The Truth of Bonds and Friendship

by Gadman85

The Ever-Free Patrol is Reborn!

After a rather easy and busy meeting, the Cabinet was more than willing to start the Ever Free Patrol again. This caused Celestia to frown as she thought she had somehow missed some very important signs.

It took no time at all for the group to not only re-institute the patrol in Ponyville, but also come up with a viable means for expansion to other Pony settlements where it might also be needed. They even gave the group a very good start up budget, and had no problems at all making cuts from other parts of the Equestrian budget without any serious setbacks in those departments.

The most surprising thing to the sun princess was the inclusion of a plan to make the Ever Free Patrol a last line of defense in the event of an invasion from outside forces. The princess just sat there with her jaw wide open wondering what was going on in her kingdom and the world that she missed.

One of the Cabinet members spoke to her a little sheepishly, “There aren't any outside threats, your highness. Don’t worry. We just kind of read what all of the Patrol’s functions were back when it was active. We wanted to be ready for anything, Princess.”

Celestia looked at the speaker incredulously. It seemed several ponies had overheard her and Luna’s arguments on the Patrol and they went and looked into the matter just in case or out of curiosity.

“We assure you that there isn’t anything going on you don’t know about already, Princess. Though some of our foreign business partners are a little curious about Princess Luna’s return. We have of course assured them she is Princess Luna and not Nightmare Moon. They agreed to continue with business as normal, even if they will keep an eye on us just to be sure. Other than that there isn’t anything to be worried about. We simply feel it is good to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best,” a different member said.

“Well I figured her return would be an issue. I know you all realize I didn’t bring her back publicly lightly. I have good reason and information to believe she will be needed in the future. However, I will not disclose that information at this time. I am merely surprised how easy this meeting has been; even it has taken up a lot of time,” Celestia said before they continued their work.

They eventually took a recess until evening. This was the first recent case where a meeting would be held where both princesses attended, even from back before the Nightmare Moon incident. Usually the sisters would just have a meeting and then a wrap up meeting for the other when it was their turn to take over duties. The wrap up meeting was either just a summary or where the other sister gave their final approval, depending on if they were the one to originally bring up the issue or not.

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That evening they resumed their discussions. Princess Luna was excited despite the seriousness of the meeting. It was the first time since her return she didn’t feel lacking as a ruler. She managed to keep her composure even when she looked her beloved sister in the eye. Princess Celestia covered a little smile as she could tell her sister was excited about this.

One of the cabinet members started the subject of Patrol Captains. “Not that we disagree with your choice for Grand Captain, Princess Luna. But we do wonder why it was, you decided to pick Naruko Uzumaki. We only wish to have an idea of what you desire for a Captain before we place recommendations for the other contingents of the patrol, once we are ready for it to expand.”

“I understand where you are coming from with that request, Administrator Loyal. I do doubt any others will meet her standard however. I chose her because of her background, loyalty to Equestria and loyalty to her friends, her determination to protect those she cares about, her skills in combat and her tactical thinking.”

Luna gave a small unseen smile. “She did fight me equally and bested me in combat as Nightmare Moon, even if I hadn’t fully recovered my power at the time. She merely wanted to keep me distracted while the element bearers prepared to deal with Nightmare Moon. She embodies everything the Ever-Free Patrol stands for, and has the training and ability to back it up.”

The cabinet looked to each other and the princesses before one asked. “Does that mean any potential Captain needs to have combat experience and capability to fight you equally, Princess Luna?”

The night princess shook her head and answered. “No, it does not. Actual training would be preferable, but I realize ponies have grown accustomed to peace and outside of the Royal Guard few have combat training. I have no problem with this. In fact, I’m glad this is the case. It shows things are going very well.”

“I do want ponies with the same drive as Naruko and have proven, as she has, they are more than ready for the responsibilities and tasks the position of Captain requires. As for the training part, we can have them learn from the Ponyville contingent can we not? By the time we move on to the expansion stage, they should easily have the experience required to train others, and can even have them work with the newer Captains a few times before the Captains start on their own.”

The ponies just waited and listened to their Night Princess. “It might actually be best if we wait a while before expanding the group. I just realized how difficult it will be to measure the attributes I listed Naruko having and desire in the other Captains. I think if we allow some time we will have a better idea of what to look for in a Captain of the Patrol.”

