Pony Poems 3

by Toffee Bean

ch: 4

I'm a failure

everypony tells me,
they all do,
they tell me every day,
I fail at everything I do,
no matter what it is,
I seem to fail at all things,
I don't understand,
I wish I did,
but no matter what I I don't,
I fail at everything,
no matter what,
no matter how,
I end up failing at it,
everypony tell me,
I wish I did not fail,
but no matter what I do,
it seems I fail every time,
I wish I new why,
but no matter how much I wish,
it never comes true,
everypony tells me I fail at everything I do,
I to prove them wrong,
but no matter what I fail to do so,
I now know it is true,
I am just a failure,
I fail at everything,
I wish I knew why,
but no matter how much I wish I never learn why,
now I know it is true,
and everypony tells me it is true,
so why do I wish to know why,
but I still wish I fail,
I wish I knew,
but no matter what I do I fail to do it,
I guess I am a failure and nothing will change that,
now I know I can't do anything about it.