Fall Of The Solar Empire

by Lobby04


Storm finished off the potion Silverbeam gave him and turned to Alessa. "Im sorry you had to get into all this." He said, smiling weakly. Alessa rolled her eyes, she was stuck in it at this point, so might as well force herself to go along with it. He tucked the necklace back into his shirt, and grabbed a map off the table,unrolling it and gesturing. "Where are you originally from?" He asked.
She watching him put something away- now the smallest bit curious of the thing around his neck, but pushed it to the back of her mind to answer his question. Her eyes shifting from his neck to the map, it only took her a moment to study it before pointing at one of the more cold area's, a place with mountains and winter almost the entire year. "Here." She said softly, now wondering why he was asking her where she was from. It didn't seem very relevant to her, but nothing really did right now. Alessa by habit pulled her sweater down a bit more to cover her as much as she could, these tights really liked pushing up the sweater.
"I actually don't know where I'm from..." Storm stopped and looked at the map where Alessa had pointed. It seemed familiar, though he never visited. Silver looked over the map, locating Everfree forest. "I am going to go collect some things for the journey." He slammed a knife into the table where everfree was. "We leave at first light." With that he left.
Alessa watched the knife sink into the wood of the table. She winced slightly, and slightly opened her eyes to watch Silver leave. He was so tense and angry all the time, she didn't understand why... But who was she to judge?
Storm glanced awkwardly around, not knowing what to say to Alessa. "Erm..." He said, looking at his boots. "Why were you out last night?" He asked. Alessa's attention returned to Storm, who'd asked her another question. Poor guy though, he doesn't know where he's from or remember anything. That can't be easy to live with. "I don't like being out during the day, to many people too many ways to bug out. See I have a condition where my body decides it wants to freak out if I get tense or nervous. Doctors couldn't explain why- Mother nearly forced me to get a body modification but I turned 18 before she could." Alessa stared at the ground. Storm then turned very grave. "Do not, I repeat, do not get body mods. The mods have all sorts of things that keep you in Celestia’s pocket." She nodded some at his comment on the body modifications. "I know, I know. I don't find it right." She added, why her own mother would ever want to have her daughter modified. She’d never know. Though, she could honestly say she didn't get along with her mother.
"So I moved here to get away from my mom, I work online and I do what I need at night. I've never had a problem till-" She looked at Storm. "Well you know." At the mention of Alessa’s mother, his eyes softened into a sort of sadness. His hand reached up again to his neck. "I never knew my mum." Just then Storm felt a tugging in his chest- Not because his mom wasn’t in his life… No, this was something else. He chose to ignore it, probably just some other side effect from using too much magic.
Alessa started playing with her fingers, avoiding looking at Storm for a moment. “I’m sorry to hear that.” Her tone was sincere and very gently. Almost in a motherly way .Alessa saw his gaze soften some, she frowned "Yeah I figured- not knowing where you came from and all.” After a moment of silence, Alessa decided to switch the subject- for the sake of avoiding an awkward time. "I guess I know why you were out." She added, she got a little nervous, her cheeks growing slightly red.
Storm smirked a bit "well I could have been worse. At Least you aren't drugged up in a basement of some guard." Even Alessa laughed a bit at Storms joke, guess she should be happy nothing really bad happened to her tonight. Then, just like that she had another question.
“Did you lose your memory as a kid?" She asked softly, finding a chair to sit on, she crossed her legs as she sat down. Blue eyes once more resting on Storm. But Storms head was elsewhere. He was getting visions, white magic nearly overflowing in his eyes. Soon he was overcome with emotions. Abandonment, and depression filled his mind. Small glimpses of a small girl in a alley way… It was so cold, everything was so very cold. Even though Storm was inside and should be perfectly warm, he was literally shivering. Isolation came up now, the images of the girl getting more clear with every other one. It was snowing out and she was covered, only she had no coat, no shoes, and was even wearing shorts. She was in immense need of help. When the small girl passed a street sign, Storm realized she was only a few blocks away. He had an extreme urge to protect her. Who was this girl?
Storm clutched the locket close to his heart, then dashed out of the room. A girl. He bolted out of the warehouse and down the alleyway pulling on his coat. Alessa watched as Storm made a mad dash out of the room as if he'd seen a ghost, "Wait, Storm!" she called out and went to the doorway but stopped. there was no point to follow him- though he clearly knew where he wanted to go. Alessa sighed and closed the door. He turned left and right, not knowing where he was, but knowing where he needed to go. He stopped in a dark snow covered alleyway. Everything about her looked so familiar… He approached the huddled ball of a person in the corner, emotion flowing through him.
Sophie had finally made it out of there, her lungs gabbed for air as she’d just collapsed on the ground. She looked behind her seeing no one, tears started flooding down her cheeks as she curled into a tight ball. Flashes of a figure standing over her dead parents wouldn't leave her alone. She couldn't scream from pain, or the hatred. She was like a lost puppy that no one felt the need to help. She wanted to be somewhere where she belonged, not moving from city to city. She wanted things to be over.
Sophie's skin was numb now, she was shivering wildly. A futile attempt from her body to keep itself warm. She could feel the snow falling down onto her skin and clothes. Her eyes were lifeless and dull. Something soon broke the silence, her eyes shifted over to a figure. It was the boy she’d saved before. She just wanted to tell him to go away, just let her freeze to death. She was so useless- she couldn't even tell someone to leave. She looked away from him, forcing her body to move as she picked herself up and slowly tried to make her way out of the alley, after making a few good seconds of eye contact.
Storm followed the girls frail form as she stumbled away. "Wait!" He called, he reached out towards the tiny girl, he didn’t understand why she was walking away from him. She didn’t look scared or anything. "Come back!" He called out.
