//------------------------------// // Sweet Apple Acres // Story: A Strange Dream // by Durant //------------------------------// "So this will help me?" Fluttershy asked. "Yes, just sleep with this under your pillow and and the spell will work on its own," Twilight explained. "Thank you Twilight. I knew coming to you would help.Just don’t tell anypony about my problem ok?" “Your secret is safe with us. Right Spike?” Twilight asked looking up at the baby dragon. “Sure I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to,” Spike assured her. “What if something goes wrong?” "Don't worry about it. Princess Luna, Spike, and myself will be there to help out if need be," Twilight told her. Fluttershy hugged Twilight and started out the door. As she flew through the sky she could barely contain the joy she felt. Soon her cottage came into view and she slowly laned on the front of it. Fluttershy walked in to her cottage as her animals came to greet her, some jumped up and hugged her. "I missed you too,"Fluttershy happily answered. Angels nose twitched a little. "Yes, Twilight did have a way to fix my problem, and its right here," Fluttershy held up an envelope showing it to the rabbit. All the other animals seemed very happy, but Angel had some concerns. "Oh Angel what could go wrong? If something bad happens Twilight will be there to help me." She gave Angel a small hug and smiled at the other animals. "See you in the morning." Fluttershy told her animals as she walked into her room and opened the envelope. Inside was a small slip of paper with the Divine Heart Spell and she placed it under her pillow. She giggled a little as she laid her head down and fell asleep quickly. *** Fluttershy opened her eyes and shook a head a little, as she sat in bed, the dream came back to her. She turn towards her pillow and placed her hoof on it slowly lifting it, Under her pillow was nothing, part of her was relieved, but the other part was a little upset. "Another dream that seems more like a forgotten memory" Fluttershy thought to herself. She turned to give Rainbow a kiss good morning, but she wasn't there. A little confused she got up and combed her mane a little and started to walk down stairs. As she neared bottom she saw Rainbow and Butterfly talking, Butterfly smiled and jumped in place a little. "Mom’s up. Can we go now?" Butterfly asked Rainbow. "Go where?" Fluttershy asked "To Sweet Apple Acres," Mach answered coming in from the kitchen. Fluttershy was confused for a few second until she remembered the party last night. The young unicorn, Big Mac and Cherilee’s colt. “Well, I was going to...” Fluttershy trailed off remembering last night. She was able to talk her way out of it then, but if she said she was going to see Twilight now and Rainbow asked questions she won’t have an excuse. “Sure we can go to Sweet Apple Acres if you want,” Fluttershy said smiling a little bit. "Shy, don't you want something to eat first? Last time you flew without eating you fell from the sky," Rainbow said. "Oh, no, I'm fine." Fluttershy flashed Rainbow a smiled and started out the door. Her family quickly followed outside and they all spread their wings and took off. *** Applejack looked out the window watching for any sign of Rainbow or Fluttershy. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she had to talk to Fluttershy about what she said last night. It was a small comment, but it hit her hard. She looked across the sky and then the orchard, but didn't see any sign of them. She was about to turn back when she saw a rainbow blur out of the corner of her eye. She shivered slightly as they landed on the porch and knock on the door. Applejack sighed and walked towards door as Applebloom ran in and opened it. 'Hi everypony!" Applebloom happily greeted. "Hey Applebloom, we’re here to pick up Wild Apple," Butterfly said jumping in place. "He's in his room I'll go get him," Applebloom said, heading towards the stairs. "Wait a minute," Applejack growled. Applebloom stopped dead in her tracks as Applejack walked towards the door and gave a small smile to the foals. "Why don't you go play with Wild Apple in his room, I need to talk to your parents," Applejack suggested. Without saying a word Mach and Butterfly flew up the stairs with Applebloom following them. As they ran upstairs Applejack turned back towards Fluttershy and Rainbow. "Is something wrong Applejack?" Rainbow asked. "You could say that. Please sit down at the kitchen table." Applejack answered stepping out of the way so they could enter. As Fluttershy walked in she thought she saw Applejack glaring at her. Fluttershy cowed down and bit as she sat down next to Rainbow. Applejack sat on the other end, looking at them thinking about what to say first. "Fluttershy what you said last night really hurt me," Applejack started. Rainbow sighed a little bit. "That's what this is about? Applejack its not that big deal. Fluttershy said something about Granny Smith but she didn't mean anything by