One of the cabinet members spoke an idea they had. “We might be able to let this thing sort itself out somewhat if we do go with having the Ponyville Contingent train the others. We should instead look at what we require of those that wish to join the patrol. Find ways to weed out those who are only interested because they have nothing better to do or something like that. Once a new patrol starts, the leader may end up being an obvious choice.” The group then discussed what they would require of those that wish to join the Ever-Free Patrol.

After a few minutes, they sat quietly for a little bit to catch their breath and collect thoughts before continuing. “Alright, now that we have figured out how to pick those that will join it. We have to discuss the matter of compensation. After all, despite their volunteering we will not expect them to do this dangerous duty without getting paid for it,” Administrator Loyal said.

One member raised their hoof. “Has it always been like this? If they are getting paid why do we tell them they have to volunteer?”

The Night Princess answered. “Due to the dangerous nature of the patrol, we keep their payment under wraps. We do not want ponies joining the Patrol because they need a job. Though most wouldn’t join it unless they really wanted to help protect their fellow ponies, there was a time when mentioning the payment brought a few undesirables into the patrol that treated it like a job.”

Princess Luna frowned at the memory, “They would just do the minimum to get by legally, but little more. The patrol is not something that should be taken lightly. We say they are volunteering, that way those who join for the right reasons will make it to the end and then learn the truth. We also had them swear not to tell those outside of the patrol what they are paid with few exceptions.”

“Is that really necessary still?” the same member asked in follow up.

Princess Celestia answered. “Fortunately, most ponies don’t care too much about how somepony gets their money so they don’t pry into it. However given that the patrol will undoubtedly gain a lot of notice, since it hasn’t been around for a really long time. Its past is mostly seen as myth and legend so questions will arise about the patrol. I agree with Luna that we keep this tradition around. We can allow them to tell family and maybe their closest friends, but those too must take the swear as well. Do you agree with that, Luna?”

“That is how I did it back when I was in charge of it in the past. I know we don’t use magical swears lightly, but I felt it was okay in this circumstance. They could tell those closest to them who might worry about money if they go into the patrol full time later on. Many would do this in the past. The way it is organized doesn’t restrict their schedule too much so a pony can still keep their day job if they wish. Those who go into it full time get a lot more responsibility to help the patrol as well as an increase in their compensation,” Princess Luna answered.

“About that…” started an accountant pony. “We have adjusted the levels of payment to reflect the changes in the economy from last time it was active. We also felt with the increasing danger of the forest, the base pay and above deserved a raise from what it was even after the changes we took into account. We have left room in the budget for this, but if the expansion becomes too much of an expense...”

The pony paused here. They didn’t like having to say what they had to, “We will need to come up with other sources of revenue. We wish to hear your thoughts on the changes as seen in this copy of the budget, and would like to hear any ideas you may have to offset further costs, your Highnesses.” The pony then passed out copies to the others gathered and they discussed the papers.

After looking it over, Luna and Celestia both agreed with the salary increases. They were thankful Naruko and Fluttershy recovered many treasures from their mission in case they needed more expendable income than the budget allowed right away. The Princesses didn't see this as a problem, but they decided taking precaution and planning for this was the best answer.

Luna spoke up with an idea after a few minuets of thought, “In the past, we would sell some of the technologies the patrol came up with during their active duty. Not all of them, but we were able to find ways to re-purpose some of the advances for normal everyday uses that we allowed some of our contractors to use and sell. Would that still be possible, Celestia?”

Celestia thought for a moment before answering. “If we are careful with these advances. I don’t see any harm in that, Luna.” They discussed many other things that evening and some into the night after Celestia finally retired and Luna raised the moon and night sky.

{-} {-} {-}

After Luna returned from seeing her sister to bed and taking care of the sky she said, “Alright it has been a long day for you all I am sure. I think we just need to cover this expansion plan a little bit then call it a night. I appreciate the work you have all put into this matter.” The others seemed a little surprised by Luna’s pleasant demeanor. They decided that maybe she wasn't as unapproachable as they once thought.

Loyal started the discussion. “We decided priority should obviously go to the other pony towns that share a boarder with the Ever-Free Forest first. We know in the past, despite it being called the Ever-Free Patrol, it extended to all forested areas, and other settlements that were in harsher environments.”

Luna nodded for Loyal to continue, “We thought doing this again might be a good idea with secondary priority to include other places such as Hollow Shades, Baltimare and some of the towns near the badlands.”

