//------------------------------// // Parole // Story: The Crusader // by Kasune //------------------------------// The sun shone down on Sweet Apple Acres, bathing the apple orchards in nourishing light. Near the front gate of the farm is a farmhouse and barn, with an orange mare inspecting a wagon next to the barn. “Applejack, please!” Applebloom shouted, hanging out of a window of the nearby house. Applejack looked up, staring in the filly's direction. “Yer grounded, missy.” Applebloom groaned, hanging her head over the windowsill. “But Ah'm so bored!” Applejack shook her head. “Shoulda thought 'bout that before ya got inta that fight.” “But Ah din't start-” “Hush now.” The mare interrupted, turning back towards the wagon. “Ah'm tryin' ta fix this ol' wagon.” She stated, poking at the wheel. Applebloom bolted upright. “Ah cin fix it.” “This ain't no time ta be messin' round.” Applejack rolled her eyes as she turns to the work bench, grabbing a wrench.” “Ya need ta use the samoflange ta reset the radial click gauge 'fore ya polarize the suspension shaft.” “Huh?” Applejack stared at the tools on the workbench in confusion. “Ah kin help fix it if'n Ah'm not grounded no more.” Applebloom gave a wide smile as her sister turned to look at her. Applejack groaned as she looked back at the cart. “C'mon down and we'll see.” “Yay!” Applebloom shouted, bouncing away from the window. “Ah hope this ain't no mistake.” She sighed, adjusting her hat as she watched her sister disappear inside. Applebloom bounded down the stairs, taking them three at a time. Hitting the ground floor, she spotted an older green pony sitting in a rocking chair. “Hey, Granny! Bye, Granny!” She shouted as she ran past. The older pony opened her eye to watch the younger filly. “Hol' on a tick. Ain't ya in trouble.” She grumbled. Applebloom skidded to a stop, turning to face the green pony. “Ah'm helping Applejack fix the ol' wagon.” “Who ya callin' ol', ya whippersnapper?” “The wagon, Granny.” Granny Smith started to get up out of the rocking chair. “Ah bilt that wagon when yer Ma was but a filly.” Applebloom gulped, casting a glance to the door behind her. “Applejack said it.” She stated before dashing out the door. Applejack was inspecting the various tools on the workbench when Applebloom came galloping up to the barn. “Now, what was it ya were sayin'? “Am Ah ungrounded?” She asked, wiping a strand of red mane out of her face. “If'n ya kin really fix this ol' wagon,” Applejack sighed, waving at the wagon, “Ah suppose...” Applebloom reached up to grab a screwdriver off the workbench, diving under the wagon. Applejack scowled at seeing what her sister grabbed. “That's a screwdriver, not a watchamacallit.” “Samoflange” A reply from under the wagon was issued. “'Xactly.” “Ah needed ta loosen the altimeter valve so Ah kin reach the radial click gauge.” She stuck a hoof out from under the wagon. “Samoflange.” Applejack stomped a hoof in frustration. “What in tarnation is a samoflange?” “Should be sittin' next ta the doohickey.” She rolled her eyes at the response. “Now Ah know yer makin' stuff up. Git out here.” Applebloom poked her head out, staring at her sister. “Nuh-uh. Dad ne'er said what it was called, so Ah put on a label that said doohickey.” Applejack turned back towards the bench and indeed finds a tool with a label messily stuck to it reading 'doohickey.' Picking up the tool next to it, she hoofed it to her sister, who promptly disappeared back under the wagon. “Why din't ya ask me or Big Mac? “Ya don't know what a samoflange is.” A loud clang rang out from under the wagon. “An' Granny called it a doohickey.” “Ya got me there...” Applebloom pushed the samoflange out from under the cart. “Moon wrench.” “What wrench?” Applebloom circled her hoof. “Looks like a crescent wrench, but with black and white gems in the handle.” Applejack bent down to pick up the samoflange and return it to the workbench. Looking around, she quickly fiound the next tool and passed it on to the filly. “So...Dad showed ya how ta do this?” “Yup.” Another crash of metal sounded from underneath. “Well, some of it. Ah picked up a lot on mah own.” A spout of steam billowed out from behind the wagon. “Done.” Pushing