//------------------------------// // The Dawn // Story: Legends of Equestria: The Dawn // by Mockingjay9 //------------------------------// At the beginning of time, the land was nothing but a blank grey rock, devoid of life. Only one thing walked it’s desolate surface. A tall white alicorn with red mane and blue eyes carefully examined the cold grey rock. This alicorn was Laurel, goddess of creation. She could see great potential in the land, and was determined to make it happen. As she walked, she shaped the land around her, creating valleys and mountains with a flick of her horn. When she was finished, she stood back to admire her work. Unfortunately, this was rather hard, and this new world had no sun, no light. Laurel closed her eyes and concentrated hard. From her horn sprung a spark, and from that spark flourished the first flame. The flame grew and grew slowly rising into the sky, getting bigger and bigger. As it placed itself in the sky it became the sun, bathing the land in light. With the dawn of the first day however, came a surprise. A single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. When it touched the ground in front of Laurel, it blossomed into a young alicorn filly. Her fur was golden yellow, her straight hair red striped with orange. Her tiny eyes fluttered open, revealing them to be light blue. Laurel smiled. “Welcome to the world little one” Laurel named the filly Wildfire, as she had the ability to control fire. Wildfire was a bubbly, cheerful and gregarious filly, incredibly powerful for her age, and born with her cute mark, a single flame. Her fire gave light to the earth, though she was not quite ready to raise the sun yet. When she used her fire to burn the ground, it also helped fertilise the earth. A few days later, Laurel created the first river. From this river another filly was born. Her fur was blue. Her curly hair was light green with a streak of purple, and her eyes were a light pink. This filly could control water, and to that effect was named Wavedancer. Wavedancer was much like Wildfire, except that she was less curious and adventurous, more conscience of others feelings. Her cutie mark was three raindrops. Wavedancer helped to create the world’s rivers, lakes and seas. With water, life began. Tree’s, grass and bushes grew. With the first tree, came another foal, a young colt this time. His fur was chocolate brown, his mane a thousand shades of green and his eyes an icy white blue. He was named Diamond Sword, and could control earth, including growing plants and drawing precious metals out of the earth. As new things were added to the world, three more alicorn foals came into being. Next was Jetstream, born with the first wind. He had silver fur, golden eyes, and a mane and tail the colour of autumn leaves. Comical and adventurous, Jetstream could control wind. His cutie mark was a tornado. Then came Nimbus, born with the first lightning bolt. He had dark purple fur, green eyes, and short navy mane with silver streaks. He could control storms. A jokester and prankster, his cutie mark was a silver lightning bolt. The last was Snowdrop, a filly born of the first snow. She was shy yet brave. Her cutie mark was a snowflake. She had periwinkle blue fur, deep purple eyes and white and light blue mane and tail. And of course, she could control snow. Together the 6 foals were dubbed the Forces of Nature. Along with their mother Laurel, they shaped and helped the world to grow. Laurel taught them the importance of love, friendship and harmony, and how to control their powers. The young alicorns blossomed under Laurel care, and in turn the world blossomed under theirs, filling with creatures of all shape, size and colour. As they grew up, they began to take interest in the idea of love. The first were Jetstream and Wildfire. They became a couple, and together created even more thing to add to the world. Next were Wavedancer and Diamond Sword, and then Snowdrop and Nimbus. Wavedancer and Diamond Sword gave birth to the race of Earth ponies. Soon after, Wildfire and Jetstream sired the race of Pegasi and Nimbus and Snowdrop the race of Unicorns. They taught their children how to use their talents and live in peace with each other and all the other creatures that lived in their land, as well as the importance of love and friendship, Just as their own mother Laurel had done so. The Earth ponies were taught how to farm and cultivate the land. The Pegasi were taught how to control and regulate the weather. Most importantly the Unicorns were taught how to combine their magic to raise the sun and moon. As the population grew and their culture developed, the Gods and Goddesses withdrew. They would continue to watch over their children, but their part was done. The race’s would have to find their own destinies and futures, make their own mistakes. Even if it tore the land to shreds, the deity’s could not interfere, only warn those who would listen. To protect the unity and peace that they valued in their world however, the gods and goddess’s imbued their spirits into a single tree, a symbol as well as a powerful artefact of the harmony that currently existed in their kingdom. Even if chaos and disharmony threatened, the tree would stand against it, unyielding. The elements of loyalty, laughter, generosity, honesty, kindness and magic would stay strong. After the deities departure, leaders from each of the three tribes were chosen to rule, and their lives continued. As the centuries passed by, ponies slowly forgot the lessons of love and friendship taught to them. The forgot about peace and unity, how to care for the land. Soon enough they forgot the Forces of Nature, and stories of them, the tree and Laurel became nothing but an old mare’s tale, a forgotten scroll at the back of a library.