Gods Among Us

by Gravitiaxis

Chapter Twenty-Five: Meeting Her By The Sunset

The sun was setting now.

It was safe to say that today was truly something. Giving Granny Smith three days seemed like a long enough time to set things straight with her family.

You didn’t know why but you smiled for some odd reason. You had a feeling that the Apple Family was strong. You could tell that the death of Granny Smith would only cause them to grow closer to one another.

Of course they would be shaken up by such an event, but you had faith they would be able to pull through.

You let out a huge yawn, one of the biggest you’ve had since becoming mortal. Being tired was a pleasant, yet troubling feeling. Pleasant in a sense that you knew that sleep was right around the corner, but troubling because you felt vulnerable, while in this state.

As you sat on the warm grass, you began to watch as the sun began to set. It as still as beautiful as it was all those years ago, back during the war. You were glad to know that something’s haven’t changed over the course of a few billion years. “Beautiful sunset sister. It is just as good as when you first created it.” You thought. You didn’t know if she could hear your horrible attempt to contact her telepathically, but it didn’t hurt to try.

You soon began to feel a small vibration in the back of your mind. “Thank you, brother. It’s always nice to hear that ponies still enjoy my sunsets. Also, I see you’re finally able to speak telepathically now.” Celestia replied to you.

“Yeah, I just thought about doing it. I wasn’t even sure I could make it through to you.”

You could hear Celestia mumble something before she began to talk to you again. “Well, it worked didn’t it? I guess I don’t have to send you anymore letters now will I?”

You shook your head. “No. I’d prefer if you continued anyway. Talking like this is tiring, since I’m using magic to keep the call going instead of just willing it to happen.”

“Oh, I see. No wonder I can’t see you clearly. My mind is only showing fuzz.”

“Sorry Celestia. My powers aren’t returning as fast as I happened it would.”

“Don’t worry about it brother. Take your time. Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to get ready for bed.”

“I still can’t believe you are willingly going to sleep.”

Celestia chuckled. “It’s refreshing and it kills time, something of which we have a lot of.”

“I suppose. I’ll leave you to your own devices then. Good night, Celestia.”

“Good night.”

That truly did take a lot out of you. Letting out one good sigh, you began to stretch. You listened as a few of your joints began to pop in response to how stiff your body was.

You couldn’t help but fantasize about how comfortable your bed was going to be when you got home.

As you watched the sunset, a memory of the distant past began to surface. You remembered when Celestia first created the sun. Like that of a child who had hidden away something out of fear of being caught, Celestia hid away her creation from everyone but you. As the older brother she consulted you about whatever she did, and this feat was like no other. Unable to fully control her power, Celestia created a Red Giant by accident, but that didn’t mean it was any less beautiful.

“This is magnificent.” You said purely awestruck by this work of art.

Celestia began to blush. “Oh, please, you’re just saying that in order to make me feel better about myself.”

“No, I’m not. I mean it. This is truly magnificent.” You said touching the huge ball of fire. There was a sizzling sound accompanied by you wincing in pain.

“Careful it’s hot.” Solestia said, pulling you away from the red giant.

Celestia was not always not always her name.. She had gone by another name a long time ago which used to be Solestia, but she reincarnated into another form and changed her name. By Twilight’s time she has only lived through two incarnations.

“Dully noted.” You smirked while rubbing your hand. “I really do mean it though. I don’t think even I could create something like this.” You said causing her to blush even more. It wasn’t like you lacked the power; it was more on the side that you lacked the creativity to create anything. Fighting a never ending war against beings who should’ve never existed doesn’t have a place for creativity.

“Well, I’m glad you liked it.” Solestia puffed.

Noticing a change in her voice, your brotherly instincts began to kick in. “So are you going to tell me what’s the matter or are we going to have to play twenty questions?”

“It’s nothing, it’s stupid, and you’ll probably just laugh at me.” Solestia said looking a bit crestfallen.

