Blaze the Pony Tale

by Wolven5

57. Luna Eclipsed - Part 2

The costumed ponies were still enjoying the festival when they heard screaming and all turned to see a pink pony in a chicken costume run by, followed by costumed colts and fillies, and they wondered what got into them. Their answer came in the form of a fearsome chariot pulled by bat-winged royal guards, Midnight and Twilight just arriving to see who was this mysterious party-crasher, who floated down from the chariot, garbed in a hooded cloak.

The figure then tossed back their head to reveal…
“Princess Luna?” Midnight inquired and noticing how everypony around him was bowing in fear. But before he could approach her, he felt somepony tug him down and saw it was Twinken, who made a ‘shh’ gesture.

The Princess of the Night stepped forward, unfurling her wings, as she smiled and opened her mouth.
“CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE!!!” she thundered, her voice creating a wind that almost blew Rain Drops off the ground.

Luna walked amongst the bowing partygoers, not noticing their fear, as she went on.

At this point, the bowing ponies were scooting away from her, but she still didn’t notice.


A crack of thunder and lightning unfortunately helped build on the fearful image she was unintentionally displaying, that Pinkie stood up and said, “Y’hear that, everypony?! Nightmare Moon says she’s gonna feast on us all!”

This baseless accusation drove all the kids into a panic, Pinkie leading them off in a horrified herd.

“What?!” Luna gasped, seeing them run. “No, children, no! You no longer have reason to fear Us! Screams of delight are what your princess desires, not screams of terror!”

Unfortunately, she stomped her hoof near somepony, making her whimper. Luna turned to Mayor Mare, declaring, “Madam Mayor, thy Princess of the night hath arrived!”

Mayor Mare cringed away from Luna’s hoof, so she tried holding out to somepony else, demanding, “What is the matter with you?!”

She soon saw no matter who she held her hoof towards, they would cringe in fear, cover their eyes, or look away.

“Very well then, be that way!” Luna pouted as she stormed off, “We won’t even bother with the traditional royal farewell!”

Feeling bad for her, Midnight stood up and noticed Twilight and went over.
“Something tells me this isn’t what she was expecting…”

“I have a feeling you’re right,” Twilight agreed. “I’m gonna go talk to her!”

She felt a tug on her cape and they turned to see Spike and Twinken, the former yelling, “You can’t talk to her, she’s Nightmare Moon!”
“She’s bad!” Twinken added. “Why would she even come here anyway?!”

“I think it has to do with us,” Midnight said to Twilight, “We used the Elements of Harmony to restore her to good.”

“But it looks like she’s having trouble fitting in after being gone a thousand years,” Twilight concurred.

“Twinken, Spike, stay here and enjoy the festival,” Midnight ordered, “We’re gonna go have a talk with the princess.”

Somehow, the two unicorns knew where to find the princess of the night. She was sitting down in front of the statue of Nightmare Moon, looking down.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight called politely, “Hello, our names are-”

“Star Swirl the Bearded and King Sombra,” Luna interrupted as she looked up on them. “Commendable costumes, thou even got the bells and crown right.”

“Thank you, finally!” Twilight gushed, “Somepony who gets my costume!”

Midnight cleared his throat and indicated the princess, who was looking at them shyly.
“We… just came to welcome you to our celebration, Your Highness! Our actual names are-”

“Midnight Blaze, Element of Faith, and Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic” Luna again interrupted before she got dramatic, flapping up a gale as stormclouds blocked the moon.

Midnight and Twilight held each other for stability from the mighty wind, Twilight asking, “And…that was a good thing, right?”

“But of course, We could not be happier!” Luna insisted, “Is that not clear?!”

“Um, not to sound rude, Princess,” Midnight spoke lightly, “but it’s kinda feels like you’re yelling at us.”

“But this is the traditional royal Canterlot Voice! It is tradition to speak using the royal “we”, and to use," Luna said before switching volumes, “THIS MUCH VOLUME WHEN ADDRESSING OUR SUBJECTS!”

Twilight and Midnight re-adjusted their costumes, the former politely suggesting, “Y’know that might explain why your appearance was met with… mixed results?”

“I have to agree with Twilight, Your highness,” Midnight agreed, “Perhaps, were you to change your approach, you would be met with a warmer reception.”

“CHANGE OUR APPROACH?” Luna echoed into their faces.

“Lower the volume?” Twilight clarified while Midnight tried to get rid of the ringing in his ear.

Ohhh…” Luna said as it dawned on her. “We have been locked away for a thousand years. We are… not sure We can.”

“I have an idea,” Twilight proposed, “come on!”

