The Rainbow story

by ConsciousHaze196

Rough Conditions

It was late evening, and Twilight together with Pinkie and Fluttershy were sitting at the table at pegasus house, resting after searching for Rainbow the entire afternoon.
"Now that we're together at Fluttershy's party, can we finish the story together? Maybe it'll help Rainbow Dash return to us," - Pinkie offered.
"Prepare the ink," - Twilight said enthusiastically, "I know what we can write. But Pinkie will be first today."


The ponies successfully navigated the deserted environment and came to a slope pathway, which they passed and then there were rocks. Not a rockslide or sharp spikes, but tall spiky stones everywhere around them.
"You were right" - Twilight addressed Rarity, "This place is a labyrinth. Has anyone been here? Can you guess the right way through? Do we have a lucky compass?" - Twilight asked.
"I know" - the pie spoke from Rarity's saddle. Ponies stood there, then gasped sequentially. " 'Cause I'm Pinkie Pie, and my sense of right way is at your service. At my service, and my service at your service, that is. I was a pie, but now that ponies need me, I'm a pony, Pinkie Pie."
"Is she like Rain?" - Twilight mumbled, bemused, or confused.
"She is my friend, oh I forgot about her," - Rarity spoke, "But the pie was her? Why haven't she had revealed herself at neither party I tried to decorate with it?"
"I was asleep" - Pinkie said slowly, "but I didn't miss a party, did I?"
"No," - Rarity replied. "Technically not," - Twilight said after thinking, "but, uhm,"
"So if we're seeking for Rainbow Dash, she is behind that stone" - Pinkie said, raising a hoof to her mane.

And the pegasus walked from behind the rock. Her mane was orange, and her coat was constantly smoothly changing from yellow to red through orange, and backwards. She wore a spike necklace on her neck, and a hat.
"Hello," - Pinkie said.
The pegasus turned her head, noticing the ponies, startled, "Who are you? Hello,"
"We're Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy and Rarity" - Pinkie quickly listed. "We're looking for Rainbow Dash. Is she you?"
"Me? I'm Rainboom Sky, and I'm waiting here for... something" - she replied, trying to remember. "Ah no, I was waiting for you to come, so I can do this," - she pointed at the necklace.


"Rainboom Sky?" - Twilight asked, "Why rainboom sky, though? We were supposed to find Rainbow and then Rainbow Dash..."
"Somehow I thought that boom is more right, since that's what she's about to do," - Pinkie explained.
"I suppose Sky is because she's about to bring water" - Fluttershy said quietly to the side.
"Correct!" - Pinkie said, picking the quill from her mane.


Rainboom Sky flew very high, and then threw her spikes, tearing the sunny blue sky overhead so heavy clownds started leaking through the wide hole.
Then she gracefully descended through a column of rain. "There is your water. Don't thank me, you're quite welcome." Then she looked up. "Uh oh."


Meanwhile, Applejack entered the house together with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and Rarity.


The area of Rocky Pit was becoming flooded fast.
"Aunt forgive me," - Twilight whispered.
"I'm sorry", Rainboom Sky, who was now changing into Rainboom Dash, said with sadness. "I was trying to help,"
"Coming!" - came a sound from high above. Another pegasus landed between stones. "Meet Fly Do Help, who will try to save you because, when ponies need help, I comes with a raft."
Then a whole raft magically fell from the sky and landed on water without impact. On the raft, there was another pegasus, yellow with yellow-white Rarity-style mane and tail, except the tail was shorter and less curvy, and face identical to Fluttershy's, with a giant feather in her hooves.
"Let's go, now." - she quietly said.
For some minutes, they floated with it, led by the current and Sky with her feather, avoiding the rocks.


"The story's writing itself!" - Twilight shouted. "Wait for me, I'm calling Celestia!"


The sky was getting yet darker by the moment.
At the horizon, multiple lighting bolts fired, seemingly on symmetric circles from their position. The clounds themselves condensed into circular clusters, moving together with their vessel.
Then Rainbow was hit by electricity, and fell down into the water.


Celestia was quickly reading the latest scroll, upset.
"These scrolls have been cursed," - she explained. "They pull your energy while you come close. Rainbow Dash is in there completely, unless she is in this house. Twilight, let's get out of its range, and I'll show you a spell. When we return, we'll cast it separately, to reclaim the energy."


"What is happening, I can't see", - Twilight shouted.
"OOOU!" - Fluttershy screamed, hanging on the wooden board, when some rocks thrown from the water down the current flew overhead and made a splash behind them.
Some parts of thunderclouds above began shining yellow.
"Thunderquake! Everypony descend!" - Sky Boom shouted. "I can't fix this!"
"What I'll have done," - Fly Do Help was whispering, diving toward the raft. "Just protect Rainbow Dash, she'll save us" - she grabbed Rainbow Dash and the raft by its side. "Not the end of the world..."
"Grab Do Well, Do Help, don't let her fall," - Rarity screamed. "Anyone keep that thing from hitting rocks!"


"Twilight, I take whoever I appear as, and Crusaders, you have to take everyone else, you're connected to them. All ponies, now think hard about your friends casting the spell, we cast simultaneously when I say." - Celestia closed her eyes. "Now!"


"Something's whispering me the spell... don't be bad spell, I'll have to try you" - Sky Boom Light thought. She lit her horn, and the change started happening, at double speed when Twilight joined, after whispering "No other choice,", and ponies began dissolving into colorful noise, while the waves began thrashing the raft violently, and dark red fire with purple ends erupted from the clouds. The current turned all swirly and whirlpools appeared in it, and the whole ground started forcibly tilting to opposite sides. The raft broke into flakes, the water went under floating pieces of ground, hissed and dissolved, and the sky exploded, shattering them and sending the dust down. Then the red mist gradually disappeared and there was just a red and yellow spotted black inner surface of a sphere, and its light was slowly fading into darkness.