//------------------------------// // Why this will never be finished // Story: Eight // by ThunderChaserCreate //------------------------------// Well, here's the deal: I've been working on this for a while, but realized that the final solution is... well, it's just been too much work for such a tiny fic. No buildup + no character development = no one cares. Good news is, if you want to see more of this universe, it is on its way. You see, I've absorbed this idea into another, bigger, better one! If you're still interested in seeing this through, don't worry, just click that follow button so you'll be notified when the new fic goes up. In the meantime, this will be set to 'cancelled,' and eventually deleted when the other fic goes up. Good day. Feel free to ask questions in the comments. You may treat this as a blog post, I just wanted to have it attached to the story so that previous readers would be alerted.