She led them all to Fluttershy’s cottage, Midnight suddenly saying, “Uh, Twilight? Maybe Fluttershy isn’t the pony to go see about this. Big Mac told me she isn’t very… keen to Nightmare Night.”

“Oh nonsense,” Twilight waved it off before saying to Luna, “Don’t worry Princess, Fluttershy can give you some great pointers. She’s delicate and demure, with the sweetest little voice.”

Twilight knocked on the door, only to be responded with “GO AWAY, NO CANDY HERE! VISITORS NOT WELCOME ON NIGHTMARE NIGHT!!”

Luna and Midnight both gave Twilight a flat look, causing her to chuckle awkwardly.
“Fluttershy! It’s me, Twilight!”

The door creaked open, Fluttershy peering to see, “Oh, Twilight, it is you. And Midnight, and… Nightmare Moon?! AUGH!!”


Luna gave Twilight another look while Midnight facehooved and muttered, “Oh for Faust’s sake! Gimme a moment.”

He barged in and they heard a ruckus, including bells ringing, a horn honking, a cat screeching, a donkey hee-hawing, glass breaking, balloons popping, a tree falling, a “timber” shouting, before the door opened and Midnight pushed Fluttershy out, saying, “Fluttershy…! Princess Luna. Princess Luna? Fluttershy!”

“CHARMED!” Luna boomed, holding out her hoof.

“Eek!” Fluttershy ran back inside but Midnight levitated her out, forcing her to face the princess, nervously saying, “Likewise.”


“Ok! Fluttershy replied lightly.








Midnight had blinked and missed the whole thing: Fluttershy had streaked up from the ground and tried to run back into her cottage, only for Twilight to slam it shut and cause Fluttershy to crash face-first into it.

How’d I miss all that?! he wondered incredulously.

“A little quieter, Princess,” suggested Twilight.

“HOW IS… this?” Luna tried.

“Better, wouldn’t you say, Flutters?” Midnight asked, the yellow Pegasus only giggling in daze as she slid off her door.

“How… about… now?!” Luna asked hesitantly.

“Now you’re getting it,” Twilight assured her.

“And… how about now?” asked Luna, finally speaking normally. Per se.

“Perfect, Princess!” Midnight said with a smile.

Fluttershy was just reaching for her door when she was enveloped in a blue aura and telekinetically pulled into Luna’s spine-snapping embrace.

“Fluttershy, you’ve gotta hide us!”

Midnight and Twilight looked to see Pinkie and the kids approaching, the both of them flinching at what was surely to come.

“Nightmare Moon is here and- Ba-kawk!” Pinkie squawked as she saw Fluttershy dazed from the severe hugging she just got.
“She stole Fluttershy's voice so she can't scream when she gobbles her up!”

They all ran off screaming, Luna calling out “NAY CHILDREN, WAIT!! Uh- I mean… Nay, children! Please wait…”

Seeing how down she was back to, Midnight sighed and said, “Time for Plan B.”

Back at the festival, some ponies cheered as they played the pumpkin catapult challenge, the band was back, ponies dancing to their music, only for it to cut short when they saw who else was back. Midnight and Twilight walked at Luna’s sides as they mingled (for lack of a better term) amongst the partygoers, who all resumed the paranoid position.

“It is of no use, Midnight Blaze,” Luna said woefully, seeing her subjects again in fear of her, “They have never liked Us, and they never shall.”

Midnight scoffed and assured, “You just haven’t met enough ponies like me and Twi here, ponies who don’t let superstition and paranoia-”

He stopped in mid-sentence and gave Twilight a look.
“Well, at least ponies like me!”

Twilight gave him the stink-eye, having an idea of what he meant by that but let him continue.
“But my big bro, Big Macintosh, is one of the most likeable and sensible ponies you’ll ever meet. I’m sure he’ll have an idea or two.”

They soon saw Big Macintosh, garbed in his heavy cape embroidered with a skull/apple symbol, a top hat on his head, a little black eye-shadow to give his face a gaunt look. he was helping some foals off the wagon, having just finished their ride.

“Whoa there!” chuckled Big Mac as he caught one of the colts, who almost fell, and gently placed him down before prodding him along gently with his muzzle. But as he turned to re-hitch himself, he found himself facing Luna and yelped!

Seeing Big Mac react as everypony else, Midnight chuckled sheepishly at Luna’s look.
“Uh, Mac? Princess Luna here would like a little advice on fitting in.”

“Seriously?” asked Big Mac incredulously, and flinching at the scary eye-glow Midnight made as he growled.
“Uh- Ah mean…”

He stood up, and realized he was just a little taller than Princess Luna, only her horn going over his head.
“It’s simple, Yer Highness! Jus’ showin’ a friendly attitude can do wonders! Like… Jus’ mingle, be positive, and have some fun!”