it," Rainbow explained. "Be quiet Rainbow! This is between Fluttershy and I," Applejack snapped. "Applejack you need to calm down," Rainbow said. Applejack took Rainbow’s advice, realizing she might be overrating a little. She thought about Fluttershy and all the times the yellow pegasus had helped her. When Big mac was hurt Fluttershy, and her other friends helped with the harvest, she got the beavers to stop making dams on her property, and even stopped a herd of bulls from over the orchard one time. She made an ill thought remark, but she was still a good friend. She closed her eyes and took a few long deep breaths. As she opened her eyes back up she felt a little calmer. "Fluttershy I just want to know why you said it, that's all ok.?" Applejack said in a soft voice. "I'm sorry Applejack, I'm just really confused lately..." Fluttershy said shaking. "I understand sugarcube, it’s just when somepony talks about Granny Smith it hurts me, that’s all. I forgive you but don’t you ever say anything like that again about anypony,” Applejack said with a small smile, giving Fluttershy a hug. Fluttershy returned the hug hoping everything between them would be ok. “I really am sorry Applejack, I guess I wasn't really thinking.” Fluttershy replied. Applejack gave her a small smile walked towards a cabinet and brought back a bottle of cider. "I guess I’ll let you off with a warning this time, and I suppose I was a little mean.Why don't we let the foals play while we share a few bottles together as a way of apologizing." Rainbow smiled happily and sat next to Fluttershy ready for her favorite drink. *** Wild Apple flipped through his new spell book as Butterfly and Mach sat next next to him, he stopped on a page with a changing spell. " A changing spell? That's kind of advanced don’t you think?" Butterfly asked. "I won't know until I try,right?" Wild Apple said levitating an apple off his nightstand and to the floor. "What are you going to change it into?" Mach asked. "It says in the book says: the item you are changing must be changed into another item with the same amount of mass." Butterfly read out loud. "What does that mean?" Mach asked rubbing his forehead a bit. "It means I have to change that apple into something that is about the same size," Wild Apple explained. "What are you going to change it into?" Mach asked. Wild Apple sat down and thought for a little bit "I'm thinking a baseball," Wild Apple answered as his horn started to glow green. "Just don't over do it." Butterfly warned. Wild Apple nodded and pointed his horn at the apple and shoot a beam of green energy at it. The apple shrink a bit but then started to grow and didn't stop. “I think I did something wrong,” Wild Apple said as the foals backed away from the growing, now beach ball sized apple. *** Fluttershy nuzzled against Rainbow gently and Rainbow laughed a little. "Stop it Shy! That tickles," Rainbow laughed. "But you're so soft," Fluttershy cooed. "Feeling a little loose?" Applejack asked. "I do feel a little dizzy,but when lean on Rainbow it makes me feel better." Fluttershy answered giggling. "You two do make a cute couple." Applejack said drinking the last of the cider. "I love my Dashie so mu-" Fluttershy jumped and hid behind Rainbow Dash as a loud popping sound cut her off. "That came from Wild Apples room!" Applejack said as all three ponies ran up stairs. As they neared the room Big Mac was standing at the doorway with a shocked look on his face. As they looked in the room they saw what Big Mac was in awe about. Wild Apples room was covered in apple skin and innards. The three foals smiled at them nervously, covered in apple. "W-what happened in here?" Applejack asked. Wild Apple hesitated for a second, but spoke up."I was trying a changing spell on an apple and...things got out of hoof." "Your mother and I have told you not to try out advanced spells unless Miss Twilight or Miss Rarity are around to help," Big Mac scolded. "You are going to clean this room up after we hose you down outside," Applejack ordered. "Mach, Butterfly you are going to help Wild Apple clean this room up, understand?" Rainbow said. "Ya, we got it," Mach and Butterfly said simultaneously looking a little annoyed . "Good, now go downstairs, and try not to leave apple hoofprints on the floor or you're cleaning that up as well," Big Mac said as they walked down stairs. Fluttershy started to follow but something stopped her, as if it was calling her name in from Wild Apples room. Fluttershy slowly walked in and looked around to see the open spellbook on the ground. Fluttershy walked up to it and flipped a few pages until her eyes spotted on a familiar page "The Divine Heart Spell. What does this do?" Fluttershy looked all over the page but there was no description or effects on the page. She flipped back and forth a few pages but still found nothing. Fluttershy sighed and walked down stairs to help wash the foals off. "Just another question without an answer," she said to herself.