The administrator frowned in thought, “We have plans to actually send ponies to observe these other areas to properly assess the threats they face. Of course, Hollow Shades will be the first apart from the towns bordering the Ever-Free. We have had reports from there a decent bit in the past.”

Loyal then went to further explain the details of their expansion plan and mentioned they of course could easily change things around if needed. They left plenty of wiggle room in their plan to take into account the possibility of the Ever-Free Patrol’s duties changing from just the basics. In the past, the patrol also sometimes served as a manner of law enforcement and emergency response, depending on the area and the nature of those that volunteered to join it.

Princess Luna made a couple of changes, but nothing that required a complete overhaul of the plan. The Cabinet took it very seriously when they were told this would happen, and easily worked together for the best solution. There wasn’t any room for playing politics in this matter, so they came up with a great plan from the start. Once that was done, they decided when they would meet again the next day, and Luna agreed to pass on the message to her sister in the morning.

While all of this went on Naruko slept peacefully in her bed. She had just finished another night of foal sitting for Pipsqueak. At first she couldn't go to sleep, because despite the adventure she went on not too long ago, she felt like she was still searching for what she would do normally with her life.

She was given decent compensation for her mission along with Fluttershy, but that was after she argued saying she didn't need that much because it was done not to get money, but to help Equestria and it was a mission from the Princesses.

The blonde unicorn figured the payment was someway Celestia was still looking out for her, since her stipend would soon come to an end. Naruko cared for and loved Celestia like a mother, but she felt old enough to take care of herself for the past couple of years now.

{-} {-} {-}

It was now a couple of days after the Ever-Free Patrol was once again discussed by the Cabinet. Naruko was summoned to the castle and this time she was told there wasn’t any secrecy needed. Twilight would have demanded she come along as well, but she relaxed when she heard there wasn’t any secrecy this time or a mission.

Naruko soon found herself walking though the castle with Orbit by her side. The two had greeted each other friendly enough and talked a little as the attendant pony led the way to the Cabinet's room.

Naruko gulped before she entered the room. She was nervous. Fortunately, once she passed through the doors, she had regained her composure and noticed the atmosphere of the room wasn’t exactly oppressive. She mentally sighed in relief.

For a second there, I thought there was an issue with one of the items we brought back from the Ever-Free Temple,” Naruko mentally said. She and Fluttershy didn’t think there would be any problems with the items they chose to bring back, but neither of them really knew. It was something they both feared a little, but they knew the princesses would be able to use the items in some manner.

Fluttershy thought they were already in the clear the day after. Naruko didn’t want to tell her friend she was wrong, but the blonde unicorn knew cataloging and examining the items for curses and such would take a while from personal experience.

Twilight was all about archiving items with Naruko’s help when they were younger and the blonde unicorn was perfectly happy to do so because she was with her good friend. However, Twilight was excessively thorough because she wanted to know everything she could find about each item. The two took far too long archiving as a result usually.

The Royal Artifact Archivists Association or RAAA eventually kicked them out and said they would need the Princess’ approval to enter the area in the future. This didn’t really change much, since they were both very close on a personal level with Celestia. Though Twilight did have a break down fearing she would be banished and then imprisoned at the place she was banished for disturbing the RAAA that much. To calm her down, Naruko promised if that happened she would demand to be banished there as well.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko approached the center with as much poise and confidence as she could muster. She didn’t hate the Cabinet members or anything like that, but she was always careful around authority figures she didn’t actually know real well. She took a carefully hidden glance around the room and was a little surprised to see both princesses.

What’s going on here? Luna, Celestia, and the full Cabinet?! It doesn’t seem like I’m in trouble or anything.” The blonde pony wondered as she stopped in the center of the room. She looked to the princesses as the doors shut behind her.

“Do you know why we have called you here, Naruko?” Luna asked first.

“No, Princess,” Naruko responded. “Is there a problem of some kind? Am I in trouble, your highness?”

Luna gave a shake of her head. “No Naruko, you are not in trouble. However, there is a problem we wish to speak with you about.”

Naruko looked at all of the pony faces. Each face was grave, but she could tell whatever they were thinking wasn’t aimed at her.
Celestia spoke next, “I am sure you have heard of the Ursa Minor incident by now. Have you not?”

