Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Writers block, gotta hate it.

*Looks at title* Yeah, I spent a full hour trying to name this chapter... it was difficult XD

Oh yeah, I also messed up my right arm. Mostly the elbow and shoulder... word of advice. Don't jump of a bridge and expect the water to be deep, because, more than likely, it's not. Mud and rocks hurt.

Meaning, it's hurting me to type this out. I was in serious pain during all of this, so it's really sort and... rushed? I'm really sorry.

Also, the new OC in the story is owned by AndryFeare, on

Chapter 106

We reappeared outside of the library, a few feet from the door.

Twilight looked at me, "I should go first."

I nodded and allowed her to walk forward.

She walked up to the door and opened it without knocking.

On the other side, I heard someone say hi and ask how she was doing.

I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

Upon entering, Greg turned and looked at me, "Whoa! I must be high, I'm seeing Lance."

All the others looked up from their books and other things to see me, standing in the doorway.

No one said a word, but I could tell they were relieved to see me.

Frederic was the first to react. He stood up and walked silently towards me.

I looked at his head to see that his horn was back, I wonder who helped him with that. Probably Omnius or Luna.

Frederic stopped in front of me and used his magic to lift my upper body up. He then slammed his hoof into my gut, then released me.

"Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again!" He yelled in my face. He then pulled me into a friendly hug, "It's good to have you back."

I chuckled and quickly returned his hug before jumping back, breaking it, "Yeah, but I've got some explaining to do."

David looked at me from across the room, "Yeah, you can start with your cutie mark. Why does it have wings?"

I held up a hoof and smiled, "This will be very hard to explain, so, would you like me to start off by showing you all?"

"Showing us what?" Grace asked as she sat on a couch with her head hanging over the side.

"Well, I guess you could call it my second form. Let's just say I died and was sent back as something. I'll explain more after I show you."

Frederic furrowed his brow, "So, you did die. Very well, show us this new 'form'."

I gave a bow, "With pleasure."

I then stood up straight and rotated my neck a little till it popped. Ah, much better. "Ready?"

They all nodded in response.

[Let's do this!]
<Yeah! I've been wanting to try this form out since we got it!>

I closed my eyes and slowly shifted over, mentally that is. A sudden flash shot out from my body and filled the room momentarily.

When it cleared, I heard everyone gasp.

"Dude!" Peter yelled out as he looked me over.

"Nice." Greg said while looking out a random window at a random bird.

Frederic whistled, "Dayum!"

I looked at everyone and asked, "What do I look like exactly." This is the time when you need a mirror.

Frederic looked me over again, "Well, your wings are slightly bigger, but no longer have the red metal like substance on them. Your mane and tail are still black, but the red's been replaced by white. Your stripes are also white. You're also taller, almost as tall as me. And... are those crosses on your hooves?"

I looked down at my hooves to see a black cross on the sides, "Huh, I like that."

"Lance, tell us what happened." Vinetion asked as she slowly stood up.

Well, time to explain this all again... *Sigh*

I cleared my throat, "Well, you see, I'm an angel and..."

Everfree forest, Mr. Bleak's house

Mr. Bleak stepped out of his house and looked at the surrounding forest.


He smiled to himself and looked at his small garden, full of flowers.

No pony knows this, but Mr. Bleak, the most feared teacher in the area, has a soft spot for flowers. He just loves to grow them and set them around the house.

This is the main reason his house was out in the Everfree forest. No sane pony would ever brave the forest and go this far out.

He checked the tree line one more time before picking up his watering bucket and moving towards his garden. He tilted his head to the side, causing some water to sprinkle out and onto the flowers.

A smile formed on his face while he held the handle in his teeth.

"Hiya!" Said a happy female voice.

Bleak jumped at the voice and spun around, causing the water in the bucket to fly out and splash into a lime green unicorn with a black mane.

She laughed hysterically at the sudden impact of water and shook her self off.

Bleak raised and eyebrow and put the bucket down, "Who are you and why are you here?" The basic question he asked anypony that got close to his house.

