//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: What Dreams are Made of // Story: My little Dreamer: Dreaming is magic // by phantomflame03 //------------------------------// The clouds sailed past as Feather Dream flew. The pink pegasus pumped her wings, feeling the elation of flight. The wind tousled her short black and white striped mane. Then the joy of her flight reached her lips and she smiled. Smiled! The usual emotionless expression wiped from sight. Why not smile? Feather Dream thought. The sky was a lovely shade of blue, the clouds soft and white, and the wind blew to her aid rather than hamper her flight. Feather Dream smiled; all problems disappeared from memory. Then everything darkened. The clouds built up, becoming threatening thunder storms. Feather Dream’s smile turned down in horror. The sky faded to an inky black. There was a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder. Feather Dream’s wings snapped to her sides and the mare fell from the sky. Her attempt to cry out was to no avail. No sound escaped her lips. She continued to plummet until right before she hit the ground Feather Dream woke up. The pink mare sat up in bed; breathing heavily with her heart thumping erratically. She retrieved her round black glasses from the night stand. Looking out the window she saw that Celestia’s sun was peeking over the horizon, fading the dark sky into a rosy pink. Her little, quiet, cloud home floated securely near Ponyville. She rubbed at her temples with her hooves to contemplate that last dream. It was not just any dream; it was a Truth Dream. She tried to recall how she felt during the Truth Dream, but her heart beat and breathing pattern had returned to normal and the emotion was gone like a long lost memory. Feather Dream’s cutie mark, a cloud and quill, represents her ability to predict otherwise unpredictable weather in her dreams. While most weather is conducted by the other pegasi, an occasional disturbance or miscalculation would result in the unpredictable weather. Her job is to report when she gets a Truth Dream and detail the coming weather. “And it is never nice weather either,” mumbled Feather Dream, “Always big storms or freak sudden temperature changes.” The other problem with this special talent was that the dreams never told her when it would happen. She had to learn from experience that it never happened past seven days. The weather would only last one day and afterwards the schedule would return to normal. Feather Dream would send in the report so the rest of the weather crew could prepare for it and make proper adjustments to their plans. She would sometimes help out even though it technically was not what was required of her. Feather Dream was finishing breakfast when there was a knock on her door. She opened it to find a smiling blue pegasus with a dark red mane floating outside. “Hi, Feather Dream! Good morning,” the mare said. “Hello Starlight,” Feather Dream replied, “What are you doing up so early this morning?” “Don’t you know?” Starlight asked, “Today is the Summer Sun celebration.” With that she did a flip and accidently hit Feather Dream in the face. “Oh no, I am so sorry Feather Dream.” Her wings drooped and she landed on the cloud carrying Feather Dream’s house. “You do not need to apologize. I am alright.” “Sorry.” “Star,” Feather Dream sighed, “I mean it. I know it was an accident. You do not need to apologize for every little thing. And stop right there.” Starlight put a hoof to her mouth to prevent herself from speaking. “Right, the Summer Sun celebration, I had almost forgotten that it was being held in Ponyville this year. Let us hope the weather stays nice.” “I heard Rainbow Dash is going to be clearing the skies,” Starlight had jumped in the air and had returned to floating once again. “She will get the job done,” Feather Dream said, “Unless my Truth Dream was about today.” “You had a truth dream?” Starlight said her wings drooping slightly, “I’m-“ her hoof once again covered her mouth. “Yep, it is nothing too serious; only a thunder storm.” “Ooo,” Starlight’s eyes glittered with happiness, “I love thunder storms.” “But you would not want it to get in the way of the celebration would you?” “No,” Starlight admitted, “Maybe it will happen the day after.” “Maybe,” Feather Dream replied, “but I still have to report it. That way we can prepare for anything.” Feather Dream and Starlight flew away from the little house and headed to Cloudsdale. “So,” Feather Dream started, “why did you come?” “I thought we would hang out today, you know, for the celebration.” “Thanks, but no thanks. After I make my report I am going to take hoof in preparation for the weather. I do not have time to go to the celebration, not that I care.” “Not that you what?” Starlight exclaimed, “Princess Celestia, I