“Fun?” Luna echoed curiously. “What is this ‘fun’ thou speakest of?”

“Howsabout a quick hayride?” offered Big Mac as he hitched himself up, Midnight and Twilight jumping into the wagon and looking at Luna expectantly.

“Pray tell, what is this ‘hayride’ and how is it, as thou describeth, fun?” Luna inquired as she climbed in.

“Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride,” Midnight said as he kicked back.

Big Mac pulled them and Luna looked around as the wagon carried her along, ponies still shying back from her presence. But for some reason, she felt a sense of appeal, an enjoyment of this ride. She found it somewhat relaxing to just let the ride carry her, view the passerby and the scenes of the festival, and as her demeanor relaxed, so did the other ponies around them.

“Huh… Your princess finds this… fun to her liking!” Luna stated before asking, “In what other ways may we experience it?”

Midnight and Twilight shared a smirk.

They were soon standing before the pumpkin catapult challenge, where Luna loaded hers with a big one.
“Fire away, Princess!” encouraged Twilight, everypony watching curiously at the supposed frightful pony they had long known to be Nightmare Moon, as she let `er go… and got a bull’s eye!

“Ha-ha! The fun has been doubled!” Luna declared proudly, everypony cheering for her, when Applejack spoke up.

“Why don’cha try bobbin’ fer apples?” she suggested. “We got th’ best apples in Equestria, Princess!”

“I ask that thou call Us- me… Luna, fair Applejack,” Luna requested before announcing, “Hear me, villagers! All of you, call me Luna!”

The partygoers all chattered in a positive manner, no longer so afraid of the Princess of the Night, as she asked Applejack, “Show me to these bobbing apples!”

But then Luna saw the colt, Pipsqueak, cry out as he fell into the water-trough Applejack was using for apple-bobbing. Gasping, she hurried over and reached in, grabbing Pip by his vest and lifting him out of the water.

“Hey everypony! Anyone seen Pip?”

Midnight, Twilight, Applejack, and Big Mac all had the same though.
Oh buck me…!

They turned to see Pinkie and the other kids, as she said, “We lost him the last time we had to run-”

But then she squawked, seeing Pip hang by his vest from Luna’s mouth.

“Nightmare Moon is gobbling Pipsqueak, everypony run!!”

The screams of the foals made Pip panic and struggle out of Luna’s hold, screaming as he ran, “My backside has been gobbled!”

“Tis’ a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!” Luna yelled with a stamp of her hoof, and unfortunately, another crack of thunder and lightning brought back everypony’s fears as they backed away in intimidation. Luna realized what she’d just done and attempted to save face.
“Fair villagers, please do not back away! Let us join together…”

She teleported onto big Mac’s wagon, “In fun!”

She forced a smile but saw that nopony was being endeared.
“Not enough fun for you? What say you to this?”

Her horn cracked with blue lightning as it struck the wagon, sending it for a wild ride as it crashed through some of the stands, some ponies leaping out of the way just barely. Panic overrode everypony’s minds as they began screaming and running about, crashing into the stand and decorations.
“Do not run away!” pled Luna, trying to calm everypony down but nothing doing. “As your princess We command you!”

But her words could not be heard over the pandemonium, as ponies crashed into each other, ran in all directions, screams filling the air, ruining the festival-

“BE STILL…!!!”

That one command, couple with the thunder that cracked along with it, made everypony freeze and bow in fear, silence resuming. Midnight stood up and begged, “Princess, remember! Watch the screaming-”

“NO, MIDNIGHT BLAZE!” yelled Luna into his face, making him shy away, not just from her voice but from her glowing white eyes.

Midnight looked on in horror as Luna flapped her wings, rising into the air, the wind swirling around her, clouds gathering above.

The finality in that statement could not have been clearer to all the partygoers as they looked on in horror and sadness, even with the sound of thunder.

Then, in a flash of lightning, Luna vanished!

Silence followed for a few moments before the talk and heartbreak began.

“Shoot, we had everything goin’ our way,” said Applejack morosely.

“Eeyup, Luna was happy, everypony in town was happy,” Big Mac added before waving out his arm ,”Now lookit `em…”

They looked around, seeing everypony down and sad, some of the colts and fillies crying sadly, one of them, a little yellow earth pony filly named Noi dressed as a princess, cried, “But I wanted to be a zombie next year!”

Meadow Song, dressed as a ninja, was trying to console her, but the air of sadness was just too much.

