Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Ultimate sacrifice

Chapter 104

As Nightmare neared, I had a sense of dread.

This wasn't going so well...

Nightmare bellowed with laughter as he neared our small group, "I said, who's next."

After a few seconds of no response, he smiled and began to move forward.

Come on Lance! Stand, defend your friends!

I groaned as I rolled over and forced myself to stand.

"No Lance, please, stay down. You're not healed properly yet!" Twilight said, put a hoof on my back to hold me down.

I sighed and heard more laughter coming form Nightmare.

"Really? You're still going to try and fight me?" He yelled out as he laughed.

"No, I'm going to fight you!" A large white Alicorn yelled out as it slammed into Nightmare, sending him flying into the treeline.

What the... who is that?

The Alicorn turned and smiled, "Yo Lance."

... Omnius, I should have known. He must be using a super aura.

Mr. Bleak landed next to him and surveyed the area, looking at all the unconscious bodies of our friends, "I take it we're late to the party?"

"Damn right you're late!" David yelled out.

Mr. Bleak chuckled and looked at me, "How ya holding up there Lance?"

I couldn't help but smile, "Oh you know, surviving."

Mr. Bleak and Omnius chuckled.

"Why are you all laughing? This fight is far from over!" Nightmare yelled as he walked out of the forest, a pissed off look on his face.

Omnius looked at Mr. Bleak and smiled, "Shall we show this guy who's the boss?"

Mr. Bleak smirked, "We shall."

They both suddenly shot forward at a speed I couldn't keep track of, and slammed into Nightmare, throwing punches and other types of attacks.

Nightmare was taking a few massive blows, but he was blocking most of them with his fast moving claws.

Both Mr. Bleak's and Omnius's hooves were turning red from the blood coming from the small cuts received from Nightmare's blocks.

Mr. Bleak brought his hoof back and brought it upward, slamming it into Nightmare's jaw. Perfect uppercut!

Nightmare howled in pain and jumped back, putting distance between himself and the two over powered Alicorn's.

Nightmare snarled, "I didn't want to have to resort to this but you've...."

"NO TALKING!" Mr. Bleak yelled as he suddenly appeared in front of Nightmare, giving him a hard buck to the face.

Nightmare stumbled back and yelled out, "ENOUGH! I didn't want to do this, but you've forced it on yourselves!"

He then began to shake, causing black smoke to lift from his body. He growled angrily and slammed his claws into the ground. Seconds later, he looked at the two Alicorn's and screamed.

Or, it looked like he was screaming, but I couldn't hear anything.

On the other hand, Mr. Bleak and Omnius were holding their head, both of them collapsing on to the ground.

Nightmare stood up and laughed happily, "There, much better."

"What did you do to them?!" Seth yelled out, becoming enraged.

Nightmare shrugged with a smirk, "Oh, nothing much. All I did was make them live through their worst nightmare... with very real detail and effects. By time they even can move, I'll have all of your bodies piled up around them, what a sight to wake up to."

"You monster!" Drax screamed out, also becoming pissed.

"Oh, thank you." Nightmare said as he bowed. He then strolled over to the two unconscious Alicorn's and smirked, "You know it's sad. Those two were the only ones who could have stopped me."

Oh shit, now what?

Twilight looked at the others and gulped, "Lance is almost healed, please, you have to keep him distracted."

Zorrow saluted her, "We're on it! Come on bronies, let's go get our asses kicked!"

I watched as all my friends ran forward. All but Shadow Breeze and Greg. Shadow Breeze was on the ground with his hooves covering his face. Greg... Greg was smoking a joint.

"Let the fun begin." Nightmare said as he sprung forward at the charging bronies.

David was at the front, so he was the first to encounter Nightmare.

David jumped upward and tried to slam his head into Nightmare's gut, but was caught in mid-air by his throat.

"Nice try." Nightmare said as he grabbed David's hind leg and used his body as a weapon. He slammed David into Aaron and Drax, knocking them to the side. He then slammed David into the ground, instantly knocking him out.

Seth and Zorrow jumped over David and delivered a devastating double blow to Nightmare's chest.

Nightmare stumbled back slightly and snarled. He grabbed both of them and slammed their heads together... then again, and again... and again. Finally, they both fell unconscious, which would be bad, but in this case, it was probably for the best.

Before their bodies hit the ground, Drax jumped up and slammed his hoof into Nightmare's face.

He flew past him as Aaron ran up from behind and slammed his head into Nightmare's back, causing him to flinch... only flinch.

Nightmare kicked backwards with his leg, striking Aaron in the snout.

Aaron yelped in pain and fell to the ground, holding his now broken snout, which was bleeding pretty bad.

"Two minutes Lance." Twilight announced as her horn continued to glow.

