What Happened To Us

by Voxyl the Game Dragon

He's Here

The 4 kids were passed out.

They had watch 8 full movies, started on the 9th but crashed in the middle.

Sun rays penetrated Sombra's sleep, rousing him awake. He opened his eyes with a groan and rolled over.

Only to touch noses with Luna.

The colt blushed and scooched over. He stood up and stretched. He saw the movie select screen still playing and shut it off. He walked into the kitchen, looking for something use as his breakfast.

The sounds of yawning and stretching picked up in his ears. He turned his head to see his friends.

Discord was flying above everyone else, rubbing his eyes drowsily.

"Where's breakfast, Som?"

"I don't know. Usually, Ms. Hēliota is cooking or it's already out."

Luna yawned and stretched again.

"Let's go to their room to find out."

The group of 4 nodded and began to ascend the stairs to the royal quarters.

Celestia placed three tired knocks on the door. It only a few seconds after, revealing a tired and scruffy Mensistor.

"Oh, hey kids."

Hēliota flailed her front hooves.

"Honey, shut the door. I've already risen the sun! I don't need more light."

"It's just the kids, sweetie. Now, what do you want?"

"We're hungry."

"Could you make breakfast?"

Mensistor's head made a thunking nose as it banged against the doorframe.

"J-just eat the rest of your lunch. We have had a long night."

Mensistor kissed his daughters and hoof-bumped the boys. He turned and walked back into his room.

After brunch, the 4 kids were playing Call of Cutie, ZomPs mode, in the living room.

"Lulu, how are you so good at this?"

"I know! I'm the only one with thumbs and I'm still losing!"

The lunar filly shrugged and continued to headshot ponies.

Soon, everyone had enough of Luna's winning and they switch to Pontal 2, taking turns of course.

Suddenly, Discord's controller turned into a glass of vanilla milk. He smiled and changed it back.

He didn't even have to turn around to know who just showed up.

"Hey, son!"

"Hi mom! Hi dad!"

Chaos ruffled Discord's hair, while Pandora gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Time to come home now, Dizzy."

"You too, Sombra."

Crystal and Umbra walked through the door.

"Aw! Can't we just stay for a while longer? Please?"

They all smirked at each other.

"What do you think, Chaos?"

"I'm not sure, Crystal. Pandora, what do you think?"

"Nope. I think they should come. You too, Umbra?"

"Yeah, they should come on home."

Discord and Sombra went to their last resort.

Puppy dog eyes.

Their parents tried to look away, but to no avail.

"Fine! You have until Mensistor raises the moon!"

"Just turn them off!"

They blinked a few times before high-hoofing. They hugged their parents and continued playing. The adults shuddered and walked away.

Sombra sent his character into an falling loop and set down the controller, breaking the magical grasp.

"I'm bored. Let's go play outside!"

"Ok! But we have to ask Mom and Dad."

Celestia and Luna set down their controllers and ran upstairs. After a few minutes, they came back down.

"Let's go!"

Everyone cheered and grabbed something to play with. They opened the door and ran outside.

Sombra and Luna were playing catch, while Discord and Celestia had a jump rope battle.

Until a rumble shook the ground.

The 4 kids stopped immediately.

"What was that?"

They began looking around for the source of the rumbling. Discord tripped and fell to the ground as the rumbling got louder.

A large figure began to rise from over the horizon.

Hēliota stuck her head out the window. She looked down at the kids.

"Get in the house now!"

The kids scrambled into the castle as Hēliota and Mensistor flew out the window.

The older alicorns sent magical signals into the air.

Crystal and Umbra turned around and came running, while Chaos and Pandora merely appeared to them.

"What's wrong?"

"He's here."

They all looked over the horizon, the problem now clear.

They all pulled out their element weapon and took their stance.

The kids were watching from the window, mouths agape.