the tools ahead of her, Applebloom came out with a grin and several grease spots littering her coat. “Ah wonder what Diamond an' Twist are up ta?” She started to bounce off towards town. However, her sister grabbed her mid-bounce. “Uh-uh.” The yellow(and spotted) filly looked up at the orange mare with teary eyes. “But...ya said Ah weren't grounded no more.” “An' ya ain't.” Applejack flashed a brief smile before going back to her frown. “But yer filthy. Ya cin go socializin' after ya get cleaned up.” “But Applejack-” “No buts.” The older pony lightly popped her sisters backside. “Now git.” Applebloom groaned as she trudged back towards the farmhouse. “An' don't forget ta clean yer flank.” The filly grinned. “Ah thought ya said no butts.” She said, shaking her rump. “Git going!” Applejack laughed as she watched her sister race into the house. The Ponyville General Store was fairly quiet this time of day. Most stores were during the lunchtime rush. Couldn't really hope to compete with Ms. Pie's Confetti Surprise. Not that Filthy Rich had any intentions of doing so. He was running a general store, after all, not a restaurant. And honestly, having a slow period was nice. Which is why it's probably forgivable that he slipped from the counter and crashed to the floor when the bell for his door rings suddenly, a yellow filly galloping into the store. “Mr. Rich!” He grumbled a little, but picked himself up off the floor. This is a visit he doesn't mind. “Well, if it isn't Bloomy. I thought your sister would have put you on lock down.” Applebloom made a show of inspecting her hoof, as if the topic was uninteresting. “Early release for mechanical knowledge.” “You mean, good behavior?” He caught Applebloom giving a mischievous smirk. “Too right. I know you too well to believe that.” Filthy Rich smiled as he crossed his forelegs over the counter. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” “Ah was hopin' ya knew where Diamond Tiara was.” Applebloom responded, planting her hoof back on the ground. “Hmm...” Filthy Rich brought one hoof up, tapping his chin. “Did you try Twist's house?” “Yup.” Applebloom nodded enthusiastically. “Her mom said ta check with you?” “Of course.” He nodded knowledgeably back at her. “What about Bon Bon's Candies?” “Empty as a barrel after cider day.” “Golden Oaks Library?” A silence filled the store before the two ponies broke out laughing. “Well, I wouldn't give up. I'm sure you'll bump into them.” At the word bump, two small forms collided, sending the three rolling across the floor. Giggling, the pink filly hopped up and beams at Filthy Rich. “Thanks daddy!” Applebloom jumped up behind her, ruffling her mane. “How'd ya know Ah was comin' here?” “I thaw you checking Thugarcube Corner while I wath grabbing lunch.” The beige filly still on the floor adjusting her glasses remarked. “Tho I thought we could thurprithe you.” “Daddy asked us to help out in the store.” The pink filly smiled, shrugging Applebloom off her back. “Do you want to help?” “Sure, Diamond Tiara.” She smiled, looking back up at Filthy Rich. “If'n ya are fine with it.” Filthy Rich beamed back at her. “I am sure it would be alright. The girls were just going to do one delivery after lunch, then you can spend the rest of the day celebrating your early parole.” “Thweet!” The beige filly shouted, hopping off the floor. “We can thelebrate at Bon Bon'th!” “Ah dunno.” Applebloom's smirk shrank a little. “She might still be mad about last time.” “That wathn't my fault...” The beige filly glanced at the floor. “It'th not like I made that thtorm cloud.” “Twist, Applebloom, there's no need to argue.” Diamond Tiara grinned, stepping forward. “After all, Ms. Rarity could be displaying a new design today. We don't want to miss that.” The two fillies groaned together. “Ah was thinkin' we could go investigatin' that trail Ah told ya about before me an' Silver Spoon got inta a fight.” “Girls, one thing at a time.” Filthy Rich walked out from behind the counter, putting an 'Out to Lunch' sign on the door to the shop. “First, lunch, then the delivery. After that, you have the day to yourself.” He motioned for the three fillies to follow him behind the counter into the backroom.