Free from the Chains that Bind

by Sillyponyme

Healing Wounds

As soon as word got out that Silver Spoon had been put in the hospital, ponies from all over secretly cheered afraid that Diamond Tiara would hear them and hurt them if they were loud about it. Of course they didn’t realize Silver Spoon was there because of Diamond Tiara. The only ones truly worried for her were her parents, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, Twilight and Spike. That wasn’t to say that Apple Bloom was happy about it but her and her family weren’t thrilled to have Silver Spoon around. For the apples it was a bit of a lose-lose situation. They may not have liked Silver Spoon much but they didn’t want her to be sent to the hospital. Nurse Redheart, the one taking care of Silver Spoon wasn’t thrilled about having to take care of her; after all, Silver Spoon had blackmailed her personally. There had been certain photos Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got a hold of. The photos could have caused a lot more damage to her reputation as a nurse then even she cared to think about. Redheart refused to speak of them, even to herself.

Twilight had been pacing back and forth in Silver Spoons room only taking slight moments to stop and look at the injured pony. Twilight was worried for the mare and after what just happened, she would be happy to take Silver Spoon in as an employee again and after seeing the reasons for the problems, she would gladly pay Silver Spoon more. Twilight walked up beside the bed that Silver Spoon was sleeping in, sat down on a chair, and grabbed onto Silver Spoons hoof. “Just like a mother.” Twilight jumped and turned to the zebra speaking. It wasn’t like Zecora’s voice was common.

“Oh Zecora, you’re here, did you bring it?” Zecora pulled out the medicine and hoofed it over to Twilight. She explained what to do with it and then walked away. It wasn’t out of spite for not sticking around but she had things to take care of. “Thanks Zecora.” Twilight rubbed the medicine on Silver Spoons cuts and bruises. It was a slimy greenish brown substance and it acted like a coat on the injuries. It smelled as bad as it looked but its effect took hold quickly enough. Silver Spoon jolted up after the medicine had been on for a few moments. “Silver Spoon, relax.” Twilight gently helped the her lie back down.

“What is that smell?” Silver Spoon tried not breathe it in but it was futile, she would have to stop breathing before she didn’t smell whatever it was. She then noticed her face was cold. “Why is my face cold?” She looked to Twilight for an answer.

“Silver Spoon, that smell your smelling would be the medicine from Zecora. I know it really stinks but it is helping.” Twilight sat back to get away from the smell that was Silver Spoons medicine. “Sorry Silver Spoon but the medicine really stinks.” Twilight gave Silver Spoon a smile and the squee to go with it as the door flew open to reveal Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

As soon as the door opened, the two mares stumbled back from the scent that invaded their noses. “Please tell me that the smell in my nose is Zecora’s medicine and not something else.” Scootaloo voice was nasally from plugging her nose with her hoof and received a nod from Twilight. “Hey Twilight, I would have thought that Silver Spoons parents would have been here.”

“They were here earlier but they had to get back to work. They are struggling enough as it is already. They couldn’t afford to stay no matter how much the wished to.”

Silver Spoon looked up, saw Scootaloo and cringed. She looked away and let a tear slide down her cheek. The thought of being around Scootaloo after what happened hurt but she couldn’t be too mad after all she did. Still, she trusted Scoots and was betrayed. Silver Spoon ignored her and spoke to Sweetie. “Hey Sweetie Belle.”

“Hey, what about me and what’s wrong?” Scootaloo asked a bit hurt about being ignored. It wasn’t her fault Silver Spoon was in the hospital but of course, she hadn’t realized that Diamond Tiara had told Silver Spoon otherwise.

Silver Spoon looked up at Scootaloo and into her eyes. “You did it.” Everypony in the room cocked their heads. “You told Diamond Tiara where I was. You said that you were forced to work with her and you would do anything to get rid of me.” Silver Spoon pointed her hoof at Scootaloo and glared.

Scootaloo took a step back in shock and anger at the accusation but after a bit of thought, she knew Silver Spoon had no reason not to think so. She did openly admit that she hated Silver Spoon a few times. If Scoots were to set up a trap for the her, the forest would have been a perfect place to do it but it just wasn’t true. “I swear to you Silver Spoon, I didn’t tell that witch a thing.”

It was now Silver Spoons turn too looked shocked. That couldn’t be true, Scootaloo had to of told Diamond Tiara. There wasn’t anypony else that knew that disliked her like Scootaloo disliked her. Still, it was very possible that Diamond Tiara lied about it. “If you didn’t tell then who?”

“I did, I told Diamond Tiara about Silver Spoons whereabouts.” Everypony looked at Apple Bloom as she spoke. They all had the same question to ask, “Why?” “I had to, she was goin’ to tear our friendship apart, I could see it comin’ a mile away.” Apple Bloom looked at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. “Y’all were fightin’ because of Silver Spoon, I didn’t want it to escalate and so I told. I knew that Sweetie would go and hide Silver Spoon in the forest, it was the only logical place to hide her.”

Scootaloo was upset but now wasn’t the time. “We will talk about this later AB. Right now we need to go find Diamond Tiara.” The only question Scoots had now was why Diamond would tell Silver Spoon that she told. It didn’t matter though, there were things to do.

Silver Spoon got off the bed and stumbled a bit before regaining her balance. “I know where she went and so does Princess Twilight. I will go and bring Diamond Tiara back and Princess Twilight will be waiting.” Silver Spoon had recovered at a ridiculous rate; even she couldn’t help but be surprised at the result.

“Silver Spoon, I can’t let” Twilight began but Silver Spoon shook her head and interrupted.

“I’m going and you can’t stop me. Diamond Tiara will not get away with this and who better to take her down then the pony that knows her best?” Twilight was hesitant but agreed. “Let’s go get us a fugitive.” Silver Spoon walked out of the room standing tall unsure where the boost of confidence came from. Diamond Tiara ruined her life and now Silver Spoon would ruin hers.

Sweetie Belle and the others just watched with wide eyes as she walked away. Silver Spoon was determined to make sure that Diamond Tiara was put behind bars. “Come on Scootaloo, we need to have a little talk with Apple Bloom.”

“Girls I am awfully sorry, I was just worried that our friendship might be, well ruined because of her. If I’d realized that you two were gettin’ along so well, I wouldn’t have said nothin.” Apple Bloom looked at the ground and kicked at it. She felt horrible about the whole mess up. She didn’t mean to hurt anypony but they couldn’t blame her for being worried right?

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other, smiled and then looked at Apple Bloom. How could they not forgive their long time friend? She was only trying to protect them after all. They couldn’t ask for a better friend. “It’s ok AB you were just trying to protect us.” Scootaloo put a hoof around her country friend.

Sweetie Belle followed tout suite with a big smile on her face. “Yeah, we get it but next time why don’t you just say something to us first and besides, you know very well that nothing is going to break us up.”

“Yeah Apple Bloom, just say something next time but don’t apologize to us. It’s Silver Spoon you hurt the most.” Scootaloo grabbed her two friends in a big group hug.

“Thanks girls, y’all are the best friends a pony could ask for.” The there nuzzled each other and hugged each other tight as if they would never let go.