“Big brother?”

Midnight, Twilight, AJ, and Mac turned to see Twinken, Rumble, Button, and Spike, all of them looking sad.
“Can she really do that? Can she cancel Nightmare Night forever?”

Seeing the sadness in his little brother’s eyes, Midnight pulled Twinken into a hug, Big Mac going over to put his hooves on Rumble and Button’s shoulders in a consoling way.

“It’s not over yet!”

Midnight and Applejack looked to Twilight, the latter asking, “What’re ya gonna do?”

“What I do best,” Twilight stated. “Lecture her!”

“Well… you go on ahead,” Midnight encouraged her, “We’ll stay here and… assess damage-control.”

Twilight galloped off, Applejack then saying, “Well, come on y’all. May as well get all this cleaned up.”

Midnight and Big Mac helped as everypony started cleaning up the mess from the earlier panic, doing their best not to listen to the crying colts and fillies. Midnight had left Twinken and his friends with Thunderlane, hoping the pegasus might cheer them up a bit.

He sighed as he put a barrel of apples back into place and threw away the bruised ones.
“I really hope Twilight can get somewhere with the princess. But honestly, I can’t really say I blame Luna for how she feels about Nightmare Night.”

“Eeyup, Ah know Ah wouldn’t wanna holiday makin’ me look bad year after year,” Big Mac agreed.

“And unfortunately, that’s exactly why Luna is too upset to change her mind.”

They turned to see, “Twilight! I take it you didn’t get anywhere?”

“No, but I could tell Luna honestly felt bad by what she did,” Twilight sighed.

“Well, Ah need to get th’ wagon home,” Big Mac sighed as well. “But Ah’ll be back in a bit.”

“No, why don’t you stick around and try to help cheer everypony up,” Midnight suggested. “With any luck, we might be able to salvage tonight.”

“A’ight…” Big Mac obliged before walking off, leaving the two unicorns to ponder their next move.

“Y’know, things would’ve been running smoother if that birdbrain Pinkie didn’t keep yutzing it all up,” Midnight complained.

“Well, maybe we need to get those two to patch up,” Twilight proposed. “Here’s what we’re gonna do.”

As the kids all cried, the older ponies doing their best to dry their tears, Pinkie, still feathered and clucky, noticed a piece of candy on the ground. She pecked at it to remove the wrapper before eating it when she noticed another. And another, and another, leading into an alley. She ate some more before she felt herself rising and suddenly slammed against the wall, a hoof clamping her mouth shut and she saw it was Midnight, looking cross.

“No! No shrieking, squealing, or screaming, or so help me Goddess I will pluck every last feather, got it?!”

“Got it!” muffled Pinkie with a scared look in her eyes.

Midnight calmed, saying, “There’s something Twilight and I want you to see and I give you my word that it’s safe but you absolutely cannot shriek, and I’ll only let go if you promise not to shriek, do you?”

“Mm-hmm,” Pinkie agreed, Midnight lowering his hoof before waving somepony forward.

They turned to the darkened end of the alley and saw Twilight stepping out of the shadows, followed by Luna. Pinkie’s eyes widened and she bucked several times in fear before clamping her beak shut, Twilight saying, “Pinkie Pie, you remember Princess Luna right?”

“Ah, the ringleader of the frightened children,” Luna gathered as she stepped up to Pinkie before looking awkward and hopeful.
“Hast thou come to make peace?”

Seeing a sincere smile, Pinkie slowly reached for Luna’s hoof, not noticing the cloud above her until it cracked with lightning, another frightening effect giving Luna that look.
“Nightmare Moon! Ba-kawk!”

“Rainbow!!” yelled Twilight, looking up at the cackling Rainbow Dash, in her Shadowbolt costume.

As Pinkie scampered for the exit of the alley, Midnight teleported to block the way and wrestle her down.
“She’s changed, Pinkie! She’s not evil or scary anymore, and she definitely doesn’t wanna gobble you up!”

Then Pinkie perked and said, “Well, duh!”


“I know that, sheesh Midnight!” Pinkie giggled. “I’m almost as big as her, how’s she gonna gobble me up?!”

“Then why do you keep running away and screaming your lungs out?!” Midnight demanded.

“Sometimes it’s just really fun to be scared!” Pinkie enlightened him.

“Fun…?” Midnight echoed when it dawned on him. “Pinkie Pie! You are a genius!”

“No I’m not, I’m a chicken, ba-kaw!” she responded, making Midnight frown.

Yeah, ‘genius’ is pushing it there…

He let Pinkie go and then consulted with Twilight and Luna, another crazy scheme in mind.