“Twilight told Fluttershy and me all about it, your Highness.” The blonde unicorn wasn’t sure what this had to do with anything, but she was paying full attention.

“The Ever-Free Forest is slowly growing more dangerous. Precautions must be taken to not only keep the ponies safe from the forest, but also their own selves. You are aware of the two colts who ventured into it and cause the problem in the first place?” Administrator Loyal said.

Naruko gave a nod as he continued. “Because of this Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, and this Cabinet have decided to re-instate the Ever-Free Patrol. The Patrol acts as protectors for pony populations in or near high risk areas. They specialize in both lethal and non-lethal, preferably non-lethal, measures against the ponies and wildlife if needed. Are you following so far?” The administrator looked to Naruko for an answer.

“Yes sir, I follow,” Naruko replied.

Loyal nodded to her and continued, “Each contingent of the Ever-Free Patrol is a volunteer organization headed by an appointed Captain. Each pony’s schedule will be considered when it comes to duties. A pony who is in charge of more than just their own contingent is also appointed as a Grand Captain. Beyond Grand Captain is Princess Luna, all members of the patrol fall under her protection and jurisdiction. Grand Captains are picked by the Cabinet by recommendation. However, it is up to the individual if they take the position. I trust you are still following.”

Naruko nodded again. Loyal gave her a nod and a smile this time. “This Cabinet, at the recommendation of Princess Luna, wish to offer you, Naruko Uzumaki, the position of Grand Captain of the Ever-Free Patrol and Captain of the Ponyville contingent. This will be the first contingent and observed carefully before consideration for expansion of the program is decided. Will you, Naruko Uzumaki, take this position?”

Naruko’s blue eyes widened as she thought it all over. She tried not to smile, but the more she thought about the offer the harder it was not to smile. “This is what I have been waiting for… I can do this and continue with my other jobs to get money.

Naruko soon regained her composure and answered, “I will gladly accept this position, and the responsibilities that come with it.”

Luna gave a bright smile along with Celestia. After this, the Cabinet and Princesses filled her in on what her position and responsibilities would be. Naruko took it all in and understood it. It was a lot of work, but she would manage it. She knew she had found what she was looking for.

However… “I only wish it paid… I will do this regardless to help protect everypony I care about, but it would be nice if I didn’t have to worry about work on top of it,” the blonde unicorn thought to herself. She looked up as she heard Loyal clear his throat.

“Now on the matters of compensation...” he began.

Naruko gawked at him for a second and interrupted him. “I thought it was a volunteer position…”

“It is a volunteer position, Grand Captain Naruko. However, we are asking those in the patrol to take on very dangerous tasks as I am sure you have noticed.” She nodded to him. “Ponies do have to volunteer for it and once they prove they are ready for it and join they are then given payment for their time.”

One of the other Cabinet ponies continued for him. “They then take a Magical Swear which restricts who they talk about this payment with. Those ponies who learn of this information must take the same Magical Swear. We do this so only those ponies who truly wish to protect and help out their fellow ponies end up joining the Patrol. They are even allowed to take it on as a full time job if they want.” Naruko thought this over and was about to ask who she could tell this about, but her question was answered by Princess Luna.

“My sister and I have assured the council you have already proven you are capable of keeping secrets for the throne as has Twilight Sparkle. You may share this information with her, and the Magical Swear is only needed if you still wish to take it. You may not share this information with Spike at this time, but you can share it with your other friends. However, they will have to take a Magical Swear.”

Naruko cleared her throat and carefully asked, “Princess Luna, if I may ask… What exactly is a Magical Swear? I’m not really sure I’ve heard of it.”

Naruko seriously hoped she hadn’t just proved herself inept for her new position already. Luna smiled to her though. “It is a security measure not used lightly. However, if this information was abused and wide spread it could lead to a bad situation that put ponies’ lives at stake. The Magical Swear is a high level spell that courses through the entire body of a pony. It isn’t harmful, but it can sometimes be a little unpleasant.”

Naruko thought it over. “I’ll still take it. I want to know what my future patrol members will be going through.” She looked very determined when she answered. The look of determination was more than enough to erase any doubts that might have still been there about if she was right for the job or not.

After a couple of seconds though she gave a nervous whinny and scratched the back of her blonde mane and smiled as she spoke. “So…. We were ummm… talking about money?”

