It was a bright morning when Twilight woke up. She opened her blinds to let the light in.
"What a beautiful morning," she says with great enthusiasm.
She walks downstairs to the kitchen and fixes herself some breakfast which consists of some cereal and a muffin. A banana nut muffin, a favorite of hers. After breakfast she sat on her couch to read a book. It was a action type book that Rainbow Dash had mentioned to her. She told her it was an awesome book so Twilight thought she would check it out. After she started reading it, she ended up really liking it. After about an hour of reading she gets a call from Pinkie. Twilight answers.
"Hey Pinkie, whats up," she asks with a happy tone.
"Me and the girls are having a get together at the farm. You should come," she says excitedly.
"Sure thing. I'll be there in about 15 minutes."
"Alright! See ya then," said Pinkie extremely excited.
Twilight puts her phone on the table and goes to get dressed. About 7 minutes later she comes back downstairs in a nice T-Shirt that's light purple with a light pink star on it and jeans and grabs her phone and purse to leave the house.
As she walks down the street she smells a mixture of smells. She smells sweets baking at Sugarcube Corner, fresh pies from the local shops, and even fresh cut grass. Oh yes she loved the Spring time. She continued walking down the street while saying hello to the fellow townsfolk of Ponyville.
After about 10 minutes she arrives at Sweet Apple Acres. The place seems like no one is in it. She opens the doors at the barn and it is completely dark. Just as she was about to turn around to walk out, something brushed up her leg. She turned back to look in the barn and it was still completely dark. Finally a light turned on and all of her friends jumped out.
"SURPRISE," they all shouted while jumping towards Twilight.
Twilight was taken aback.
It was her birthday. How could she forget her own birthday. She starts to tear up a little.
"You guys are the best friends a girl could have," she said as they all got into a group hug.
The party goes on for quite a while. They have many laughs, cupcakes, and they played a lot of games together. After all of the fun Twilight says her goodbyes and heads home. On her way home it begins to rain. She curses herself for not bringing an umbrella. She continues to walk in the rain. She hears some odd crying in the distance. She attempts to ignore it but part of her says to go check it out. She sees a young boy sitting up against a tree crying. She thinks that he probably got in trouble with his parents and ran away for a few minutes. She continues walking but realizes how rude it would be if she just left him there. She slowly walks towards him and he looks up at her with tear filled eyes. Twilight looks at him.
"Hello there," she says while getting on a knee.
The boy is too shy to speak so he stays quiet.
"I heard you crying while I was walking and being the kind hearted person I am, I thought that I should see if you were okay."
He stays silent but looks into her purple eyes. He finally decides to speak.
"I-I'm not okay. Not even the slightest bit."
Twi looks at the ground and thinks of ways to help.
"Where are your parents," she asks worriedly.
"Long gone," he says with a quiet tone.
She looks back at the ground.
"Do you have anywhere you can go?"
"No. I have no one else except for my brother and sister who both live in Cloudsdale."
He looks down at the ground and shuts his eyes tight hoping that this is all a dream.
Twi looks at him not knowing what she can do to help.
"Look, I know you don't know me, but I want to help in any way I can. If you want to, you can come stay with me for a little while until you can get ahold of your brother or sister. I know it sounds weird of me to be offering you this but I want to help."
He looks up at her for a few seconds.
"R-Really? You'd allow me to stay with you?"
Twi nods and helps him up. He smiles brightly at her.
"So is that a yes," she asks him.
He nods and she smiles. They start to walk as Twi turns to him.
"You hungry," she asks.
"Yeah actually. I'm starving."
She walks with him to Sugarcube Corner and she gets them both an apple pie. She walks with him back to her house. They walk inside and they sit at the kitchen table. She hands him his pie and he begins eating. He started to eat fast but then remembered his manners and slowed down. Twi chuckles and starts to eat.
"So, whats your name kiddo?"
"It's Silver Light."
"Oh, nice to meet you Silver. My name is Twilight Sparkle," she smiles brightly at him.
He smiles back.
"Its nice to meet you Miss Sparkle."
She smiles again at his good manners. After they have both finished eating, Twi cleans up. She shows him the guest bedroom in the house and he lays in it yawning.
"Thank you... so much Miss Sparkle."
He pulls the blankets over himself and smiles.
"You're very welcome Silver. Goodnight."
He slowly drifts off to sleep and Twi walks to her room and sits in her bed. She smiles at the fact that she helped someone today. She lays in bed and quickly falls asleep.