Star Wars : The Missing Brother

by freedombiscuts

Chapter 3. Breakout

Star Wars : The Missing Brother

Chapter 3. The Breakout

"Well your friend is actually sick." Obbas said finally. "I'll grab a medic droid and come ba-ACK!" Obbas barley finished as two large hands is wrapped around his throat. He couldn't say anything. The bad part is that he's slowly seeing black.

He's close to passing out, and die by a filthy Wookie's hand. Out of all power he has left in him, he goes for the controller to electrocute them.
His fingers didn't get a chance to touch the controller.

The clone dives for his fingers before he could push the button after being tossed from the other Wookie. With that done, the other Wookie ran to his other arm and slowly pull on his other arm, putting all focus of pain on his right arm so he'll drop the controller.

Obbas releases the remote. He can't scream in pain or for help from the sheer strength the Wookie is chocking him.

The very last thing he sees was complete black. No last breath or grunts. Just complete silence.

The Trandoshan's body went limp. The three dropped the body. Kitchit tossed the arm he ripped off on the unconscious owner.

"Don't worry, they'll grow back.. If you were still living." The clone said coldy.

"I'm going to enjoy stuffing your intestines into your stomach and your arms will be ripped by these two." Gesturing to the Wookies while talking to the knocked out body.

Sev picks the remote up and press on the button that deactivates all sector 2 prisoners' collar.

"Lets go free the rest since that's done."

Those who have witness and heard what had just happened are cheering not too loudly knowing that their freedom is very close. They don't want sector 2 guards hearing them.

Sev speed walk to the cell block's computer with Kitchit and Arrikata each by the two only door that connects the hallway and sector 2. Not needing the chairs, Sev pushed the chairs of out the way and begin slicing into the it. "Slicing now, this'll take awhile." Sev remarks. "Deactivating all sector prisoners' collar now." ten seconds later of slicing, Sev hears one stomp with a pause adding two more stomps from the sector above showing that both have their collars off. "Now, those bars that's keeping us locked up." twenty seconds this time with another three stomps. "And the weapon lockers for our stuff and extra firearms." Just five more seconds now, "Almost there...Done, all collars deactivated, cells opened, weapon lockers in each cell is now for all us. A ruckus on the upper levels should happen any moment now." he said walking away from the computer towards the weapon lock

"I'll grab both of you a gun after I grab my gear. Just hold there for a little longer." He said starting to jog to the opposite end along with the wooikes though most are just quickly walking there. Reaching to the lockers, Sev sees wookie bowcasters, blaster pistols, rilfes and many other weapons from previous that are wookie and non wookie. The wookies around him are grabbing whatever they'll need. Sev has his eyes on a locker that contains all he needed. His armor still how it was when he was thrown in here: stuffed and packed. Even the weapons parts are everywhere. But he could care less at the moment.

With his black under suit on already, he starts with his legs, putting on the boot. Right leg gets the feel of it first and repeat with his left. Now putting on with his thigh armor. A nice squeeze to it as if it were new even though it had only been two weeks. His torso, just like his thighs got that same squeeze. The armor for his arms were placed on and he tests the knuckle plate vibro blade to see if it functions properly. "Heh, still works like a charm." Sev chuckles. He checks his survival pack to see if he has all he needed or has to get more on the ship. "Got all my interchangeable parts.Three rifle mags, three sniper mags, two anti-armors, all five thermal detonators, three sonic grenades, four EMP grenade, that'll come in handy in case of droids and two flashbangs. Now for the final touch," Sev said picking up his helmet. He looked at his helmet, inspecting it all around, inside and out. Only the comm still damaged. Satisfied with everything else, he slips on his helmet. The H.U.D flashes on, the feeling of a true hunter comes to him again as he sees his shield powering on. He tests the visor's normal mode, nothing special about it, the tactical mode, he would know if it works if his squad was here because it would show on his bottom left corner with their number and health and the low light mode, all gray, black and white is all he sees with the shaping of the wookies and the cells sector they're in. He place his survival pack on his back, grabs two wookie bowcastor with a few clips and head on his way to his friends guarding the doors.

Giving the two their weapons and ammo, Arrikata growls at Sev asking him why did it took him so long while Kitchit complimentes on the light blue glowing effect on his visor. "I had to make sure I have what I need and see if they work fine Arrikata, and thanks for the compliment Kitchit." Kitchit growls back saying you're welcome Arrikata asks on the next move. "The next move is to kill all trandoshans on board and take the ship over simple as that and you'll get to have some fun ripping limbs off that are regrowing right? Tell the others to get ready by the left door, it's the quickest way up to the bridge. I'll ask on the others if they're ready as well."

