//------------------------------// // Chp.6 Campfire // Story: Turning tables // by DarkShadow95 //------------------------------// Chp.6 Campfire Everfree forest 2hrs before the mane 6 entered the forest Kyle's viewpoint ''...Sierra23 this is 012 radio check over...' The sudden call wakes me from my nap. Finally I get contact with the ship, I look up checking the signal is secure and encrypted in my HUD. It is, so I go to respond. 'This is Sierra23 radio check okay over...' There was a pause. No idea why but must be command checking on my progress or some field orders coming in. Its now quite warm in the forest I can see all around me and thank god for the birds singing. Was getting pretty weird not having an wildlife around. I'm sat against a tree facing me is a ditch just in case I need to leap for cover. Its Bright I can tell, as the visor is shaded trying to block out the sunlight warming me up. Getting pretty toasty in this suit and sweaty, nice. 'Sierra23 send current location over...' I press the function keys on the side of my helmet selecting to send my current position on the signal. 'Sending confirm receive over...' 'Text received message from 0Charlie over... ' Zero Charlie being commands call sign this must be orders being sent through. Looks like I will be doing some work after all. 'Send over...' 'As follows; new objective to current mission recon areas sent via text and satellite map, Check for possible landing sites for cruisers for FOB to be made. This is priority must be completed ASAP. Comply?' 'Comply Sierra23 out'  That ended the radio transmission. I already downloaded the satellite map of the area to my HUD. A crude map that was very accurate but not official, mainly used for operations use like now. I look at the file and open it revealing a birds eye view of the ground with a grid layer on top. small red triangles indicating the places to recon 5 in total all seemed to be in large open field areas. Must be trying to find a place to set down the cruisers to set up a beachhead for the ground assault. It is different to the previous crusades. The first Crusade, the one I took part in, involved mainly aircraft and small skirmishers but the shields were too strong. Second was a ground invasion using vehicles that just ended up in all the tanks being blown up using unicorns magic. However that got close to the capital, now its just a full scale invasion minus the orbital bombardment. They really want this planet. After setting up bearings towards the recon areas and eating some of my rations I make my way towards my first area. Which is about 2.6Km north east. I'm still wondering whether this place even has an 'east', yes sure it's natural to us east is east but here? For all I know east is west concerning this place. Ahh stuff it I'm just confusing myself, need to stay locked on to my mission than wondering about this planet. I patrol through the overgrowth the armour protecting me from the twigs and thorns. Seems quite dense all the undergrowth. Although I cannot use my knife to cut through or that would be too obvious to track. I just carry on walking making very little distance as the growth is just slowing me down. Eventually I look and the clock on the HUD it reads that it is now 1600. I really need to get my way at least to the first recon area I really wanted to get two done but maybe not today. Least the birds don't mind me just tweeting in the trees, if it weren't for my mission this would be a brilliant walk. Kind of reminds me of my long walks with my brother through the forests. Always exploring looking for fossils, animals and basically new dens. I always looked up to my older brother. He took care of me when mom and dad died in the riots. We both lived near a lake so pretty much we always walked ran did stupid kid stuff. Just me and him against the world. One distinct run stays in my head though it was a warm day in April. Me and my brother him being 24 and me being 19 where both on our run. The usual run around the lake and back to the house but we spotted something in the distance smoke rising from the treeline. As we jogged to it we realised it was just a fisherman. We just sat by and watched him cast his line out and just kept catching fish after fish. It was fascinating how many he caught. He then noticed us and asked us would we like to try and well that was it. It became a competition to see who could catch the largest fish. The fisherman was just amused at our antics, the classic sibling rivalry. Eventually my brother won but I still protested. We had fun that day even got some free fish off the fisherman who was kind enough to hand us some. How times change, shame that is all over. The recall of those memories help to pass the time, putting a small smile on my face until I reach the recon area. Finally I step out into the open air its now sunset 1800 took a bloody long time. If it weren't for all that vegetation I would normally be here in an hour max. My legs are killing me from having to step over, climb and vault over various plants and obstacles. Here I am though time to see