Sophie stopped and turned her head back towards the stranger. She still wanted to tell him to go away, or at least a what do you want. Maybe she should be happy he's not laughing at her, or whatever. She stared at him for another moment. And with that she waited like she was told. Afterall he didn’t seem threatening. Storm pulled off his coat and offered it to Sophie, trying to show he was safe. Maybe she was mute...or deaf? No wait she turned around when he called for her- and maybe she just didn’t want to speak. "Here, you look cold." Sophie hesitated to run only when he took off his jacket did she calm down. Snow continued to fall, Storm shivered but this girl was dressed more lightly than him, and for some reason he felt a… Connection.
The warm black fabric felt wonderful. Her eyes lit up some as she looked up at him. Dirt smudges on her face, along with a lot of hair out of place.His words were so kind, Sophie started tearing a bit as she felt the connection as well. But she didn't understand it. She just kept looking at him, then looked down for a moment, putting her hands in the new pockets. She mouthed the words 'thank you'.
Storm sat down on a crate next to her and pulled out a pen and paper and handed it to her.She looked at him puzzled as he pulled out the objects from his pockets. "Can you read and write?" He asked warmly, wanting her to feel at ease. Of course, a mutes best friend. Sophie smiled softly taking it, her fingers were bright red and it hurt to write. She wrote A little. She’d never really learned a lot of spelling, writing was more mimicking letters she’d seen before. Though her letters looked like those of a kindergarteners. She then wrote ‘Why here’ she was curious to know why'd He'd come over here. She handed him the paper and waited once more.
He studied the scrawl for a moment. His brow furrowed at the scribbles on the paper, instead of trying to decipher it, he decided to help her more. Sophie frowned as he could clearly not read what she’d put on the paper. The best friend is no use if it could not speak as well. "Do you need anything? You look cold and hungry." She handed both things back, oh no. He said food. Just the thought of food made her- a small growl came from Sophie’s stomach. Sophie’s cheeks grew red, she then grinned and rubbed the back of her head. A growl was a universal signal for being hungry, right?
"Hey, come with me." Storm stood up, offering his hand. He smiled at her, it was kind of cute the way she’d gotten embarrassed. "I have some food and a warm Place for you" he shuffled a bit "If you trust me...I mean, you look like you’ve been through a lot."
A warm place, and food? Shoot, he could beat the shit out of her and those two things would still be nice. She swatted at the air as if saying 'oh please' she somehow trusted him more than most people who have tried to help. She took his hand and started to follow him. She was like a little kid inspecting a new toy. He really liked the color black. Was the main thing she determined from him. It didn't take long for them to get there. Sophie looked confused, this place? It looked just like any other run down building. But opening the door heat overwhelmed her. Sophie went right behind the stranger when she saw Alessa. Peeking out from behind her new stranger friend to get a look at sweater girl. "Who is that?" Alessa asked sitting up.
Storm laughed a bit. "I have no idea actually...but she seemed hungry and such so I brought here here." He led sophie to the cot where he had been, then brought her some water. "Do you do this often?" Alessa said jokingly, going into the kitchen- Honestly she could use something to eat as well. "I'll make us all something." She started going to look for something to make. She began rummaging through some cabinet before finding some cans of food and pots for the stove.Alessa decided that she wasn’t going to ask Storm about his outburst. Maybe his magic could see people in danger. Sophie on the other hand was looking all around, her now defrosting fingers sliding on a mask that was in the room, or was it a helmet? She wasn't really sure. "What should I call you?" He asked.
Her gaze turned to the boy who found her. She then proceeded to roll her eyes. This again? She hated the name game. She’d been named Taylor, Louis, Terra, Daniel, Kara, and Kat. Sometimes she forgot her own name. She gently took the paper trying to as neatly as she could, write her name on the paper. Even she could barely read it, she hoped he could. Storm looked at the scrawl, not because he didn't understand it but it seemed familiar. He looked up into her brown colored eyes and whispered a word. A name. "Sophie? Thats your name?" Sophie waited patiently for her name to be given to her patiently, when she heard her actual name, saying she was stunned would be an understatement. Memories faded in and out of his mind and his hand touched the necklace. He didn’t know why that word triggered things, but it did. Her eyes looked into his, searching to see if he somehow knew her or maybe they'd met before? But she only saw or rather felt the feeling of being lost coming off this man. Sophie finally replied by nodding her and mouthing ‘yes’. She jumped up some to, this was exciting to her- a lot better than cold eyes and his friends- then it hit her. Her mood dropped along with her smile. They were sure to come after her- she'd have to leave the city. She was sure she'd killed that man.
"Whats the matter sophie?" Storm stood up. He could sense a tense feeling in the air but he wasn't sure why. Sophie rubbed the back of her head. He knew damn well as her that she wouldn't be able to tell him fully what was going on with her. She wouldn't be able to write it properly, nor could she sign it out. Sophie took off the stranger jacket handing it back to him. Neither of these two had yet to tell her their name, so Sweater and coat man it was. Her eyes peeked out the window, they darted to every corner. What if those drunks came here and hurt the nice man? She looked back at him, worry filling her eyes If they came, it'd be for her. She'd just run to get their attention away from them. She nodded to herself and walked to the small kitchen were sweater girl was cooking. Sophie felt her stomach groan, wanting to eat it. She couldn't remember the last time she ate- the thought then occurred to her. She started looking around until she saw it. A glorious thing- a shower.
Alessa watched the girl walk around and panic, she was like a puppy trying to tell you things that you couldn't understand. Alessa soon got the green beans, hot dogs and another can of peaches. There wasn't much in here to fair- This gang of their most likely has a low budget. This meal would have to do.