The Not So Quiet Town of Ponyville

by Night Hex

Chapter Two: Summer Sun Celebration

That was it, the last of the preparations were done... it was all ready for the princesses arrival. With a happy sigh of relief Wisp rested for a brief moment leaning against the wall, tonight everyone in Ponyville would be cramped in here until the hours of dawn. Those were hours she was very used to with her schedule but she figured that by tomorrow? alot of ponies would still be sound asleep in their beds at noon. It gave her a little chuckle as she moved to get a glass of apple juice from one of the tables for the worker ponies who had help put the place together. On her way there she over heard two mares gossiping...

"Did you hear? apparently the princess sent one of her own personal attendants to proceed over the ceremony"
"Really some big wig from Canterlot?"
"Yes! I heard that she's a purple unicorn and a graduate from the magical academy!"

Wisp blinked a new pony in Ponyville? well that was a bit of news, after all it was a small town but there was no doubt in her mind that this new pony whoever she was wouldn't be staying long. After all most Canterlot big wigs preferred their city life to such a small peaceful community like Ponyville. Personally she never found it all that appealing, course she was much more at home in the woods then in any sort of city anyways. Though she attributed that to her eyes, which was of course what made her special talent so possible, to put it simply Wisp had really really good eyesight her scotopic visual range was much greater then the average pony it allowed her to see clearly in the dark it also gave her eyes this shine when it became night. It was probably the only reason she had never needed or wanted a nightlight as a little filly. Thunderlane often jested that she should have been born a cat not a pony but other then her eyes Wisp was a regular earth pony. She couldn't fly or use magic like other ponies but she had a deep connection with the earth that gave her a great sense of direction and a deep care for all creatures she shepherded. Granted there had never been a lot of work for her in Ponyville but that was one of the reasons she liked the small town, it was pretty quiet.

Just then a sudden burst of confetti came from the door harolding the arrival of a certain pink party pony unto the scene, who began passing out invitations to everypony including herself.

"P-P-Pinkie... we are already having a Raising the Sun Party I-"

"oh this isnt about that silly!!! this is to welcome a new resident to Ponyville!" the bouncy earth pony nodded her head "oh my I still got so many invites to hand out! See you at the party!" and with that there was a bullet line of pink the same one that had knocked Wisp over earlier zooming out the door.

Wisp blinked shaking her head, so she had gotten hit by a Pinkie Pie Bullet earlier well that explained a lot. Taking a look at the invitation with an quizzical expression "T-the library?" she muttered out loud "by Celestia why would someone be sleeping there?" blinking before she also realized there was also going to be a very loud party at the library if Pinkie Pie had her hoof at it already, it was supposedly even a surprise party. Welp, there was no way she was going to turn down the invitation to a Pinkie Party after all the mares special talent was parties.

Stuffing the invitation into her saddle bags she put them on her back and began the walk back home to get ready for the party. On the way out the door however she noticed something that caught her eye and that was a stallion shuffling a whole bunch of paperwork trying to balance it on his back and his head. Wisp blinked at the display before trotting over and quickly catching the stack on his back with her nose before it fell "Watch it!" she called letting out a sigh of relief that the papers hadn't spilled everywhere.

"oh! I'm sorry! I-I-I mean thank you" came the admittedly cute stuttering of the stallion. who was trying to recompose himself "I was just moving the sheet music and then the mayor asked me to move her papers and I....." giving a goofy smile of embarrassment "I guess I took too much at once"

Wisp rolled her eyes only to smirk and chide the stallion "no... you think?" chuckling as she lifted the papers up off his back unto her own head performing a bit of balancing act "See... now this is why I think unicorns should carry everything"

The stallion nodded with an honest smile "I agree, we could call them.... UniCarriers!" the absurdity of the idea and the name made the pair laugh before the stallion pointed his hoof to a door on the other side of the room "They have to be taken over there, think you could give me a hand?"

Wisp nodded her head before moving to walk with the stallion "I know I have seen you around town before, but I never got your name I am Wisp" she said carefully looking back at the blue stallion.

The stallion smirked carrying his head high for a moment only to blush and lower it "I am Noteworthy"


The party was AMAZING of course Pinkie Pie had outdone herself the library was filled with cheerful ponies and booming music, Thunderlane was busy dancing his feathers off trying to impress Flitter with mixed success, she was looking at him but she was trying to laugh at how foalish he looked shaking his flanks to the music. Meanwhile her sister Cloudchaser simply rolled her eyes and walked off to get more punch. Thunderlane only stopped his efforts when he noticed Wisp who was entering the library with another stallion. Taking the opportunity he strode up with a cheesy grin leaning towards the pair

"SOOO that's why your late to the party, you were fetching your new stud here" Thunderlane teased much to the shock and subsequent embarrassment of Noteworthy who was stammering to find words the only thing that ended up coming out was various stuttering. Wisp on the other hand simply huffed before smirking and leaning forward to meet Thunderlane with an equally sly gaze "oh yah? jealous? its okay Thunderlane I'm more then mare enough for two" grinning as she watched her friend reel back and gape. That had left the proud stallion with Noteworthy blushing and stammering. Leaving Wisp the only one to giggle which allowed Thunderlane to regain his composure as her joined in with a chuckle. Soon the three of them were laughing and talking turns out Noteworthy was a composer born and raised in ponyville a couple years younger then Wisp, the songs to be played for the princess were the ones he made he had been so proud but was too embarrassed to conduct them. They hung around the punch bowl for most of the party none of them good dancers not to mention the place was packed.