The members blinked a few times at the complete turnaround in her composure. Princess Celestia started to chuckle and she was followed shortly by her sister. The rest of the Cabinet gave small chuckles and went about explaining it to her.

{-} {-} {-}

It had taken awhile, but the ponies had finally sorted everything out. Naruko was now on her way to Luna’s room with the pony princess taking the lead. “Are you sure about this, Naruko? You don’t have to take it in your case.”

“I can’t expect other ponies I will be leading to do something I’m not willing to do myself,” she replied.

“Yes, but a leader must also not take unnecessary risks their self. Willing to lead by example and with your fellow ponies is admirable, but sometimes a leader must put their self above the others for the sake of the greater good.” Luna said to the blonde unicorn while she continued leading the pony.

Naruko paused mid-step. “Is this Magical Swear really that bad?”

Luna looked to her with a small smile. “It can be intense, but it isn’t harmful. It may be unpleasant for some, but to others it can be rather enjoyable sometimes. Either way it is not something to be taken lightly.”

The dark coated pony princess turned to face Naruko better as she went on, “Forgive me for my words earlier. I was speaking for you to consider your thoughts on leadership in more depth. Nothing more. Wanting to be there with your fellow ponies in the patrol is very key to your position as a Grand Captain and Captain.” Naruko nodded to this, but gave a puzzled look at the princess.

“When it comes to your position as Contract Guardian, or in the face of an enemy on domestic soil. You will have to think more in terms of a General in the military instead of a Patrol Captain at times. Your duty and obligations as a Contract Guardian for Equestria are very and sometimes more important. You will come to learn this eventually. I know Celestia is taking your Guardian training slow due to other circumstances.”

Luna turned back around and continued up the steps. “Also it is a function of the Ever-Free Patrol to be a key line of defense on the home front and in pony towns. Usually we try to fight battles on battle fields, but you never know when that method will fail. It hasn’t yet, but with all that will be happening in future...”

She stopped again and looked out a window to her left showing her part of Canterlot and more of Equestria. She took in a breath, “It might be something that happens.”

Naruko walked over to Luna’s side and looked out the window as well. The two ponies stood there in silence for a couple of minutes as the princess’ words sunk in for Naruko. The words only made her more determined to do her best to help protect her friends, Ponyville and Equestria.

The ponies started their trek once more. This time they didn’t stop until they were right in front of Luna’s Door. Naruko felt nervous. She had been in Luna’s room before when she spoke with the princesses about her mission, but this time it oddly felt more… intimate.

Luna opened the doors to her room. Naruko looked inside the dark room. It was actually rather beautiful even in this low lighting. When she was there with both Celestia and Luna the curtains let more sun light in the room. This time they didn’t. Instead there were several floating candles around the room each letting off a warm light.

Many of the candles were encircling the center of the room. On the floor, Naruko could make out runes in the candle light which looked more like seals to her. She didn’t remember seeing them last time.

“If you are wondering about the curtains it is simple. Last time you were here we didn’t need to keep light from shining outwards. During this ceremony the light of my magic glows brightly. If it was seen by ponies outside, they would possibly be startled.” Luna said as she went around and double checked the curtains.

“Oh okay. I was wondering about that, but I was more interested in the seals… I mean runes on the floor,” Naruko said.

“Ah. Yes those are only visible with these special candles lit and positioned in this arrangement. That way no one could copy them, or figure out how to break them. It is very unlikely you will remember them after all of this. If you do that would be impressive, but you wouldn’t be able to copy them even if you wanted to. They have to be done in a very particular way and order,” Luna explained to the blonde unicorn.

“This really is a lot of precaution,” Naruko casually stated.

“Well the Magical Swear is a very important and serious matter. They haven’t been used since the last days of the previous patrol. They were used more in the older times when this land was much more at war. Thankfully things haven’t been anywhere near that bad.” Luna said as she seemed to stretch out.

She looked at Naruko and answered the question she had a feeling her new Grand Captain was going to ask. “Fortunately, sister and I doubt they will get that bad any time soon. We are already taking precautions, we have plenty of time to solve things before they get that bad. If none of us start to slack in our duties we shouldn't have to worry about it.”

Naruko nodded to this. “So I’m guessing I stand in the center of these runes?” Naruko asked as she made her way there.

Luna smiled at her. “I would perhaps comment on your perceptiveness, but it is rather obvious is it not?” Luna ended with a small laugh.