Drax jumped up again and slammed his hoof into Nightmare's neck. But, as he turned to flee and prepare for his next run by, Nightmare grabbed his tail and lifted him into the air.

"Ah, a punching bag." He said with a evil smirk.

Drax struck outward with his hoof, landing a solid punch to Nightmare's nose.

Nightmare put one of his clawed hands up to his face and growled, "How dare you!"

*POW* *Crack*

Drax's body went limp as most of his ribs were broken under the impact force of Nightmare's fist.

Nightmare dropped Drax and stepped over his body, "Just a few more to go, then I can begin the real fun!"

Greg puffed on his blunt and just looked at Nightmare, no emotion on his face.

Nightmare looked between him and Shadow, "Hmmm, who's first?"

Greg raised his hoof and smiled, "Come on bro, show me the worst you got."

"Very well." Nightmare said with a smile as he sprinted towards Greg.

Once he was in front of Greg, he reached down and lifted Greg up to eye level, "Huh, a brave one."

Greg floated his burning blunt up to his mouth and took a long drag, "You better believe it bitch. If I was you, I'd put me down right now and back off."

Nightmare chuckled, "Big words for a small pony."

"Small huh?" Greg said with a smirk as his blunt floated up and suddenly shot forward, slamming into Nightmare's left eye. He then grounded the still burning blunt into his eye, causing Nightmare to yell in pain.

Nightmare pulled back his fist and slammed it into Greg's stomach. He then dropped him and stumbled back, holding his face.

Greg coughed and stood, "Told you to drop me."

Nightmare removed his hands from his face to reveal a pissed off face, "You will suffer!"

"No, you will suffer." Greg said as his horn began to glow.

Nightmare's eyes widened and he grabbed his head, "What is that horrible noise?!"

Greg smirked, "Only the worst song every made. Friday!"

Nightmare screamed in agony, "Get it out! Get it out of my head!"

Greg pulled out a second blunt, "Nope."

Nightmare growled against the torment, "TURN IT OFF!"

He then rushed forward and slammed into Greg. He instantly began to bite and claw at him, trying to get the music out of his head.

Nightmare sighed in relief and stood up, "Finally, that horrible sound is out of my head." He looked down at Greg, who had claw and bite marks all over his body, "Oops, I got kinda out of control... oh well, I'll finish you off after I'm done with the others."

Greg coughed, "Fuck... you.... bro."

Nightmare shrugged and put his foot on Greg's chest, "Or I could do it now."

As he began to push down, a scream of rage filled the air.

I looked up just in time to see Shadow flying towards Nightmare, a determined glare on his face.

He slammed into Nightmare at a tremendous force, causing a loud crack to be heard.

Nightmare howled in pain as he was knocked to the ground.

Shadow landed next to him, rage filled his face, "You do not hurt my friends!" He screamed out.

Nightmare stood and grinned, "Don't hurt your..."

Shadow flew into him and lifted him up ward, screaming into his face, "I will make you pay! NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE! HURTS MY FRIENDS!"

Nightmare yawned, "Do what you want."

Shadow flew upward till he was over a hundred feet in the air, and yelled out in rage.

He then punched Nightmare downward, and while he was flying towards the ground, Shadow flew after him. He slammed into him and sped up their fall towards the ground.

They hit the ground with a sickening thud.

Before the dust cleared, Shadow stumbled out, "Did I win?" He then collapsed, exhausted.

[Oh my God, he actually did it.]
<Wow, Shadow has a rage mode... reminder, we do not, and I repeat, we do not make him mad. Agreed?>

"Okay Lance, I'm done. But I think it's over." Twilight said as she stood up.

I smiled and stood, "Thanks Twi."

Well, today was a tough day. We fought a fucking entity of evil and won, and...

"That actually kinda hurt." Nightmare said as he walked out of the dust, rotating his neck.

"Oh come on!" I yelled out.

Nightmare looked down at Shadow and frowned, "Pest." He then gave him a sharp kick to the side, sending him skidding across the ground.

He looked at me and smiled, "Ah, I see you're still able to fight. Let's get this over with, I'm itching to slowly kill your family."

I trembled with anger.

{Break... Dawn... let my anger go.}
<What?! No!>
[You know we can't control that!]
{I don't care! I will not let him hurt them!}
<Do it Break.>
[... Alright.]

I growled in anger as my Break unleashed all my pent up anger. I felt the familiar flare of emotions as the transformation completed.

My good eye twitched in anger, "You. Will. Not. TOUCH THEM!"

I charged forward, my left eye burning with rage.

Before I slammed into him, he jumped to the side and grabbed me by the side, "Going over." He then fell backwards, slamming my face into the ground.