You began to frown. You kneeled over and placed a hand on your little sister’s shoulder. “Solestia, I know I haven’t been showing you much attention lately since I’ve been focusing all of my time on the war effort, but I need you to understand that you can trust me. When you and the others were born I made you a promise that I would intend to keep until the day I die. Do you remember what that promise was?”

“You promised us that you would always be our older brother.” Solestia said with a small smirk.

“That’s right, so what type of brother would I be if I laughed at something that is important to you? We’re siblings and as the older brother I should be able to deliver council to those who are younger than me. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

Solestia inhaled slightly. “What if they don’t like it?” She whispered.


“What if they don’t like it?!” She yelled.

“Oh, you’re talking about everyone else. What about them? Who cares about what they think.”

“I do!” She yelled out in a near fit. She then sighed and shook her head. “I wanted to create something beautiful, but how does this compare to Forever’s universe? This is minuscule compared to her creation.”

You began to frown. “Think of it this way, when Forever created the universe was there much change at all?” You asked taking your sister away from her star and showing her the vast emptiness that was space. Everything was dark and empty. “Now what do you see?” You asked.

“The same as we have always seen.”

“Exactly! Now let’s get a little bit closer. Now what do you see?

“I see a small tinkle in the distance. Almost like a sparkle.”

“Yes! That’s your sun Solestia. You brought that large ball of fire into this vast emptiness and created something that could combat the darkness that we’re all accustomed too. While it’s small compared to Forever’s creation, but to me I see hope. I don’t know why, but I feel like there can be beauty even in all of this carnage, but like I said this is only my opinion and it may not mean much coming from-“

You were cut off by Solestia, who had pulled you into an affectionate hug. “No, thank you. It means a lot to me. I’m going to keep making more suns, all types and colors, just for you. I’ll bring light to our bleak environment.” She said with a spark in her eyes that showed creativity and passion.

“Don’t do if for me. Do it because you want too, do it because it makes you feel good when you create works of art. It doesn’t matter if we don’t like it; all that matters is whether or not you like it.”

“Thanks Death, I’m going to get started right away. The next star I create it’s going to be named after you.”

“Oh yeah? What are you going to call it?”

“The Death Star!” She giggled.

“Please don’t.”

Your relationship with Celestia has always been a good one. You rarely, if ever got into any conflicts with her. You maintained this relationship with her between both of her incarnations and between both of yours.

Sitting here on this soft warm grass was a pleasure. You didn’t know how long you were here, but you felt a small presence to your immediate right.

When you turned to look, you found yourself staring into eyes of orange mare with Aqua colored eyes and red/yellow mane. You watch as her mouth curled into a frown. “It appears I’m already too late.” She said referring to the sunset which she had just missed. Her expression show one of disappointment, but she slowly began to perk up upon seeing that she wasn’t alone. “Was it at least good?” She said without really addressing you.

“Yes, it was. It was as beautiful as it is everyday.” You admitted.

The mare cracked a small smirk. “That’s good. Glad to see that some things haven’t changed in the world yet.” She said hiding away the sadness in her voice. “My name is sunset shimmer, who are you? I don’t think I remember you being in this town before. Did you just move here?” You nodded your head. “Then you must be Letum.”

“Yes, I am. May I ask how you know my name?”

“A certain pink pony has been blabbing it to everypony in town.” Sunset said with a sigh.

So pinkie has been the one who has been spreading your name around, you knew it was a small town but with Pinkie telling everyone who you were, she was causing word to travel a lot faster than expected. It wasn’t like that was a bad thing, but it did make you feel a little unsettled if it meant that literally everyone in the whole town knew your name.

“Why am I not surprised?” You said shaking your head. “So do you live in this town too?”

Sunset Shimmer shook her head. “No, but judging by how much trouble this town gets into, I can’t help but wish I did. I actually live in Cantorlot. Have you ever been there before?”

“Yes, I have. My sisters live there.”

“You mean Princess Celestia and Luna, right? Now that I see it you guys really do resemble each other. ”

“I can’t see how. We’re not related by blood.”