Naruko shook her head with a smile as she got into position. “Do I need to stand or sit or anything like that?”

“Standing would be best, but for this it does not really matter one way or the other,” Luna replied.

Naruko stood in the center and braced herself for what was to come. “Some last minuet advice about the ceremony…” Luna started as she looked deep into Naruko’s blue eyes. “Do not fight the magic of this ceremony. It will make things much better if you don't. It can still be rather imposing nonetheless.” Naruko nodded to her and relaxed a little.

Luna closed her eyes and raised her head elegantly. Her long dark horn started to glow a medium dark blue. Magic began to fill the room. The candles started to circle around Naruko and the runes on the floor below her. The light seemed to be dancing in the air of the dark room.

Naruko couldn’t help but feel a little in awe at the magic. It was so thick in the air and it felt rather comforting for her. The blonde unicorn actually started to feel a little tingle around her as well.

The magic increased more as Luna opened her eyes. The Princess' eyes were glowing a soft white. Similar but not exactly like Twilight’s did when she used the elements. Luna started to rise into the air slightly as she spoke in a calm but powerful voice.

“Let the magics of the old listen to my command. This one offers their self willingly to the service of the Patrol. Help them protect the secrets others must not hear. Put them under my protection. Let them not falter in their duty. Protect them as can be protected until death take them, or they are dismissed from their service.” Luna said.

The magic condensed and started to surround Naruko. The blonde unicorn gasped in surprise as the magics started to flow through her body. The newly appointed Grand Captain’s breath hitched. She had never felt something like this before.

It was intense, but it wasn't at all harmful. In fact, if anything it was amazing and even pleasurable. The magic collected and condensed one last time. It then shot towards her quickly. Naruko let out a moan of pleasure as she softly collapsed on to the floor. She couldn't help the moans that escaped her muzzle.

The lights started to slow down and return to their candle sticks. Luna’s magic aura receded and the pony princess landed elegantly on the floor and folded in her wings.

Naruko lay on the floor and panted. She still felt tremors of pleasure pass through her body in very pleasant ways, even if they were starting to slowly fade. After a few seconds she spoke, “I thought… you said… it would be unpleasant, Princess.”

Luna walked over to her calmly and smiled gently. “I said it could be. Those who fight it because they are a little terrified don’t… enjoy it as much.”

Luna then gave a wider smile as she chuckled. “Also don’t worry. Your purity is still intact it isn’t really that kind of a spell. Even if it leaves the mare or stallion in such a state.”

Naruko blushed to this. “One last thing. That moan of yours was actually kind of cute,” Luna said as she covered her muzzle with a hoof and giggled. Naruko’s blush intensified.

She wasn’t ashamed or anything though. It really did feel that good and it did have that kind of effect on her. Still it was embarrassing to have your commander see you in such a state. Even more so if said commander is a beautiful Princess.

The unicorn’s deep blue eyes widened as she felt another intense jolt of pleasure. She couldn’t help but moan out again. This caused Luna to raise an eyebrow at her.

{-} {-} {-}

Naruko finally recovered from the ceremony. It took her some time though. The blonde pony looked to Luna and asked, “That Magical Swear seemed awfully specific. Do the words and magic have more importance than the runes and candles to the ceremony? Does this change depending on the circumstances for the spell?”

Luna gave a proud smile. “You are right that the magic and words are very important. The runes and candles are much more important, but it is the words and magic that guide the ceremony and create the spell's effects. These, as you deducted, change based on the circumstance and secrets the spell helps guard.”

Naruko looked thoughtful. “So I guess the intensity and the feel of magic vary as well depending on the secret and circumstance.”

“Right you are, Naruko. You and your fellow Patrollers will end up privy to a great many secrets since you will also serve as the home defense if an invasion were to occur. However, your experience was much stronger than it will be for the others, since you are not only a captain in the patrol, but also the Grand Captain.”

“The Grand Captain?” Naruko asked as she raised an eyebrow questioningly. She sort of knew what it meant, but the ponies made it seem like her duties weren't all that different than a Patrol Captain's for the most part. Also she thought her extra duties were just due to her being the start up Captain.

Luna nodded to her. “Yes the Grand Captain. There aren’t going to be many. We may add one or two more after the patrol has expanded a lot more, but until then. And ‘then’ is far down the line, you are the Grand Captain. It is a hefty title and position with a lot of weight and responsibility behind it. In fact, unless otherwise noted in your orders for a mission. You are actually higher in the command chain than most of the Royal Guard.”

