//------------------------------// // Secret of My Excess // Story: MegaMan Starforce: Adventures in Equestria: Legacy of Mu // by The Gamer Master Archive //------------------------------// Before Entering the Portal Back to Equestria "So, your following the ponies back to their world?" Uranus said bemused. "Yes I think that this is what I need to do. Sunset Shimmer has one of the OOPArts where as we have the other two, they are gonna need all the help they can get. Especially with three new ponies in town." Sailor Moon replied. "Alright, but just to be safe, Luna?" Amy asked for. "Yes?" "Watch over our Prince and Princess." Raye said with a sincere smile. "Of course, Sailor Moon, MegaMan, Harp Note, ready to go?" Luna asked. We all nodded. Captain's Log. Today was quite possibly the weirdest day ever, and that's saying something. Today was Spike's birthday and began to get greedy and began to grow into a full grown dragon. I guess dragons grow with greed. When Spike was taking things, he took books, apples, leaves, cakes, and he even abducted Rarity when Serena, Sonia and I transformed I began thinking about the bond we had with Spike. I was somehow able to use the power of Sunset Shimmer's OOPArt. I began using a new move, Fūma Shippūjin and after he wanted the gem he gave Rarity she wouldn't give it and said that it was given to her by someone special. He went back to normal and as they were falling Spike finally told Rarity he had a crush on her. And from the looks of it they've tied the knot. Good for them. I don't know why I write in this diary-journal but I just do for some reason and I doubt that I'll stop.