Sev got to the computer and channels to detention sector one and two, "This is Sev speaking, you guys ready to kill some lizards brain?" Both sectors report in saying they can hardly wait. "Good,a patrol of three is coming to check on us. Get all warriors ready on the door and kill once you see them and go wild. Alarms will be blaring and kill all trandoshans . I'm leading mine to the bridge. Destroy these computers after i'm through talking. No way i'm going back in here and the same goes to you guys." With his saying done, he smashes the computer and cut some important lines with his wrist blade. He walks through the crowd full of eager wookies to the front since he'll be leading. "Our time is now," He begins "my fellow wookies, my brothers, my vo-" He was interrupted by the patrol that open the two blaster proof, sliding doors.

In front of the three are many wookies armed and ready for blood. "Why didn't we place the weapons in a far much more secured place?" asked the trandoshan in the middle. "Wow we are stupid." comment the right trandoshan in a no emotion tone. "I-is it too late too run?" asked the one on the left. "You're stupid fat lazy slavers, yes you are and yes." The clone commando said to all three of them pointing his pistol at the middle while the other two have bowcasters at them. "Wait are you waiting for? Rip them up."

With that said the Wookies ran towards the Trandoshan who are blasting them with little to no effect on the Wookies. Punched kicked and disarmed, the three have no chance against the Wookies' power in number plus the legendary strength that has no rivals. Sev watches the three Trandoshan grunts as they were getting pound by powerful hands from every direction. Grunts and failed attempts of hitting a Wookie became a scream of pain. Each Wookie grabs a limb and slowly pull on the Trandoshans. Blood curling screams cold be heard down the hallway. A slow ripping sound made them scream so much louder. Sev and the other Wookies standing around see yellowish green blood drip from their flight suit. They could've ripped them already but they like to watch them suffer first. Perfect. With more flesh exposed and blood dripping at a faster rate, the Wookies who were pulling on the three Trandoshans went for the fast and quick tug ripping the legs and arms off. Blood splattered on the Wookie around and blood got on Sev's visor and was quickly wiped clean off a few seconds later. "Lets get going now, the others are hogging the fun," Sev yells to make sure all Wookies around him could hear."we got a ship to take over."


After meeting with a couple of resistances some Trandoshan elites along the way, Sev and his small army of Wookie from his sector are at the door that stands between them and the control bridge.

"Okay I want you two over on that side of the door and you two with me on this side," Through his time with Delta Squad, he learned a couple of things on how to lead a squad. Well in this case, he's leading a small platoon of Wookies. He'll have to thank Boss for that later." they know we're here and they'll be heavy fire coming so anyone got any good ideas?" Sev asks. A random Wookies growls giving his thoughts on how to enter the room with little damage to the group. "I like it. Alright men, lets grab any dead Trandoshan around and use them as cover. First:I'll breach the door with this charge and throw a flash bang in." He walks cautiously up to the door and place a charge on it. Placing charge, okay ready!? Quickly running back to the left side of the door he grabs a flash bang. "Brace yourself for the heavy fire!" Sev yells to those hold the Trandoshan shields.

The charge explodes opening the door with blaster from the other side hitting the shields. Sev throws the a flash in quickly blinding and deafening all the were exposed to the grenade. "AAAAAAHHHH I...CANT...SEE!!" Screams a Trandoshan mercenary covering his eyes. "WHAT!? YOU LIKE CHEESE?! THAT'S NOT THE TIME FOR THAT NO-" A slaver was cut off by a mighty tackle of a Wookie. More shielded Wookies begin to flood in the bridge letting their brothers who are giving them covering fire take cover to behind anything that's by the door they're coming through. Sev, Kitchit and Arrikata took cover by a table they flipped over. Sev notices that the control bridge looks a lot like a Republic Cruiser's bridge without stairs.

With blaster bolts flying everywhere it was hard for either side to get a hit. The Clone Commando on the other hand. All he had to do was take his shots and retreat to cover when his shields took enough damage. Several minutes passed by and it seems like a near stalemate. It would be a stalemate if Sev wasn't there to help out his large hairy friends.

Arrikata growls saying if they move the table forward to where all controls to the are they could get the radio in help. "Good idea, it's a few yards away from us and we can use the communications and call for an emergency republic cruiser." He turns around and tell the other Wookies they're going to need some covering fire to reach communications. The trio began slowly pushing the table, popping up and shoot at the enemies that are exposed.

With Arrikata and Kichit on both of his sides, Sev sets up sets up the ship's sensor and tries to radio in. "Dammnit why isnt this thing working?!" He smash on some buttons from anger. Kitchit taps on Sev's shoulder getting his attention and looks through the window view. Sev sees that the ship is in some blue tube-like dimension.

There going in hyperspace! Communications in hyper space won't work till they're out of it. "Oh. I knew that." Sev plainly said. Kichit and Arrikata turns around and give him a deadpan look. "What?" Arrrikata growls plainly. "Alright I will." He got up and shot the remaining Trandoshans by it, deactivating the hyperspace jump. Damn! We're low on fuel.We can't two trips.