what's around. The ground is not too boggy plenty of space and seems all flat no inclines seems perfect. Seems no one has been here either no sign of recent activity but best hold out for an hour to see if anyone comes by. So I head back into the treeline picking a spot that gives me full coverage of the ground. Satisfied I get down into prone. Sadly the vegetation is way too thick to see out of so instead I just sit there with my helmet popping over the bushes, a right comedy look I would say. Then I simply turn on the adaptive camouflage, changing all the plates on my armour green disruptive pattern. Simulating the vegetation around me like a chameleon. Only thing that doesn't change is the visor, they still stay the same no matter in my case silver may of been a bad choice to tint the glass. Rifle unstrapped, comfortable and alert I start to play the waiting game. This may take all night. Everfree forest present time Twilights viewpoint Its starting to get dark now. Celestias sun is now heading towards the horizon and the orange sky gives the whole forest a magical feel. We need to find open ground and quick you do not want to be in the Everfree at night. It is crawling with creatures just waiting to eat you from timber wolves to 6 headed hydra and if really unlucky a dragon. S all of us are pretty nervous right now if we dont find open ground and fast. “Urm...Twilight you don’t suppose we can find somewhere safe to sleep for the night do you?” Fluttershy besides me whispers. Already shes hiding in her mane shivering from both fear and the falling temperature. My brother appears to my other side“I agree with Fluttershy, we should really find open ground so we are safe from the forest the moonlight will help too” he states. I already agree with them its getting late and we are all tired from walking especially Rainbow dash and Rarity. One is because of the lack of naps and another from being unlady like to walk in a dark place but both resulting in two very cranky ponies. “Alright according to the map” conjuring it out of my saddle bags “There should be a large opening about 2 miles west of here. We can spend the night there and carry on in the morning.” “Oh do we have to darling? I know this human seems so much to you Twilight but do we have to camp out with my mane like this with no shower in sight?” Rarity asks. Always concerned for her looks she never had a sense of adventure. “Yes we do” I answer “If we go off now we would have to start the search all over again with the ground we lost. Who knows where this human has wondered but he cant of gotten far on foot” I explain, getting a look of defeat off Rarity. Looking up I see dash looks exhausted, without her midday naps she really looks terrible. Bags under her eyes wings scruffy along with her mane and also little bit dopey not flying straight. That is confirmed when Rainbow bashes into a tree making a loud thump that everypony jumps to. “Sorry” she says “Not much sleep makes me fly like derpy”. With that the group heads in the direction I just pointed out. On the plus side we are still looking out for the human maybe even along the way we can spot him. However maybe not chase after him especially this tired. About an hour of silent walking later we come to the opening. It looks a little bigger than what it says on the map. Although the map is dated 3 years ago. It looks so peaceful and there is no waterlog or sign of anything being here. Looks perfect so we head out to the middle of the clearing and set up camp for the night. Rainbow is already curled up asleep under a blanket, I think she deserves it after flying up ahead all day trying to be our spotter. Me and my brother Prince Armour are setting up three pony tents, while Pinkie, AJ and Fluttershy get a fire going. Rarity still trying to untangle her mane with a brush of Rarity. Eventually all our jobs done we are all huddled around the fire waiting for food to be cooked, In our case Carrot soup, Not special but we are camping. Still sat in silence till my brother breaks it. “I still think this is a bad idea you know sis” nursing his hooves around a cup of hot  chocolate. “Hey” I nudge him “You came with us didnt you?” “Ya because you ordered me to! Your the one who used the ‘princess card’ on me even though I’m still your big brother and is my job to take care of you.” He looks down in shame as if hes just failed me. By Celestia he knows how to pull my heart strings. “Look” I place a hoof on his back for reassurance. “Right now you are looking after me and my friends. You also know we have been in here before…” Right before he cuts me off slugging off my hoof. “No! This time its different Twiley! For  start you're camping out at night which is dangerous! Secondly You're going after a human! Plus of all the other times you have gone in here have been on the tracks right now we are off the track who knows what lives here” He tones down from his outburst vented al his negativity. “Look Twilley if anything happened to you I just couldn't live with myself. If you die part of me dies with you and Ill never forgive myself