“This includes my Night Guard. Though for the most part I have them work directly with me and apart from others. However, unless otherwise told, if they are ever on a mission with you. You are their commanding officer.” Luna said as she looked the blonde pony in the eyes.

“I guess since the patrol hasn’t been around for a while. I'll have to prove myself to any others. Still, I feel a little like a cheat being given this position without really earning it.” Naruko said.

Naruko was surprised when Luna came up right to her and looked her square in the eyes. “You have earned this position. You have already completed a special and very important mission for the throne and you were able to take me one on one.”

Naruko was about to protest, but Luna placed a dark hoof on her muzzle. “It doesn’t matter that I wasn’t at my full strength. You know this. We already discussed it. I also know about your time as a human. The truth is with your incomplete shadow warrior training you are better trained than most of the Royal Guard. You may not have gone through the ranks, but you have earned your position.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed a little. “I would not have recommended you to go straight to Grand Captain otherwise, Naruko.”

The blonde unicorn looked down a little and scuffed a hoof on the floor. “Sorry. I wasn’t questioning your judgment, your Highness.”

Luna’s face softened. “Perhaps I was a little too intense with my words. I wasn’t meaning to criticize you or accuse you of such things. I merely wished to point out you have earned your position and you should not doubt that. Ponies will be questioning your authority at every turn in the beginning at least. Eventually they will learn of your deeds with the Ever-Free Patrol.”

Naruko looked up to her and was happy to see Luna giving her a soft smile. The night princess continued, “Back when the Patrol was last instituted the members were seen as heroes by all. Even the Royal Guard looked up to them. I will admit the patrol did do a lot more back then. It may gain more duties if they are needed as it grows once more though.”

Naruko stared in a little bit of awe. She had to admit part of her still wanted the attention that she so desperately craved when she was younger. It was sounding like the Ever-Free Patrol may in fact satisfy that small craving.

The blonde unicorn may have stood there daydreaming a little in awe, but Luna gave a smirk and spoke to her in a seductive voice. “So… Should we have dinner together or something? And… Was it as good for you as it was for me?” She teased.

The unicorn blushed as thoughts ran through her head. She finally regained control. “Geez…” She said. “You said it wasn’t like that…” Luna giggled at her. “Did I really seem that way?” Her blush deepened for no real reason.

Luna giggled more. “Sorry I couldn’t help it. You really are cute when you blush. But yes you really did seem to enjoy the spell a lot.”

The peach tanned pony blushed more. She hated this. She felt extra girly at this moment, but she didn't really mind it that much. She hated that fact even more.

“Really I just had to say that. I was watching this movie where two ponies said that after a rather interesting and comedic situation.” Luna said with a smile.

“Why were you watching that type of a movie?” Naruko was actually very curious.

“Well Celly told me it would help me with learning about the times and how culture has changed.” Luna blushed a little and added, “Some of it was rather a lot to take in. The way society and decorum is a lot more lax now is both shocking and at times entertaining.”

Naruko nodded to that. She then gave a foxy grin. Time to get a little pay back. “You know maybe we should get something to eat. I mean…” her voice dropped down just a little, “You really did rock my world. It will be quiet the tale for the others to hear about my private encounter with the Princess of the Night in her bedchamber.”

Luna paused and blushed as her mouth hung open. “You-you… you wouldn’t.”

Naruko gave a laugh as she made her way to the dining halls. Luna quickly followed her and begged her not to go around saying such things. It would be very scandalous if she did. Every gossip pony would talk about it and every magazine would have it on the front cover.

Naruko laughed louder. “Oh that was funny. You should have seen your face.” She figured since Luna had already broken down the walls of decorum and seriousness the two could act a little more like friends now.

Luna gave an “Hmph” and raised her nose in the air. “It isn’t proper to do such things to royalty, Naruko.” Naruko just laughed more. She might have been scared there for a second, but she saw the smile tugging at Luna’s lips.

“Joking aside…” Luna began with a somber tone. “We both have our work cut out for us, Naruko. I hope you are ready for it.”

Naruko gave a smug grin. “I was born for this kind of thing, Princess. Doing what I can to help those important to me and all of Equestria is very similar to what I would have been doing by this time in that other world. Here though I have friends and important ponies who love me and are more than worth all the trouble we will face.”