"okay okay so let me get this straight your greatest wish.... is that ponies, regular ponies other then pinkie pie would start bursting into song? like.... everyday?" Thunderlane asked the pony he had dubbed his 'new bestest buddy' who weakly smiled rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.

"Umm... well yes? I always thought that Ponyville could use more music and I always wanted to write musicals... In fact I was working on something for the winter wrap up but its no where near ready" he stated before grabbing a fresh glass of punch and quickly slurping down the drink. Wisp was barely listening to them at the moment looking around the party, it seemed nice but a question came to her mind.


"yah Wisp?"

"Ummm... who the hay was this party for anyways?" Wisp said looking at Thunderlane who blinked then took a moment to think before recognition came to him.

"Oh yah! it's for the purple unicorn from Canterlot, Twilght Spangle? She's the one whose mane and tail went on fire" letting out a loud chuckle "hot sauce in the punch! classic Pinkie Pie!" continuing his chuckle which soon turned into a loud laugh. Meanwhile Wisp made a confused face as she scrunch up her muzzle.

"Twilight... Spangle? that's got to be the weirdest name I have ever heard since Featherduster" Wisp muttered before thinking what a misuse of a good party this was, after all this purple unicorn wouldn't be here long at least that is what she thought. But she let the thoughts go as soon as she heard the rush of ponies begin to cheer as the bouncy pink pony skipped out the door. Turning her head to watch the odd procession. Smirking as she looked back "Looks like it's time for the celebration, hurry up you lazy ponies" moving to get up and follow everyone else out. Thunderlane and Noteworthy smiled following after joining the crowd along with Wisp to the main event of tonight, the Summer Sun Celebration. The crowd soon was large and all gathered in the hall Wisp had toiled in for the majority of the day, lifting her chin up just a hair when one person commented how the hall looked so nice, not that Wisp had lay claim to choosing the actual decorations or making them, she had just put them up. The head of the decorations was that drama queen unicorn mare that ran that fancy boutique outside of town. What was her name? Sparity? no.... that sounded really weird to her, oh well didn't matter.

There was a chorus of voices and whispers, Wisp wasn't even paying attention moving over to the snack table in a not so subtle attempt to steal some of the celebration snacks, of course there was going to be Princess Celestia that she had to pay attention to cause no one was going to ignore the princess. Though at that the immediate kinda of evil joke popped in her head of all the palace staff ignoring the princess for 24 hours pretending the princess was invisible or a ghost. Ohhh.... bad pony, she quickly suppressed that thought to where she usually suppressed any and all truly chaotic thoughts. Hearing the chorus of birds that signaled the beginning of the mayor's speech which Wisp firmly ignored to continue her inching to the snacks. Darn unicorns had it easy all they had to do was levitate food to eat it dainty, Wisp had no such pleasure ducking her head down into the basket to bite into an apple when she heard everypony gasping, crap! was Princess Celestia on stage already?! Turning her face, still biting into an apple with a quizzical expression wait they were gasping because the balcony was... empty? yah that's right where Princess Celestia would have stood a grand balcony that decorated the hall there was nopony. What in the world were these ponies gasping about? she did not grasp what was going on until that white unicorn.... Spar- no! oh now she remembered, Rarity that was the unicorns name came unto the balcony crying out.

"She's Gone!"

Wisp most have froze for a couple seconds as her brain put the pieces together, but it was what happened next that made her drop her apple in shock as a purple blueish miasma curled up from the stage and turning into a pony! no wait.... an ALICORN?!?! but that was impossible! there were only two of those! Princess Celestia and the other one... what in heavens was her name again? oh forget it, it did not matter now there was another one right here and now not to mention with that battle armor on and dragon-like eyes Wisp had a good idea that this was bad, really really bad. Then oh dear gods she began to monologue! Wisp quickly moved while most others were paralyzed with fear over to Thunderlane and Notewrothy not that she wanted the bucks for protection or anything she simply wanted to make sure they were okay gazing over the crowd's trying to find Roseluck letting out a small sigh of relief to see her other friend was okay if she allowed for being panicked beyond all reason as okay. Course right not she just counted the lucky stars not everyone was in a panic. That's when she heard and saw a brilliant purple unicorn step up and declare this alicorn to be.... Nightmare Moon? wait... like the damned Nightmare Night boogeyman?! that was real?!?!?!

Wisp was stunned into silence and her own racing thoughts, the little filly in her wanted to run home, stock up on candy, hide it outside and lock herself in her tree. But no dammit she was a grown mare now, she could handle..... did that alicorn's hair just turn into a violent lightning storm? Wisp eye's went wide along with many other ponies, snapped out of her racing memory by the brick wall of her thoughts as the alicorn bellowed.


"Oh bucking horseapples" Wisp cursed as everything seemed to get all the darker....