering 'eeyup' or 'eenope' really puts a dampen on the ability to hold a conversation!" "Eenope?" Big McIntosh tries to respond. "I guess that one didn't really work that well." "Ah, come on Big Mac, you were doing so well!" Thunderlane turns his head to Cherilee, "How come you've always got to ruin the fun? What did it ever do to you?" "I guess I just hate fun," Cherilee sarcastically remarks. "Oh look at me, the hater of all things fun. Fun sucker you should call me! Am I a fun sucker to you two?" "Eeyup." Pulling a face-hoof, Cherilee says through her hoof, "I opened myself wide open for that one didn't I?" "Eeyup" Nimbus collapses on the ground laughing. Cherilee just looks at McIntosh, rolls her eyes then starts to prod Thunderlane. "Are you through? What do you want to do today anyway? And if you say twenty questions I might just hit you." Wiping a tear from his eye, Thunderlane gets up. "So I'm guessing that 15 questions is also out?" *smack* "Well with that out of the way," Cherilee remarks - passing Thunderlane's new position on the ground - "what do you suppose we should do with the entire weekend ahead of us?" Thunderlane looks up a Mac, rubbing the back of his head. "What else? Procrastinate our paper until the last day and then rush it during the last few hours and hope for the best." "She means what else are we going to do. We're not going to just sit and do nothing all weekend." Big Mac then turns to look at Cherilee. "I've got a few chores to do at the orchard, but after that what say you to heading over to the clubhouse? I'm sure we can think of something once we get there." Cherilee responds, without turning around, "Oh woe is me, Big Mac leaving me alone with the crude humor of Thunderlane. Whatever am I to do whilst I wait for his important chores to be completed." She then turns, cracking a smile, "So how about it mister high and mighty 'I got my cutie mark!'. Any ideas? We could get some cupcakes. I could smell some fresh ones cooking when I walked to school this morning." Thunderlane immediately jumped up and started hovering in the air. "Cupcakes!" he exclaimed, "why didn't you say so earlier, let's go!" "We'll be sure to bring you one too Mac," Cherilee says walking beside Thunderlane as he flies. "We'll see you in about an hour or so?" "Eeyup!"