She tapped her chin, "Hmm, lets see: I was bored and someone told me a strange pony lived out in the forest. I was curious and here I am!"

Bleak looked her over, "And?"

"And what?" She asked curiously.

Bleak sighed and said it as simply as he could, "Why did you come all this way to see me?"

She opened her mouth slightly and said oh as she nodded her head, "I just thought you sounded interesting. And you are!"

Bleak shifted uncomfortably.

She held out her hoof, "My names Adry."

Bleak looked at her hoof and slowly reached out and shook it, "Darkest Bleak."

She smiled, "Darkest Bleak? I like that name!"

Bleak looked around, "Umm, could you please leave?"

She cocked her head, "Leave? Why?"

He sighed, "I may be a school teacher, but I do prefer to be alone afterwords." Well, when he's not watching over Spark.

She smiled happily, "Alone? No pony should be alone."

Bleak turned from her, "Yeah, well I've been alone for a thousand year's." He then facehoofed, he had just said the one thing he tried to keep hidden.

"A thousand years? Whoa, you're that old?" She asked in amazement.

Bleak turned back to her, "Uhhh, yeah." Might as well tell her a little, "I'm actually older than that, way older."

She bounced with a happiness, "Wow! You're even more interesting! Can I stay here for a while? PLEASE!"

Bleak looked at his flowers and sighed, "Fine, but only for a while."

She smiled, "Yay! Thank you!"

"Yeah yeah." He said as he picked up the bucket and made his way to the water pump.

He put it down and began to refill it. Once it was filled, he picked it up and walked past Adry and back to his flowers.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Watering my garden." Bleak answered simply.

After a few seconds, he heard her said something.



He sighed and turned to see Adry standing next to the water pump, which was now spraying water upward.

"I didn't do it." She said as she side stepped away from it, already soaked.

Bleak walked over and gave it a kick, fixing the problem. It usually did this, all ya had to do was give a small hard kick.

He turned to Adry to see her standing there, soaking wet and shivering. It was almost winter after all. (Yes, I'm keeping track of the season. It's October right now, almost Nightmare night.)

He pointed towards the house, "Go get a towel, they're in the kitchen."

She nodded, then smiled, "Ow! I get to see the inside of your house, yay!" She then galloped off towards the front door.

Bleak sighed and followed. Better make sure she doesn't destroy the house in her search.

And, not to his surprise, he walked in to see that she had already made a wreck of the kitchen.

He walked in and tapped his hoof against the floor.

She looked up from a pile of plates and bowels that she had knocked down and frowned in frustration, "I can't find them!"

He reached over to the back of a chair and picked one up.

She smiled sheepishly, "Oh... oops, must have missed it."

She stood up and walked over and grabbed it with her magic. She then proceeded to dry her self off.

As Bleak watched, he had a thought. 'Wow, she actually looks beaut...' He then slammed his hoof across his head, 'She's mortal, just forget that thought.'

She finished up and smiled at him, "Done!" She then tossed the towel over the same chair and looked around, "Sorry about the mess."

He shrugged, "I've done worst trying to cook."

She giggled, "You can cook?"

He shook his head, "Far from it. I just eat hay or what ever I buy that can be heated up in the oven."

She furrowed her brow, then clapped her hooves together, "Idea! I can go to town and get some ingredients, then I can make you a real meal! I love this idea! How about you?!"

He rubbed his chin, "Well I..."

"Great! I'll be back soon!" She said as she bolted out the door.

"... just ate." He finished. He then sighed, "Mare's."

He then looked at the mess, "Guess I got to clean this up... sometimes I wish I was back in the beginning of my life. At least then all I had to do was eat and sleep."

After a few deep memories, he began to work on the kitchen, and as usual, talked to himself, "That mare is crazy. But I like crazy... Darkest! She's mortal! It wouldn't work, she'll only die on you and you'll go on living!"

He hung his head and sighed, "Being immortal sucks sometimes."