//------------------------------// // Ch.18.5: Epic Mlp Rap Battles! Deezutra Vs. Trahzo 2! // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.4: The Final Showdown of Trahzo & Deezutra. // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Epic Mlp Oc Rap Battles! Shogun Deezutra Xargashio vs. Trahzo the Author of this story, begin!" Deezutra: "I've finally found you Trahzo! You're under arrest yo! You wont get away. You wont beat me again I say! This where you die, so come on out, don't be Fluttershy!" Trahzo: "You'll be doing nothing! You can't even sing. I'll win this. You'll be covered in piss! Oh yeah, here's a little tip! It's you vs. Me, and the other 20 ships!" Junebug: "Hey it's me Junebug, You wont be getting a hug! I'm gonna spit in your ugly mug! Your wife has no jugs! You wont win this war of tug, and finally I'll have Rarity turn yah into a rug!" Deezutra: "Don't bring my wife into this! I'll show you a real dis! Spike deflowered you, now you're nothing but poo! I smell no flowers, You smell real sour!" *BOOM!* Tyra: "You wanna mess with Tyra? Are you scared now brah? I will suck out all of your magic! Trust me, your defeat will be very tragic! After that, Imma gonna use these muscles to beat you to a pulp! Then I'll eat you with one big Gulp!" Deezutra: "You were beaten by toy promotions! You have pathetic notions! I don't care if you were bad enough to go to Tartarus! You deserve to be hit by a bus! Also do you wanna know who's a better villain than yah? That's King's Sombra!" *Boom!* Sugar: "Oh, it's over for the Samurai!" Spice: "Go sit in the corner and cry" Both: "We're gonna give you a double dip of pain! Also, after this, you will be going insane!" Deezutra: "Silence Tweedle Dumb sisters, You girls are D-listers! If you died, no-one would freaking care! Not even if they were given a Care Bear Stare!" *BOOM!* Surprise: "This isn't a party, but Surprise is still here! With me, this battle is going high gear! I'm the OG Pinkie Pie, that's not even a lie! Not just that, I'm a Wonderbolt! I'll be taking you down with a thunder volt!" Deezutra: "So you say you're the OG Pinkie! Well, that explains that you're so stinky! Trahzo wont be getting out alive! I really don't care about your jive! Since you can break the 4th wall, Take a look at yourself cause you look like a stupid doll!" *Boom!* Sassaflash: "You never been sassed before meeting me! I'm gonna beat you in this Epic Rap Battle can't you see? You should be happy to be beaten by me! 'Cause I sacrificed myself to get the Waifu thief, Caramel's D! So, you really feel like messing with me? So please give-up, and say GG!" Deezutra: "Gosh I cannot tell you and Helia apart! Go fuck yourself and smell my fart! Sassaflash? What a stupid name, I'm really getting tired of these games! My victory will be echoing through the wind! With this next verse, you, I'll be rid!" *Boom!* Lyrock: "Time to rock out! You'll be knocked out!" Watermelody: "This will be a dramatic win! You winning will be a dramatic sin!" Mystery Mint: "Your beat down is gonna be very cold, So give-up, do as you're told!" Flower Child: "We're the Shimmer Six, We're a deadly mix!" Sweet Leaf: "So go and fear our might! After this, you'll be losing your sight!" Deezutra: "Lyrock, you're a punk rock whore! Mystery Mint, you are such a bore! Flower Child, you cannot compete with my style! Sweet Leaf, you're weak enough to be raped by someone vile! Finally Watermelody, wanna know what I think of you as an actress? On stage, you're such a humongous hot mess!" *Boom!* Macareiner: Yee-haw, Sweet Apple Acres biggest sister, I will cut this samurai down with safety scissors! You know you're in trouble when I'm talking! But when I'm singing, you better start walking! I'm gonna buck you because you're outta luck! As a warrior, you really do suck!" Then she looked at the audience and said "Eeyup!" Deezutra: "Do you know who are you even talking to? You idiotic pile of red goo! I'm a royal guard captain! I'll punch you in the chin! All of this is so very silly! So go back to sucking Butterscotch's 1cm willy!" *Boom!* Ponytron: "Time to go autotune! We'll be signalling your doom! As you can see, I can beat you in a hurry! Due to the fact I can use all 6 Elements of Harmony!" Deezutra: "Eww, you're such an ugly bitch! Also, it seems you're 1 6th witch! I-I-I don't care about your damn autotune! Because, just like all the rest, you'll be going Ka-boom!" *Boom!* Surf: "I'm gonna kick you to the roof!" Turf: "Then I'm gonna kick you back down with my hoof!" Both: "The samurai are all gone! No-one will freaking care about your death after we won!" Deezutra: "I'll bring the samurai back! So back off you hacks! Surf and turf, you 2 were horrible when you 1st appeared! With my fire spell, you're going to seared! *Boom!* Smarty Pants: "I..." Deezutra: "Excuse me, you're a toy, so don't even talk! So would you please go walk?" Fluttermena: "It's time for another killer Fluttershy! So go look me in the eye! You wont need it when I take your life! Cause I'll be eradicating you aright?" Deezutra: "Get away you knockoff! You'll be getting a cough! Fluttermena, you suck at turning ponies into cupcakes, Once I'm done, you'll be nothing but pony stakes! Not just that, you don't even look threatening, Now go get struck down by lightning!" *Boom!* Mane Goodall: "Are your Pokemon feeling fine? It looks like they're showing bad signs! I bet it's because they think you're a bad master! So why not release them you bastard? Don't mess with me, cause I'm a doctor meaning my rhymes are so ill! Now I'm gonna make the kill!" Deezutra: "Go have sex with Spike the dog! While you're at it, french kiss some frogs! You're not a true vet if you can't figure out a dragon! I'd like to see you get humped by an Aggron! Mane Goodall, I'd rather not have my Pokemon be checked by a fool! Not just that, I think you're an uncool tool!" *Boom!* Lily: "I..." "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Then Lily ran away screaming! Mulia Mild: "You don't wanna mess with this old gal! This is because I still got it pal! I am Equestria greatest Kunoichi by far! I'm gonna leave you with a great big scar! Finally, I gotta tell you something about your swordsmanship, It sucks, and please don't give me lip!" Deezutra: "I'm the best Samurai in Equestria, I'm gonna really serve yah! It's time for you to retire your life as a ninja! Wouldn't want an elderly woman like you to get hurt ha! I'll be sending you to your doom, now, here come's the ka-boom!" *Boom!* Trahzo: "Ooh, I see you've taken all 20! But I'm gonna beat you with my weaponized penny! Deezutra, I'm the freaking author of this story! I can kill off your wife and nephew without saying sorry! It's the end of you, so just give-up, You're rhymes are as weak as a newborn pup!" Then I jump off the roof! Deezutra: "Come-on, you could have had a great life! But refusing to ship Spike with someone else's wife? I understand, but you still should have taken it without strife! My justice is what fuels my drive! To stop you from causing such a big dive! After this, you're head is getting stuffed in a hive!" We were about to attack each other until suddenly... "STOP!" "Princess Celestia?" They both froze, then looked to their left. "Captain Deezutra, I have removed Trahzo from the wanted list!" "What? Why?" "He just shipped my darling son Spike with 100 girls, he deserves divine immunity as the Spike fan God!" " *Sigh!* Yes Princess!" Then he turned his head to me. "Trahzo, if I see you make one mistake, you better say your prayers, but for now..." Then he held out his hand. "Sweet, looks like we're now friends!" Then I gave him a hug. "See you later, and tell Zerena I said hi!" Then everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways for now...once Season 5 has me obtain enough females for the 5th volume!