“No. You three have that similar aura, that’s so godly and weird, Twilight’s like that as well. I guess that feeling comes with being an alicorn then.” She said shrugging her shoulders. “Too bad I’ll never know the feeling…”

“Would you like to be an alicorn?” You asked.

Sunset Shimmer began to chuckle at the thought of her becoming an Alicorn. “Me? A Goddess? Last time that happened I almost killed somebody…” She said almost whispering to herself. “You make it sound like you can just it around like a title.”

“Technically I can. I have the authority being one of the oldest and most power, but I can’t because I don’t have enough power to grant the status.”

“I figured. So tell me, how does it feel being the God of Death?” She said putting air quotes around your title.

“It was a tiring job with little to no rewards. I was in charge of creating strange, creative, and elaborate ends for mortals. After causing their deaths I would take their soul and take them to the afterlife, but right now that position has been taken by my Grandson.”

“So, you’re the ponyfication of all deaths in the universe, correct?”

You nodded your head. “Correct. For as long as I live, there will always be death within the universe.”

“So if I were to kill you, would mortals such as me be unable to die?”

“Good question. No, it’s nigh-impossible for me to die. As long as there is one living thing in the universe, I will always exist. I will be the only one of my siblings to live until the end, and then some if I play my cards right.” You said imagining the future years you’re going to have to experience later on.

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked.

“Alright, let me show you this way.” Said opening up your robe and pulling out what looked like an hourglass, which held Sunset Shimmers name at is base.

“Is that my-”

“Hourglass? Yes, it is. Every being that has ever been born has an hourglass that predates your time of death as soon as you were born. Even I have one, but on a much larger scale with much more sand depicting centuries instead of minutes.” You said thinking back to how much sand you have in your hourglass right now. “While most mortals have complete control over the choices that are presented to them in their lives, I ultimately chose when and where a mortal will die, by either adding time,” You said grabbing the dirt from off of the ground and converting it into sand so that you could add some more time to her lifespan. “Or by taking some away.” You said taking the amount you just poured in, out.

“That must be a pretty neat power. Controlling who lives and who dies.” She said sounding as if she was criticizing you for it.

You placed the hourglass back into your robe. “You mortals do this all the time. Adding and subtracting each others time from your own hourglasses just by doing the most average of chores.”

“For every action there is a reaction.”


“So how much time do I have left or is that a secret you can’t share with me?” She asked raising her eyebrow.

“Sorry, I would tell you but I didn’t really pay attention.”

“It’s alright. Maybe it was for the best, no one should know when their going to die. My old mentor told me that certain things should not be shared with mortals. I assume our deaths are one of them.”

You nodded your head as you began to stand back on your feet. “Whoever told you that was a wise pony. What was your mentors’ name?” You asked growing an interest.

Sunset formed a small smile on her face. “It’s your sister, Celestia.”

You let out a sigh. “Figures.” While at first you never thought that Celestia would be the type to take on a protégée, so you couldn’t help but a feel a bit surprised when you found out that Twilight Sparkle was her student as well as Sunset Shimmer as well. “Wait, does that mean that you and Twilight are friends?”

Sunset scoffed as she turned to face the moon that had now appeared. “Friends, no. Not even close. We weren’t really students at the same time since I was eleven when she was five and I guess you can’t really call us rivals either. Our relationship is nonexistent.” She said lowering her head to a down as if she was in deep thought. “It’s just a prisoner and her jailer.” She whispered so low that even you almost didn’t hear her.


“Nothing.” She said letting out a sigh. Something had been bothering her, you wanted to ask her about her story but you realized that it was neither the time nor the place. “It’s been nice meeting you, but I have to get back home. I don’t want my roommate to get too worried about me. I really enjoyed our talk. I hope we can talk again some time.” She said while shaking your hand and turning around in order to walk away. You offered to walk her home but she refused. “Don’t worry about me, I was a student of Princess Celestia, I think I can handle myself.” She said with a small chuckle as she walked away from you. Taking her word for it you decided it was time for you to go home as well.