for not being there to protect you.” His words hit me, I feel my eyes start to well up as well I a see his as well. Eventually giving in I just jump right on hi and embrace him in  giant hug. This surprises him and i just nuzzl him in the neck. I love my BBBFF and right now thats all I care about him always being there. We depart from our embrace and just turn around as the pot starts to rattle as the soup just about boils. “Soups up every pony!” Applejack melodies. “Erm AJ, you may want to wake Rainbow Dash” Pointing at the sleeping log next to the tent. “Ah got this” She smiles with a wicked grin. She happily trots over to Rainbow lean downs and simply whispers “Apple cider”. The immediate reaction ta followed was one thing I will always remember. All in one motion her eyes open, her eyes perk up  and her wings sand up. She jumps up the blanket flying off with a look of surprise and anticipation like a foal. “Where?! where?” She states. At That point everyone is laughing even My brother but AJ s on the ground rolling and chuckling at the fact shes got one u on Dash again. Dash just frowns at the reality that there is no cider. The look from before just turns to unamusement. “Oh ha ha, very funny AJ” The Look on her face just sets everypony laughing again. “The look on ya face pfhahaha! If only we had a camera!” AJ only just manages to say as she just about holds her laugh to get back up again. Eventually the laugh dies down and soup is served to everypony around the campfire. If this weren't a mission this would just be nice all of use BBBFF included. I must make a mental note to do this another time. Plus not in the Everfree forest. Once all the soup is gone and the memory of dashes reaction is now branded on her flank. Talk goes back towards the Human at hand. “So how are we going to find this thing anyway Twilight” Rainbow Dash if first into the subject “because as far as I know we haven't found him?” The question was little blunt but she is right. Jus lookin is not going to work. So its time to add some knowledge into the mix. If it weren't for the book I read a while back ‘How to be the best at hide’n’seek’ I wouldn't know what to do right now. “Wellso far no we have no found it. Although I do doubt Pinkie shouting ‘HereMrHumanC’monboy!’ is good method that finds a creature that does not want to be found.” I explain. Which then makes Pinkie pop her head from licing her bowl wth a childish smile of innocence. “So what is the solution because I would rather this be over with so I can tame this wi mane of mine before it causes a public scene!” Rarity pipes in, receiving a lok of ‘seriously?’ from RD. “Well I did read about being the champion of hide’n’seek and Rainbow can't exactly be flying around randomly so we need to work in a formation from what I can remember.” I take my saddle bag and magically take out the map of the area, spreading it out on the ground when a sudden chill comes across me. It must of been obvious because Rarity picks up on it. “Are you okay darling? It looks as if you just seen a ghost” she asks. “I dont know it just seems like…” I look up from the map to stare at the treeline something just seems well out of place. “its like we are being watched”. “Oh Im sure its nothin Twi” AJ reassures “Everything in this forest seems off at night” “Your right AJ, I must just be tired yawn” but I just cant help it but keep an eye on the trees as I’m explaining the plan. Kyle’s Viewpoint The treeline Oh god lord she is looking right my way! Of all fuckups to happen this as to hit the top 5! Not only is the site compromised. there is a group of ponies right in front of me! They Are camping! That Not even the end of it! Its a sodding Alicorn they are actually looking for me from what I’m hearing! I'm literally sat here with a peanut butter sachet in my mouth not being able to move. If I move or try to put my helmet back on I'm sure to be spotted they are only 50 meters away. I now have jaw lock thanks to them being there. The purple one, the allercon is explaining to the others some sort of search plan. A plan they will use against me. Then it hits me, listening in will help to avoid them by using their plan against them. If I have my helmet back on I would be able hear this in more clarity. However I can just about make out what they are saying. So might as well sit by and enjoy the show. As long as I keep still nothing can go wrong. Worst case scenario is that they do spot me. Ive heard stories of these Alicorns only few ever spotted but have been known of extreme magical power. It was two of them that took down whole squadrons of aircraft during the first crusade. So lets not think about worst case scenario. One appears to be a royal guard and has some sort of personal relation to the Alicorn. While the others all seem to be just well friends. Already just seen the orange earth pony startle the sleeping blue pegasus. I had to stop myself from laughing when i saw its face ha! look of absolute embarrassment! Now though comes the real intelligence. Better get comfy because I am definitely not going to get any sleep.