Looking at the front window Sev could see the view of stars coming back to normal. A rich green and blue planet was in the ship's view as well. The planet is unknown to Sev so he asks his two Wookie vode if they recognize it. Sadly they didn't know the planet either.

Sev came back to his sense after getting lost in though about the planet and remembers that he has the Republic to contact to. "To any nearby Republic cruisers out there. This is RC-1207 of Delta Squad of the Grand Army of the Republic. We need a ship to pick us up. We captured a trandoshan slaver ship. We're nearby an unknown planet. I'm sending you our coor-" The alarm starts to blare. Ship self destruct activated. Self destruct in two minutes. An automated ship said. Sev looks at who activated it. The Trandoshan in the black flightsuit barley holding his life has activate it. "Go ahead and try to escape, clone. With this amount of time, you'll never make it. Hehehe-" His chuckle turned into a cough. "I'm debt with jabba. Pretty deep one too. And for me to get out of it he just blurt out about getting him some crazy exotic pet I don't know why. But to think about having a clone for him would get me out. Now we both won't know since we're both dying." Sev shoots him in both kneecaps and a scream of pain comes from the black, flight suited Trandoshan. It was nothing personal from Sev, he didn't like him just like how he does'nt like Geonosians. " I don't like you but I'll let you die with your ship so be grateful for that." He turns to back to the comm"If anyone gets this we're on the planet from the ship's self destruct." Done with what he said Sev sends the message hopefully the Republic retrieving. "it Kitchi, Arrikata get into an escape pod. We're getting outta here."

With that the three ran towards the escape pods and got extremely convenient ammo buy the escape pods. To what they see they're the first of the few to get there. Some Wookies, some Trandoshans but all were blasting each other. Through all the blasting the three made it into a pod. Arrikata and kitchit growls in worry asking about the others. "Wookies are tough, I'm sure they'll make through it. And if not, their deaths will never be in vain." Sev assures them. One minute till self destruct

"We gotta go. The others are going too, see the pods?" The pods were indeed leaving the ship. But guilt took Sev over seeing that not all could make it. Wookies that is. He could care less about the Trandoshans. "This isn't the time to mourn now." Sev launch their pod heading towards the planet with other pods.

Closing in on the planet, looking back, they could see the ship explode with pieces flying everywhere. Scraps were coming towards them. "Hold on we got incoming debris!" While Sev pilots the pod, The other two look out to see other pods being destroyed by the falling debris. One by one pod after another pod goes down burning with no chance of surviving a landing. They wonder when will it be when there ship is going to be struck.


"WE'RE HIT! OUR SHIP'S GOING DOWN!" The Wookies scream in terror with the alarm blaring in the pods. They see other ships hitting the ground exploding. "IMAGINE US WALKING THROUGH THIS PLANET'S NIGHT!" The two growls saying it would be a miracle. The pod hit some trees and skidding along the earth. The pod slowed down to a stop in the middle of a wooded area at night.

Few minutes later
Kitchit kicks down the pod door. His feet first were the first on the planet. Taking a whiff of the air, he confirmed that it's breathable to Wookie even though it's a bit light for him. Arrikata and Sev came out the pod few seconds late. Arrikata growls asking if Sev and Kitchit are fine. Kitchit sarcastically said the all is well for him. If it wasn't for the headaches and bruises. "Rule 45 Arrikata, any crash you can walk away from, is a good one." Arrikata growls in a questionable manner. "Yeah, it's a clone thing."

"Well it seems like we're in some forest at night. I can't tell how late it is but I do know that we got to make camp by that stream over there. And is the air breathable for you guys?" They both growl yes. Sev took his helmet off. A cool night breeze met his sweating face. "Feels good to the skin and great clean air this planet has. Let's grab what we need and make that fire camp." The three walk to a tree and pulls off branch making shelter to the Republic arrives.

Tired from setting the camp, the trio laid down by the fire slowly going to well a deserved sleep. I wonder if life's on this place. Would they be friendly and willing to join the Republic? Or do I have new things to kill? Oh the wonders.Sev wonders before he dozes of.


"Who's there?" Sev said quickly putting his helmet back on and readies himself with the pistol against the unknown. Kitchit and Arrikata heard Sev got up hearing there friend being alerted and prep themselves with him.

A minute pass without another sound. Kitchit growls assureing his friend it was probably a rodent native to the planet. "No, rodents are too smal too make twig snap like that." Arrikata suggests it was some herbivore passing by."Not that either, making a sound like that would alert a predator, like how I am right now. This is someone who made a very bad mistake. Show yourse-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a scream of young children came from the dark woods not too far from where they're at.