repeat, Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville to raise the sun-“ “Which she does every day,” Feather Dream interjected, “I honestly do not know why we make such a big hoopla about it.” Starlight let out an exasperated sigh and turned to her friend, “So you really are not going to participate?” Her eyes were downcast and wings drooping. “Sorry Star,” Feather Dream comforted, “Maybe…next year?” When her flat expression failed to help her friend, the pink pony tapped the blue one’s shoulder lightly. “Right,” Starlight perked up, “Next year. I will hold you to that.” The two of them arrived at Cloudsdale and made their way over to the Weather Observation Tower. It was here that pegasi kept their eyes on the weather patrol and made sure they stayed on schedule. This was also the building where they prepared against unusual weather. Feather Dream was about to knock on the door to her superior’s office when she turned to her friend. “Thanks for flying me here, but I can do the rest on my own.” A shadow of a smile crossed her face, “You should go enjoy the festivities.” “Okay, but promise for next year,” Starlight said. “I promise.” “No, you have to Pinkie Promise. Okay Feather Dream?” The pink pony sighed, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. There happy?” “Perfectly,” Starlight giggled, “and you know what happens if you break a promise don’t you?” “Forever.” “FOREVER!” Starlight smiled, “See you after the celebration.” “Right,” Feather Dream replied, “See you soon.” She knocked on the door. There was a gruff, “Come in,” before she entered. Sitting at a desk was a large brown pegasus with a silver mane. His cutiemark was a thunder cloud with black lightning. He looked up from his paper work as Feather Dream entered the room. “Hey boss” she said, “I have some weather to report.” He glared at the news, his bushy eyebrows pushed together, “Just great and right in time for the summer sun celebration too.” “Sorry sir,” Feather Dram said, “If I could control these events, well,” she shrugged, “They would never happen.” “Even though it is your special talent,” he said just as he had many times before. “Can we skip this? I would like to finish my report so that can get started on preparations. And do not worry too much boss; it rarely ever happens on the first day. You know that.” “Indeed,” he grunted, “So what does it look like?” Feather Dream recounted the weather in her dream, avoiding anything that expressed her personal experience, and filled out the necessary paper work before leaving. “Wait Feather Dream,” her boss called out, “Who are you planning to put on duty today of all days?” “There will always be the occasional mare or stallion that does not care about the celebration, but most ponies I will put on call so that they can enjoy the celebration unless I need them.” “Good luck with that and take care.” “Will do,” she turned and flew off to find some volunteers, willing or not. After finding two ponies that cared about the event as much as she did and were willing to help, Feather Dream was having difficulties convincing anypony to actively watch the weather. As she circled Cloudsdale she spotted a dark blue stallion with a constellation of an archer for his cutiemark. “Hey Orion,” she said as she landed in front of him. “Oh, hello Feather Dream, what are you up to? Are you enjoying the start of the Summer Sun celebration?” “I cannot. I am on duty.” “You had a truth dream?” Orion shifted back and forth, “Now? That must be rough.” “It is only rough because I am having trouble finding volunteers.” “Is that so…” “Yes and I was wondering-” “No.” “Why not?” “I am meeting with someone.” “Who?” “Not telling.” “Spoilsport,” Feather Dream said with no concern or change in her voice, “Will you at least be in reserve, like the last five ponies I asked?” “Sure, but only if it is really important.” “Is a threatening thunderstorm important enough?” “No problem I got your back. What are friends for?” “Thank you Orion,” she turned away and flew off to meet with the other two pegasi for patrol. “She has changed so much since then,” Orion muttered watching her leave, “I wonder if that had not,” he shook his head, “That is in the past now. I have to go meet up with Starlight.” The day went by without an incident. The sky stayed clear and only darkened as the day came to a close. Feather Dream looked at the two pegasi, Melody and Thunderlane who had been monitoring the weather all day with her. She dismissed them with a “you may go,” and watched as they shrugged then flew down to Town Hall where the Princess was to make her appearance. The Princess would not arrive until it was closer to dawn, but there were small celebrations and parties happening all through Ponyville to keep everypony awake. Feather Dream returned to her little house to sleep, rather than participate with the rest of the town.