One Trick Pony

by Saphin

Entries 21-25

Entry 21

Well, I'm here. I'm doing good. Not great, but not bad. The crowds are so much harder to please in these big cities. You need to have thick skin for this, that's for sure!

I feel so bad though, I snapped at one pony at the show tonight. I got so frustrated with her heckling that I zapped her with my lightning bolt cloud. It got a good laugh out of everypony! Well, everypony except her. The pay's good though, but everything is so much more expensive here! I'll have to see if I can make food and smoothies with extra hay a part of my performance contract from now on.

-Trixie, The Great Wizard!

Entry 22

What do you think of my stage name, journal? Is Trixie, The Great Wizard too awkward?

I only ask because I was approached by an agent after the show. He said I'd get more work if I changed my name to something like The Great Trixie or something like that. Hmmm. I'll think about this some more.

The Great Trixie.

Entry 23

Wow it has been a while! I almost forgot about you! Trixie has been so busy performing and amazing the crowds of onlookers that I scarcely remembered I had you! But don't you fret journal of mine! The Great Trixie is still here for you!

Speaking of "still here," I've been lingering in Manehatten too long. I've decided its time for The Great Trixie to start traveling again! I've booked my ticket already! The Great Trixie heads out tomorrow!

Entry 24

Well, this is a bit embarrassing. Apparently I have too much stuff to travel by train anymore. I had to cancel my ticket. They wanted to charge me a fee for canceling last minute, but I didn't pay it. I'm The Great Trixie! I have fans and loyalists who would object to such treatment of the greatest wizard in all of Equestria!

I guess I'll just have to find a way to compact my magic act and bring it all with me.

Entry 25

I know its late but The Great Trixie has been struck with GENIUS! I figured out how to take all my magic act with me AND my home as well! I've already come up with some basic sketches for a traveling stage and dressing room that combine into one. I'll take the sketches to the nearest inventor I can find first thing in the morning! I just had to write this down so I don't forget before morning.