In front of the stage, ponies were collecting the strewn decorations while the foals bemoaned, Pipsqueak saying, “Gosh, I never thought my very first Nightmare Night… would be my last.”

“Come little Pip, now don’t you fret,” Zecora spoke up encouragingly, “Nightmare night’s not over yet.

“We still have candy left to give, so Nightmare Moon might let us live…”

“Yes! Come on little ponies,” Mayor Mare said in realization as she walked up to them. “What’s Nightmare Night without the annual candy offering?”

She then spoke to a filly with an astronaut helmet, saying in a spooky voice, “You don’t want Nightmare Moon to gobble you up… do you…?”

“Ugh, the rainbow wig just kills it for me!”

She looked up and saw a disgruntled Spike walk away, dragging a string of skull decoration.

“Come on, kids, doesn’t that sound like fun?” Applejack encouraged them, Big Mac coming up, saying, “An’ Ah’ll even give y’all a free hayride over.”

Big Mac and Midnight pulled the wagon, Twilight, Mayor Mare, Applejack, and Zecora riding with the kids, and they soon arrived before the statue of Nightmare Moon. The adults helped the little ponies down and they took turns approaching the statue and giving up some of their candy.

Pip was last as he gave some of his candy but sadly looked up to the statue.
“Goodbye Nightmare Night… forever.”

But just as he turned to leave, a gale of wind picked up.

Then they all gasped to see the statue was no longer a statue as Nightmare Moon threatened, “INSTEAD OF EATING YOU!!!”

Screams followed as did running, and once they all cleared out, Midnight and Twilight stepped out from behind the pedestal as Nightmare Moon glowed and returned to being Princess Luna, having just disguised herself with her magic. She spat out the fake fangs she had and said, “I am not certain that did what you meant for it to do, Midnight Blaze.”

“Just wait,” Midnight assured her with a confident smirk.

“For what?” Luna asked as she hopped down. “For them to run and scream some more?”

“Um, Princess Luna,” said a little voice and she felt a tug on her mane and she looked down to see Pipsqueak.
“I know there’s not gonna be any more Nightmare Night, but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year and scare us again anyway?”

Luna looked at him incredulously and noticed the other kids hiding by the bushes, all of them having hopeful looks.

“Child! Art thou saying that thou… likest me to scare you?”

“It’s really fun!” Pipsqueak said with a nod and smile. “Scary but fun!”

“It… is?!” Luna was having trouble wrapping her mind around this as Pipsqueak added, “Yeah! Nightmare night is my favorite night of the year!”

“Well then,” Luna chuckled in a modest way, “We shall have to bring… NIGHTMARE NIGHT BACK!!”

“Whoa! You’re my favorite princess ever!” Pipsqueak declared as he then gave Luna’s leg a hug before running back to his friends.
“She said yes, guys!”

“Yay!!!” the kids cheered as Luna looked on in wonder.

“Y’see?!” asked Midnight as he and Twilight came up, the purple unicorn adding, “They really do like you, Princess!”

“Can it be true?” Luna said to herself before throwing her head and arms up, “OH MOST WONDERFUL OF-”


She looked at Midnight and Twilight rubbing their ears but giving her a good-natured stink-eye.
“I mean… oh most wonderful of nights.”

The festival was back on track, everypony mingling, laughing, talking, comparing costumes, eating sweets, and playing games. Golden Grapes tried the Spider Toss game and missed his target while Luna got a perfect bull’s eye, everypony cheering, and some of the kids offering her some of their candy. Luna smiled gratefully but shared the candy she was offered. At the apple-bobbing game, she couldn’t resist giving somepony a little scare but they laughed it off in good fun.

Later, at the Nightmare Moon statue, Twilight and Midnight were filling out a new friendship report.

Dear Princess Celestia,

When you first sent me to Ponyville, I didn't know anything about friendship. Midnight and I met somepony tonight who was having the same problem -- your sister, Princess Luna! She taught us that one of the best things you can do with friendship is to give it to others, and help them find it themselves! And we’re happy to report that all of Ponyville has learned that even if somepony seems a little intimidating, even scary, when you offer them your friendship, you'll discover a whole new pony underneath. And even if my Star Swirl the Bearded costume or my King Sombra outfit didn't go over, this still turned out to be the best Nightmare Night ever!

Your faithful student and loyal subject,
Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Blaze

Just as they finished and started enjoying some candy, they failed to notice a certain rainbow-maned trickster positioning her cloud overhead. But before she could play her little game…


They looked up and saw a smoking rainbow trail streak off and looked up to see Luna, resting on a cloud as she lowered herself down, giving them a playful wink, and they all started laughing.