//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: My Little Friends: Wish Your Happy Ending // by SyforceWinterLight //------------------------------// Hello, everyone. Name’s Faith. Faith Summers. You probably haven’t heard of me. I’m not surprised. Not many people would know someone who’s never knew life outside a house’s wall. Or purposely isolate themselves from public eyes after discovering betrayal. Or who is the unknown sole heir of a family fortune without knowing the responsibility of it. Or led a hard life protecting a sibling from everything dangerous. Or being a sibling who was sheltered from everything good or bad. Or the sole survivor of a terrible accident where you lost everything you loved. That’s the story of me and my friends. The unpredictable rivers called fate and circumstance led us to those situations. But at the same time, it led us to each other. With that we found ourselves with something in common; we were alone. That loneliness pulled us together, and turned us into the friends we’ve come to know each other as. But I’m thinking too far back. This isn’t the story of how we met each other and found the friendship we’ve come to hold. Not how we learned about each other’s hardships and helped each other through it. This is the story of how our lives took a completely unexpected turn. How we found ourselves in an unfamiliar land, filled with life beyond our imagination. Finding new friends to share our stories and pain with. Finding ourselves on a journey with everything against us. And to find our fates tied with so many others’. But now I’m getting ahead of myself. I guess I should start from where this all started. On a day where our happiness was the first thing on our minds.