Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Light on a dark day

A short chapter, but to the point. The events of this chapter were suppose to happen later, but I decided to do them now, for all of you.

No, I'm not trying to speed through the plot line, this is actually how I think it would happen. So please, enjoy.

Chapter 105

"Well, your family and friends are not ready for you to go."

I looked up and sighed, "I know... can you do one thing for me?"

"What is it that you want?"

I stood up confidently, "Can you please keep my family safe."

"And how do you want me to do this?"

I furrowed my brow in confusion, "Ummm... aha! You could send one of your Angeles to watch over them."

"This I can do, but I also have a better idea."

"What is it?"

"Lance, I'll make you a deal."


Twilight continued to cry into her hooves as the other's checked on the injured stallion's.

Her heart was heavy with sorrow and pain. She had just lost her beloved husband, and she had done nothing to help him.

She had been useless during the whole fight, just standing in the back ground.

"You going to be okay Twilight?" Omnius said as he walked towards her in his normal form, holding his head.

She looked up and screamed, "NO! HE'S DEAD! AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!"

Omnius stood tall, "No Twilight, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't anybodies fault, it was his choice."

Twilight choked on her sobs, "But, I could have done something."

Omnius shook his head, "Listen Twilight, if you would have got in the middle of that fight and got hurt, to Lance, that would have been worst than dieing. He loved you, and was willing to give his life for you."

Twilight wiped her face, "I know, but..." She trailed off as she fell back to the ground and began to cry again. She curled up into a ball and wept silently.

Omnius felt tears in his eyes also, he would have a talk with the gods of good. See if there was anything that could be done.

But, that would have to wait. Right now, he needed to attend to the others. Starting with Frederic, if he was going to get his horn back, Omnius needed to get to work on him right now.

Sadly, he would have to be the one to break the news to the others. He sighed and looked up at the darkened skies, "A Travelers work is never done..."

With that, he trotted over Frederic and began to perform his magic.

Three hours later
Spark's POV

I sat in the living room, waiting for mom and dad to get back.

Dali had picked us up at school and had told us something important was happening. She wouldn't tell us what, but she said it involved mom and dad.

Now, I'm just sitting here, waiting for them to get back.

After a few more minutes of sitting on the couch, I heard the door open.

I jumped off the couch and looked towards the door.

Mom walked in, her face streaked with dried and new tears. Her mane was a wreck and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Mom?" I said as she silently walked past me, a blank look on her face.

I looked towards the door again to see Omnius standing there, a sad look on his face.

"Where's dad?" I said, becoming scared.

Omnius gulped and walked in, "Hey kiddo... we need to talk."

I fell back on the couch and looked up at him, "What is it? What happened?"

Omnius took a deep breath and put his hoof on my shoulder, "Spark... your dad... is no longer with us."

My world shattered around me at his words, "Wh-What do you mean?"

Omnius's lips trembled, "He gave his life to save us all..."

I began to breath heavily, there was no way dad could be dead! He was dad... he couldn't die... he was stronger than that...

Omnius put his other hoof on my shoulder, "I'm here for you Spark."

I knocked his hooves off of me and jumped up, "You're lying!"

Omnius shook his head sadly, "I wish I was Spark."

Tears began to stream down my face. I let out a loud cry and ran past Omnius and out the front door.

"SPARK! WAIT!" He yelled as he ran after me.

"No! Leave me alone!" I yelled back as I took to the air and flew towards Ponyville.

"Spark! Please, wait!"

I didn't listen, I only wanted to be alone. I just want to find a place where I can be alone...

Everfree forest, thirteen minutes later

I landed in the forest and stumbled over to a tall tree. I then collapsed at the base and began to cry.

I let out all of my pain and sorrow. Thoughts of my dad and the short time we had spent together flooded my mind.

This only increased the pain in my heart, causing me to cry louder.

I recommend playing this song, it's Lance's theme song: Ain't No Grave by Johnny Cash

I heard the sound of bushes moving, but I didn't care. I also didn't care when the Cockatrice walked out of the overgrowth and strolled towards me.

I looked at it, but not at it's eyes, "What? You want to turn me to stone? Do it, I don't care anymore."

The Cockatrice seemed to smile as it's eyes widened, about to perform their special trick.

"YOU WILL LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Yelled a booming voice.

A bright light filled the area, a light that nearly blinded me. I shielded my face from it, but still kept my gaze focused on the source of the light.

A pony began to walk forward, but I couldn't see it clearly due to the light. All I saw was a black form moving forward.

The Cockatrice squawked in horror and turned to flee.

"RUN! LEAVE AT ONCE!" The booming voice demanded.

As the Cockatrice fled, I turned back to the pony. The light around it slowly dimmed.

When it cleared, I still couldn't clearly see the pony. The darkness around it kept it from sight.

"Spark." The pony said, but in it's normal voice.

My eyes widened, could it be? "Dad?"