Luna once again started to smile. She knew she had chosen right to have Naruko as her Grand Captain. The blonde unicorn would do all she could for The Patrol and manage both her secret missions and duties as a Contract Guardian. The Princesses would help when they could, and Naruko’s friends will also be there for her when needed.

Luna looked out another window. “Some of them will just need to grow up a little bit first,” the Night Princess thought to herself. She quickly started moving again so Naruko wouldn’t think something was up.

As they walked into one of the casual dining halls Luna stopped again as did Naruko. Luna gave the unicorn a smile as welcoming as a slight warm breeze in the middle of a cool night.

Naruko paused and blushed a little at the princess’ smile. Luna would have been tempted to tease the blonde pony, but instead she just came closer to her. Luna then softly said to her. “I knew I made the right choice on this, Naruko.”

Naruko relished in the praise. Praise for her wasn’t scarce here in Equestria, but still a part of her drank it up. Luna then stepped back and said, “I look forward to all the time we will be spending with each other. I also look forward to the ways you further prove your worth to Equestria.”

“I suppose we will be working a lot together now, Princess Luna.” Naruko said.

She couldn’t fully hide the small bit of excitement at the prospect of working with Princess Luna. Sure Celestia and Naruko were very close, but it always felt like Celestia was more Twilight’s Princess. If that makes any sense. Luna was starting to become more Naruko’s Princess slowly.

Luna gave a smile and a nod. “Yes we shall, Naruko. After all, The Ever-Free Patrol is my responsibility alone. And I have always preferred a more hooves on approach in such matters. As I said, we have a lot of work to do, my Grand Captain. I will oversee and help with the first parts of the Patrol a good bit especially.”

Naruko gave a small bow. “I look forward to it, Princess Luna.”

Princess Luna gave her a nod and motioned for the unicorn to rise. “As do I, Naruko.” A moment later she spoke once more. “Now let us have something to eat then. You may pick.”

Naruko gave a smile. “Does it have to be here?” She motioned to the dining room around them with a hoof.

“Do you wish for one of the grander dining halls?” Luna asked with confusion.

“Nah… I was thinking of somewhere else. After all, this is something to celebrate. Is it not?” Naruko asked with hope in her blue eyes.

Princess Luna now understood what Celestia meant when she said it was hard to refuse either Naruko or Twilight. The look in the peach tanned pony’s eyes was very imploring. The Princess of the Night felt like if she refused the request it would be like drowning a sack of puppies. Something she would never do.

So she went with the obvious answer, “Yes it is, Naruko. Lead us to dinner.” Naruko gave a bright smile as she eagerly led the way.

{-} {-} {-}

“Well, well… I never thought I would see this day.” Said the restaurant owner as he bowed deeply. “Forgive me, your highness. I am deeply honored and thankful you are here at my humble business. I'm just surprised.”

Luna looked around with a half frown. She saw a few of the Canterlot Elite, several of the off-duty Royal Guard, and even some of the well-known food critics in Equestria, all of whom were bowing to her. The place was actually very busy it seemed.

Princess Luna motioned for them to rise and go about their business. The ponies did without hesitation. She then turned to the owner and spoke, “If you call this a humble business, then I dread your definition of a grand and esteemed business.”

The owner bowed in thanks as she continued, “But it is Naruko you should thank, not I. She wanted to come here for dinner.”

The owner gave an easy smile to the blonde unicorn who was still amazed at the scene before her. “Aye. She is almost making up for skipping out on her first bill here.”

“Oh please… Not that again…” Naruko whined. Both Princess Luna and the owner laughed to this. Soon Naruko joined them in laughter before finally ordering her meal.

By the end of the meal Naruko knew Luna was more than likely a new convert to the Followers of Ramen. The blonde unicorn was sure after another trip or two Celestia would induct her sister into the apparently esteemed order.

Once all was said and done, Naruko returned to her home. She mostly went straight to bed. She promised to fill in Twilight on everything in the morning and maybe even let the unicorn observe some of the proceedings, with her boss’ permission of course.

All in all it was a very good day, plus that spell… Naruko blushed as the flood of pleasure returned with the memory. Eventually she fell asleep, and had pleasant dreams that night. Things were going to be different now. She was excited by this.