I yelled out in rage and twisted, breaking his grasp. I then reared up and slammed my front hooves down on his surprised face.

He yelped in pain and kicked off with his legs, this caused him to slide under me.

I heard him laugh happily as he slammed his open fist upward, breaking something. I heard two audible cracks.

I gasped as a searing pain swept through my body.

Nightmare stood up, holding me above him, his claws dug deep into my chest.

He tossed me to the ground, causing me to scream out in pain.

[Come on Lance! You have to stop him!]

I screamed in pain again as I forced myself to stand up.

Nightmare laughed and bent down to my level, "Why? Why are you so persistent? Just give up, accept faith. I'm going to kill you and your friends, and there's nothing you can do."

I hung my head and smiled, "I have a purpose, a reason to fight. I will not let you hurt my friends, or family, anymore. We're going to end this, here and now."

He smiled, "That's what I like to hear."

I chuckled, "I bet." I then twisted around, ready to strike at his face, but he was ready.

He swiped his claws across my face, causing a horrible pain to flare. I stumbled back, holding back my screams of pain.

I raised my hoof and lifted up the bionic eye. It was dangling from my eye socket, useless.

I looked up in time to see his foot come flying up and slam into my jaw.

I collapsed to the ground, defeated. I couldn't go on... I was... useless.

Nightmare laughed as I returned to normal. He turned and began to walk towards Twilight, "Now, you watch."

Twilight's eyes widened and her horn began to glow.

Nightmare was lifted into the air, but all he did was laugh, "Really? You should know that most magic is useless against me. That pest over there only got lucky."

He broke out of her magic grasp and charged her.

She took a step back, and closed her eyes.

He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air, "Now, what should I cut off first?"

He... will.. die!

I pushed my self to my hooves, forcing my self to ignore the agonizing pain. I lifted up the bionic eye and saw the wire and the button. I know what I must do...

I spread my wings painfully and shot forward towards Nightmare.



Life is a gift. The most precious gift anyone could receive. It's a gift that you hold dear, a gift you treasure above all else.

If given the choice, would you be willing to give up this wonderful gift? Would you give it away to save the one you love?

Would you sacrifice yourself just so someone else could go on living?

Life is a gift. It can be given, but it can't be given back.


I slammed into Nightmare's back, causing him to drop Twilight.

She hit the ground with a yelp and jumped back.

I wrapped my forelegs around Nightmare's neck and wrapped my hind legs around his waist, holding on to him.

Twilight and the other mares looked at me, "What are you doing?!"

Nightmare began to try and pull me off his back, but was unable to reach me.

I looked over at Twilight and smiled weakly, "I love you Twilight, with all my heart. Always remember that."

Her lip began to tremble, "What do you mean?"

I choked back tears and winced in pain as one of Nightmare's claws dug into my back.

"Twilight, you've made my life worth living. I'll always remember..." I let the tears fall.

She shook her head in defiance, "NO!"

Nightmare stood up tall, "You know what? I'll just kill her while your back there."

My eye widened, "Twilight! Please, you have to teleport me and him to that mountain top!"

She fell to the ground, "I CAN'T DO THAT TO YOU!"

I cried slightly and looked over at Trixie, "Trixie, please, teleport me to that mountain top!"

"NO!" Twilight cried out.

Nightmare sighed, "Emotions, I'll never figure them out. Lance, what ever you're planning won't work."

I ignored him, "Hurry!"

Trixie was holding back tears and nodded. Her horn began to glow.

I took one last look at Twilight and closed my eye, unable to hold back my tears.

[... Why is Nightmare just standing here?]
<... I don't know... Break, it was a pleasure knowing you.>
[*Sob* I'm glad I knew you too buddy.]

Trixie's glow spread to us, about to send us away... to the our final moments.

Twilight jumped up and yelled, "I love you too Lance!" Tears were flowing down her face.

Nightmare growled, "Oh no! She's coming with us!" He sprung forward.

I used the last of my strength to pull back, buying Twilight the second she needed to back up.

A bright light flashed as we were teleported away.


Twilight watched as Lance and Nightmare were teleported away.

She looked up to the mountain that Lance had nodded at and watched, waiting for a signal that he was okay.

Sadly, instead, she saw a large explosion engulf the top half of the large mountain.

Her legs gave out and she fell to the ground, unable to believe what had just happened.

She buried her face into her hooves and began to weep, "Lance..."

White void

I stood up and looked around. Whiteness.

"Really?" Said a loud booming voice.

I sighed sadly, "Yes, really."

"Almost a full year."

I gulped back tears, "I know... I didn't even get to enjoy it all."

"I know."

I closed my eyes.


I reopened them, "Y-Yes."


Sad, but true. And no one expected a thing.