Dad stepped forward, a soft smile in his face, "Yes Spark, it's me."

I rushed forward, tears streaming down my face, "DAD!"

Dad leaned down and caught me in a one legged hug, "Hey buddy."

I leaned back and looked at him, seeing that his right eye was mismatched from his other one, "But, they said you were dead."

He nodded, "I was, I'll explain on the way. I must get to Twilight, fast!" He then picked me up and flew into the air, flying faster than I thought possible.

He then began to explain everything.

Dali's house,
Lance's POV

I put Spark down outside the door and burst through the door, I then galloped to our room.

I burst through the door to see Twilight looking out the window.

"TWILIGHT!" I yelled as I jumped across the room and tackled her to the ground.

She looked up at me in disbelief and happiness, "LANCE?! You're alive!"

I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers, giving her the most loving and passionate kiss I could. We kissed for a good two minutes before I pulled back slowly.

She wrapped her forelegs around my neck, "I thought you were gone forever! How are you here?!"

I smiled, time to explain this, again.

I stood up and held her to her hooves, "Okay Twi, I'll make this simple. I did die, and I was in front of God, again. I asked God to send an angel to watch over you all, but he gave me a better option. He did send an angel to watch over you all... me. He sent me back to watch over all of you, to keep you all out of harms way. To put this simply, I'm an angel, but I'm able to have a physical body. I am only allowed to live here and be with you all as long as I remain true to you and the others."

Twilight looked confused, "A what?"

Oh, I forgot the ponies don't know what an angel is... time to explain this.

"Well, a angel is..."

Five minutes later

"... And that's pretty much it." I said, finishing up my explanation of angel's and God.

Twilight nodded, "That's... interesting. So, what kind of angel are you? You said there were different kinds."

I shrugged, "I don't really know Twi, I was never told."

She looked me over, "You don't look different."

I gave a small shrug, "Well, this is my pony form. My angel form is a little different. I'll show it to you one day, but first, I want to show everyone else that I'm alright. And heal them all, I now have that ability, among many others."

Twilight shook her head, "Don't worry about that, Omnius actually did that."

I smiled, "Good man. I'll give him my thanks."

Twilight looked at my flank and gasped, "Lance! What happened to your cutie mark?! It's changed!"

"Huh?" I said as I looked back at my cutie mark. It had indeed changed. It was still the test dummy symbol, but it had two white angel wings on either side now. "Huh, interesting. Apparently it's changed with me becoming a angel."

Twilight furrowed her brow, "But how? Cutie mark's don't change."

I chuckled, "Just forget about it Twi, it's the work of outside forces." I then smiled happily, "Also, I think you'll love to know this. But since I'm a angel, my bodies been repaired. Meaning, we can have more kids if you want."

Twilight jumped into me, wrapping her hooves around my neck, "Thank Celestia!"

I smiled and returned her hug.

[Should we tell her that we're only allowed to be here as long as she's alive?]
<No, we'll tell her later. Remember, God said once she die's, we are to return to heaven.>
[I know...]

Twilight leaned back and looked at my bionic eye, "I thought you said your body was repaired fully?"

I laughed slightly, "I wanted to keep it. I actually like it."

She sighed, "You would." She then smiled and kissed my cheek, "Even if you were only gone a few hours, it was horrible. I missed you so much."

I gave her a small kiss on the neck, "Don't worry, I won't ever leave you again. I promise."

She returned my kiss, but on the lips, "I believe you. I love you so much Lance."

I smiled happily, "I love you with all my heart Twilight, forever and always."

We then shared another deep kiss.

[Now, to tell the other's we're okay.]
<I still can't believe we're an angel.>
[I know right? Eat your heart out Omnius, we're on your level now!]

I pulled back from the kiss and smiled, "Let's go Twi."

When I turned around, Twilight saw the book that was attached to a sling that was hung on my side, "What's that?"

I chuckled, "Oh nothing, just a book given to me by one of the angel's, Michael I think."

Twilight nodded, "Interesting, can I read it?"

I shook my head, "I'll have to read it first Twi, sorry."

She sighed, "I understand, but please hurry and read it."

I chuckled and put a foreleg over her, "Don't worry, I'll read it as fast as I can. May take a few days. The words are extremely small."

<Get a move on Lance, remember the others.>

I began to pull Twilight to the door, "Come on, we got to inform the others."

"That will be easy, their all at the library, trying to learn a way to bring you back."

I chuckled, "Man, I love those guys!"

"I can teleport us you know." She said with a smirk.

I shrugged, "So can I, but, I can only teleport myself and another. You can do it this time though."

She smiled, "I've got to study you sometime."

Oh come on, this isn't good... or is it? We'll find out.

Her horn began to glow and we were surround in a bright light.

And he's alive XD This was the plan all along, I never intended to actually kill him. Remember, I said they all die of natural causes.

Also, here's Lance now: