More About Time

by SilverStar7

Chapter 7: The Truth of the Moment

“As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.” - Henry David Thoreau

The flight back to Ponyville was not long. Twilight made it there well before sunset. She and Celestia had discussed several matters beyond Star Swirl's spells. Plans for the Equestria Games, progress on discovering the purpose of the box from the Tree of Harmony, and just the general goings-on in each others lives. It had been an enjoyable visit and Twilight found it refreshing to get lost in this timeline she'd made. By the time she left Canterlot she'd almost forgotten about visiting Applejack.

The sight of the town, however, immediately brought her back.

The town of Ponyville could be described in several ways. "Cozy," "quaint," "simple," "rustic," and "down-to-earth" were good choices for descriptors. Even the busier part of town - the market district - did not break from that mold. At least, it didn't used to. This Ponyville's business district had lost its right to claim those basic adjectives. Where small shops once dotted the main street, larger storefronts now dominated. While the marketplace before held a gentle trickle of ponies, this street housed a flowing mass. It was not quite Manehattan, but perhaps it could rival one of the city's less popular locales.

And there were two icons that were found on every billboard, sign, and flyer in view: the Sweet Apple Acre's apple and the Flim Flam Brother's silhouetted faces. Rainbow Dash wasn't kidding, Twilight thought as she flew toward AJ's farm. This is enormous! That grocery store makes Barnyard Bargains look like a lemonade stand!

The family farm was also much less modest than before. As Twilight approached she looked around and saw it seemed to stretch on in all directions, filling the hills with apples of all types. Workers could be seen bucking trees everywhere. Yet the farmhouse at the center seemed to be mostly unchanged - except for a nicer roof. After landing, Twilight walked up to the gates of what was now proudly named "Sweet Apple Acres Incorporated." And Twilight was proud too. This is way better than I imagined. There's no way Applejack has any financial problems now. Then a fear met her. She'd always been told that money changes a pony. But she quickly dismissed that fear. This is Applejack! She wouldn't let money change her.

Of course, finding Applejack on this now enormous farm could prove to be a bit of a challenge. So first Twilight approached a caramel colored stallion who was bucking a tree near the entrance. "Hi Caramel."

"Howdy, Twilight," he said, turning to buck another tree. "What brings you round to Sweet Apple Acres today?" His kick landed and most of the apples fell from the branches into the baskets on his back.

"I wanted to talk to Applejack. Would you know where I can find her?"

Caramel stopped and turned to face Twilight. "Sorry Twilight, but I can't tell ya that."

"You can't tell me?" This was not something Twilight expected could happen. "Why can't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry," Caramel's face scrunched up in embarrassment and he looked to the side. "Applejack don't see guests until after hours. You'll have to come back later."

Sure, she'd known Caramel for a few years, but this was not how most ponies treated her since the day of the coronation. It had been a long time since she'd been given a flat "No" to a request. Twilight didn't like pulling the princess card, but she needed to know how Applejack was doing. Today is just not my day. First the royal guards, now Caramel. Still, it wasn't that unreasonable to wait and she could always go and talk with Spike to find out what happened yesterday. I guess I can just come back later... "Okay, Caramel. Sorry to bother you. I guess I'll just have to come back this evening."

She prepared to leave when a strong voice said "Don't be ridiculous!"

Twilight and Carmel turned to see Applejack coming over a nearby hill. Her stetson hat still adorned her head and she was still carrying apples in baskets on her back, but her step had a spring in it that Twilight rarely saw. As the orange mare approached, a wide grin came on her face. "Howdy, Twilight," she said, nodding to her friend. She then turned to the stallion. "It's alright, Carmel. I've been expectin' Twilight to stop by. And besides, I've always got time fer her."

Part of Twilight wondered why Applejack was expecting her, but another part was just happy that she was going to get to talk with her friend. Immediately she saw the parallel between AJ and Celestia. Both didn't care about how busy they were - once Twilight arrived, they both just wanted to see her. I knew money and busy schedules could never get between us.

Carmel went back to harvesting and Applejack came to give Twilight a hug. When the two broke apart, she gestured to the farmhouse and she said, "So, what did y'all find out about that spell from the other day?"

As the two began to walk to the house, Twilight thought about how best to respond. She started with "Well, I talked to Princess Celestia today."

"What is it? Somethin' I can help with?" asked AJ. Her tone was anxious. Clearly she was thinking Twilight had bad news.

"No, no," said Twilight, shaking her head. "It's not like that. I just sent her the spells yesterday and went to see what she learned."

"And what'd she find out?" AJ stopped and looked at her friend. "No need to sugar coat it sugar cube. I can handle the news. And whatever happened, I know we can take care of it."

"Actually, she thinks the spell requires too much magic for a single unicorn to use." Twilight didn't want to confess anything out in the open. Besides, she also wanted to know how different things were in this version of events. I'd told Applejack everything before. Did I still tell her in this future?

"Oh, so there ain't no danger." Apparently not... "Alright, glad that nothing's gonna happen as a result of y'all usin' that spell." The two continued their walk to the farmhouse. "So, why'd y'all come here? Did Blueblood finally get back to y'all about given ma farm more of the Everfree Forest?"

"Uh, I haven't heard anything about that." I barely even remember that Blueblood is the Grand Veneur. I guess he and Applejack have been doing some negotiations about the size of her farm. And I'm some sort of intermediary between them?

"Um, beggin' yer pardon, Twi, but what are y'all here for then?" The orange mare seemed moderately peeved. As if she was somehow upset that Twilight hadn't come bearing important news.

"I, well, I just wanted to see how you were doing."

AJ shook her head. "I'm doin' fine," then she gave a sigh. "Well, I s'pose I best be gettin' back to work." Applejack then began to head back to the fields. "Thanks for stoppin' by, Twilight."

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Twilight put her hoof down, both figuratively and literally. "What's with you?!"

The orange mare groaned and turned around. "I'm sorry Twi, but this is ridiculous. First y'all come here a few days ago complainin' about some spell that did nothin'. Now ya just wanna see how I'm doin' when I ain't been fussin' to ya about nothin'. Don't you know how busy I am right now? If we don't get these trees harvested by Saturday then we'll never get that order shipped out to Fillydelphia in time!"

"I thought you said you'd always have time for me!" At least, in the old timeline you did.

"But it's the middle of the day. I've got work ta do! Can't talkin' about me wait 'til later?"

Twilight shook her head. "I guess it can." Oh Celestia, what have I done to Applejack? She'd finally done it. She finally really did it. She'd blown it up and ruined something irreplaceable. She'd turned a loyal and honest mare into a pony who cared more about money and work than her own friends. Oh, Applejack. I'm so sorry.

Twilight didn't want to cry in front of her friend, but she couldn't help it. A couple of tears formed in her eyes. She tried to cover them up with her hoof and a cough, but Applejack did notice. "Twilight?"

"I guess I'll get going then," Twilight gave a sniff and unfurled her wings.

Applejack moved toward her friend and reached out to give her a hug. A hug that Twilight quickly and gratefully returned. "I'm mighty sorry, Twilight. I don't know why I was gettin' upset. It's been so busy 'round here... I guess I forgot how to treat ma friends." Twilight broke down a bit more at that. "I'm sorry, sugarcube."

"It's okay," said Twilight. "I forgive you." After all, it's not really your fault. It's mine.

"Come on, let's get you inside." As they resumed their trip to the farmhouse, Twilight prepared to tell her friend everything again.

"Applejack," she began. "When we get inside I need to talk to you about something..."

<> <> <>

The inside of the farmhouse was surprisingly unchanged. Clearly Applejack hadn't been using her newfound wealth to indulge in lavish spending. And Twilight hadn't expected her to. Yet obviously she was much more busy.

The conversation went much like their conversation before. Applejack even asked most of the same questions. This time, however, Twilight needed to reveal an additional truth.

"Last night," she started. "I went back and I changed your past."

AJ cocked her head to the side. "Beg yer pardon?"

"Do you remember the day the Flim Flam brothers came to Ponyville?"

Applejack nodded. "How could I forget? That was the day everythin' changed around here. I was..." her words came to a halt. "Wait. Did you bring those two into town?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, remember how I broke up the conversation between you two and invited Rarity to help you negotiate?"

AJ's eyes went wide. "That wasn't supposed to happen?!"

"Well, no." Twilight still wasn't convinced that "supposed to happen" was the best way to look at these changes, but now was not the time to debate semantics. "In my version of events you ended up getting into a competition with the brothers. Instead of being business partners you ended up having to drive them out of town just to keep your farm. So I thought it would be a good idea to have you guys end up working together. And I think I was right; look at all the things you've accomplished."

"Yeah, it sure is impressive." Applejack stood up from the couch and exhaled deeply. "Woo wee!" She looked back at her friend. "Twi', y'all've done a lot of things since you came to Ponyville. Us six have been through more in the last couple years than most ponies will go through in a lifetime." Something about these words were familiar to Twilight. "This is a lot to take in. I don't know what ta think yet, and that's just the truth a' the matter. From ma perspective, nothin' changed. I don't remember you havin' an owl. I can't imagine Dash still bein' grounded here in Ponyville. And I don't know where I'd be if my farm still wasn't successful. That was my life both yesterday and today."

That's why this sounds familiar, thought Twilight. Because Applejack said this to me before!

"But I do believe ya. I have no doubt y'all changed all this from whatever once was."

"So, what are you going to do now?" Twilight asked. She wanted to see if the response would be the same as before.

"I don't know. I can't figure that out quick. I need time ta think for maself." AJ walked back over to the couch and sat down next to Twilight. "This is big. Real big. Bigger than me and bigger than you. If you was some random pony who found that spell I'd be right scared. Changin' history. It just ain't natural." Applejack gave her friend a hug. Exactly like last time... "But you ain't a random pony. And I trust you."

The words still felt as true and they seemed to comfort Twilight all the more because it proved that Applejack was still the same pony. Even if she'd become more successful and had less time for her friends, that didn't make AJ different on the inside. She really is still my friend. I didn't screw that up. "Thanks, Applejack."

"I just got one more question."

"Anything," said Twilight.

"Why did y'all do this?"

Twilight smiled. "I wanted to do something for you. You've been such a good friend and I know how hard you work. I just wanted to give you the success you deserve."

AJ chuckled. "Well, I think this is a might bit more than I deserve. I never imagined in all my life that the farm would look like this."

"But it really hasn't changed all that much," said Twilight. "This room is still the same. And you're still out bucking trees. I mean, sure, a lot more ponies are enjoying your apples. And I'm sure you have a lot more money than before. But, really, you're still the same mare and this is still the same farm."

"That's by design," said Applejack. "When we started gettin' more successful, I told everypony that I wouldn't let it change anything. I do the same amount of work as my employees and I live in the same kinda house that they could afford." Then Applejack frowned. "But it has changed some things... it feels like I never get to see y'all anymore."

Twilight nodded. "I suppose there is that." I wonder how often she does see us. Did she come to Rainbow Dash's birth-a-versary party? Actually, we probably didn't even host that here now that Dash is a Wonderbolt. But... Then Twilight realized there was a more important question to ask. "Applejack," she said. "Are you happy with the way things turned out?"

Her friend grinned, "How can I not be? This is my dream. Even if it's been months in the makin', sometimes I still find it hard to believe. But this is everything I've ever wanted since I was a little filly. So I'm mighty pleased with how this all worked out."

"I'm glad."

The two remained in silence for a time. It was a good silence, the kind that arose not because they didn't have anything to say, but because they didn't need to say anything. When the two mares made eye contact after a while, they smiled. This is how I remember AJ. I'm glad money didn't change her.

It was AJ who broke the silence. "Thanks for comin' and talkin' with me, Twi."

"Yeah, this was good."

Then Applejack took a deep breath and prepared to leave. "Ta be frank, I've got to get back to ma orchard fer now. Ya mean the world to me, Twi'. If I thought there was anythin' I could do fer ya now, I'd do it lickity split. But I can't think a' nothin' and apples don't buck themselves."

Twilight continued to smile. "I know. And I'm really grateful that you took the time to talk to me."

AJ tipped her hat to her friend. "No trouble at all, Twi."

And they left it at that.

<> <> <>

Twilight decided to walk back to her tree house. It wasn't so much that her wings were tired--even though they were. It was more that she wanted to have time to think. Her trips to the past were doing a lot and she needed to evaluate the changes objectively.

The pros seemed obvious. She was now an author, Rainbow Dash was now a Wonderbolt, and Applejack had finally become insanely successful. They were all living their dreams of academics, athletics, and affluence respectively. And there were side benefits as well. Rainbow Dash was in a happy relationship with Soarin' and the Flim Flam brothers were now making an honest living instead of being con artists.

Yet there were cons to her changes. Owlicious being gone was difficult. Rainbow Dash never got involved in Daring Do's life, nor did she become a huge fan of the books. Biggest of all, Twilight wouldn't get to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack as much as before.

But her friends were happy. And wasn't that the most important thing about friendship? Making sure that your friends were happy? Even if I can't see Rainbow and AJ as often as I used to, that doesn't mean our friendship is ruined. They're both having the times of their lives - I should be happy for them. And I am happy for them. The smile that rose on Twilight's muzzle was not artificial. She was genuinely glad that her friends could lead such successful lives. Not to mention her own joy of knowing that she was responsible.

In fact, she then began to wonder more about Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. With how powerful this spell was, there must be something for each of them. And after how much they've given me, they deserve all the happiness in Equestria. Anything I need to give up is a small price pay.

This time was also better than before. Unlike the previous accidental trips that had multiple negative outcomes, this one seemed to have been perfectly executed. If she was able to replicate that through more careful planning then she could give the same kind of future to all of her friends without messing up the past. I can do this. I just need to take my time. And really she had all the time in the world...

Nodding to herself, Twilight opened the door to her library. She saw that Spike was busy dusting off the center table. He was on a step ladder and facing toward the door. Upon her entry, he gave a wave. "Hey Twilight! I didn't see you come home last night. Did everything go okay?"

"Sorry I forgot to send you a note, Spike," Twilight was sorry about that. She knew Spike was prone to worry, but she was glad that he hadn't gotten too distressed while she was gone. "I ended up spending the night at Rainbow Dash's place in Cloudsdale and then stopped by Canterlot to talk to the Princess about those spells we sent her."

The dragon flinched slightly at the mention of the scrolls they had found in the old castle. "So, what does she think about them? Is everything alright?"

Twilight was honest to a point. "She thinks most of them are incomplete, but a couple might be worth study. The spell I cast is one that's going to be investigated further."

Spike was still slightly tense. "So we don't know yet."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Spike," she said. She was about to lie and say something about how they would have noticed changes if the spell worked, but instead she just went with another honest to a point statement. "They said the spell requires more power than a unicorn can generate."

"Really? That's good news. I've been kinda worried for the last few days."

"Well, there's no need to worry." Twilight said. "So, what have you been up to while I was gone?"

"Not much," said Spike. "Just doin' my chores. And I was about to start on dinner. Do you want that now?"

Twilight smiled. "That sounds alright to me. I'm pretty hungry after the flight back here."

"You got it. I'll go get it started," Spike then turned around and hopped off the step ladder to go into the kitchen. When he did so, Twilight let out a scream, causing Spike to quickly face her again and ask, "What's wrong?"

"Spike!" Twilight shouted. "What happ-- Where's your tail?!" For when the dragon had turned she noted that his purple tail was missing.