Purple Pony Princess Possible Pairing Predicament

by Mistershield

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The magic barrier made a ‘shrshhh’ noise as it begun to recede. The separated sexes inside the room picked up their heads, turning to look at the retreating field.

“I take it that the lunch is over?” Luna asked, her gaze turning to look at the male folk. Legolas looked alright, and hopefully, he had done his job as a spy for her.

“Yes, it is now time to share any concerns or advice each side has for any couples,” Cadence said as she headed to the middle of the room. “The last part of today’s meeting, since it was the first consultation of two couples.”


“So now what?” Tirek asked, eyes trained on Twilight. It appears that the unicorn was smiling and clapping with her hooves again, glad the separation was over.

“Well, typically we go over any advice or final thoughts,” Discord moved his claws to touch each other, making his recorder vanish from view. “The meetings usually don’t last more than an hour or so.”

“I take it then you have attended these often then?” Legolas asked Sombra.

“My second group meeting, so no. But that is the format for all of Cadence's consultations,” Sombra nodded. “If there are no objections, I say we let Tirek go first.” The unicorn turned to face the others, leading the way back to the group circle in the middle. Hearing no one speak up, Tirek nodded and smiled.

“Freedom, one step at a time,” Tirek whispered. All he had to do was outlive them all, and build up a new plan again.


“So then, are we all ready to proceed?” Cadence asked, taking her place at the lead point of the group of pillows. A few nods, “uh huhs”, and other confirmations made the pink alicorn smile. “Excellent! Now, as I discussed, the talks between the males and the females were kept private, so we won’t go over them here. But, I also ask that when you leave this meeting, you all will not discuss it with your special somebody afterwards.”

No side said anything, as they sat down to settle with their partners. Celestia sat with Discord at Cadence’s left, while Twilight and Tirek at the right. Next to Discord, Luna and Legolas. To close the circle, Sombra and Chrysalis took their place. Bellies full, a lot of tempers and anxieties had been curbed a bit.

“Now then, we-” Cadence stopped talking, looking around quickly. “No one is interrupting me?”

“You ok sis?” Twilight asked, for once sitting down properly at Tirek’s side. Well, instead of constantly touching or otherwise gawking at him.

“Odd, considering how the meeting has been going, I was expecting another interruption,” Cadence shook her head and smiled. “Now-”


“Damnit Shiny,” Cadence muttered as a hoof moved to cover her face a bit.

“Brother!” Twilight jumped up from her spot, rushing over to tackle her brother in a flying hug.

“How’s my-” Shining Armor stopped, turning to look at at faces of the others. Discord had a paw up to wave, with Luna and Celestia nodding in greetings. Sombra turned his head away and puffed his cheeks out. Chryssy had given Shiny a sultry look with her eyes, though she had given herself the pink alicorn’s face. “What in the-”

“Oh look, Mr. trying to be the hero,” Tirek smirked.

“Hm. Now that look closer, I see no family resemblance between Twilight or her brother,” Legolas said, nodding his head at the white unicorn.

Shiny held his sister in both arms, torn as to what he should do. Part of him wanted to set up a field and give Tirek a mean look. Part of him wanted to roll his eyes at Chryssy. Yet another part of him wanted to walk over at the elf and touch his ears. So, the former captain of the guard did the only thing he could do.

He walked over to Legolas and begun to touch his ears with his hooves softly.

“Uh,” Legolas raised both eyebrows a bit, not sure how to respond to this attention. Soon enough, the others got up from their seats and joined in, touching the pointy ears.

“Why are you here, dear?!” Cadence snapped her eyes open, an angry vein throbbing against the side of her head. Her anger vanished though, noticing even Tirek moved behind the elf and stroked Legolas’ left ear between his index finger and thumb.

“In a minute, I’m waiting to get a turn again,” Shiny muttered.

“In a minute?!” Cadence got angry again, remembering the original interruption.

“Oh come off it. You want to do this too, right?” Shiny turned to look back at his wife with a smile. Legolas’s eyes could only move left and right, not wanting to irk the wrath of the near god like animals. Sooner or later, they would tire anyway. I mean, ears without fur?

“Get out, the meeting is almost over!” Cadence raised her hoof up to point at the door.

“Fine fine,” Shiny sighed, marching to the door. “I just came over to ask you to join my Dungeons and Dragons session later.”

“Neeeeeerd!” Discord shouted, having finished his turn at Legolas’ ears. Celestia raised a hoof to stifle a giggle, Twilight giving them both an annoyed look.

“Can you please stop touching elf ears? Why won't you touch my ears, Tirek?” Twilight pouted.

“Woah woah woah, Tirek?!” Shiny’s eyes opened wide, turning to look over the right shoulder at his sister.

“Ahe he he.... Surprise?” Twilight offered with a small shrug, a blush on her cheeks.

“Are you doing this to get back at me for not telling you about Cadence?” Shiny asked, eyes closed as an anger vein formed. A purplish field of magic surrounded the unicorn though, lifting him from the ground. The others blinked once, seeing the pink princess shove her husband through the door. Afterwards, an audible *click* shut the door. Chryssy frowned a bit, changing herself back. Why did she allow herself to get distracted by ears? Teasing him was so much fun...

“Someone’s sleeping on the couch tonight,” Sombra chuckled, glad Armor was kicked out. While it had been Spike and Cadence to defeat him, if it hadn’t been for Armor throwing his wife, he would have won the day.

“Well that happened,” Luna sighed, taking her turn on Legolas’ ears.

“Can this stop?” Legolas asked, seeing the others finally getting it out of their system. He realized that none of these creatures had ever seen someone like him; even the centaur barely had a humanoid resemblance. Best to cut them some slack.

Thumbs are cool though. Thumbs rule.

“Yes, please,” Cadence called out, moving back to her group. She was going to have so much angry sex later with Armor later. “I realize that Twilight deserves a chance to have her love. We all deserve that chance. If this is what my sister wants, I will support her all I can.”

“I beg your pardon, but we-” Legolas was interrupted, when Tirek moved a hand out in front of himself.

“Are you saying, even if my relationship with Twilight ends in failure, I can still have a chance at freedom?” Tirek asked, looking back at Celestia.

“Not that we would fail,” Twilight quickly added, moving to hug Tirek’s arm to her chest. His big, manly, hand into her rapid beating chest. The centaur tried very hard not to retch at that disgusting cute smile she had on.

“I...” Celestia closed her eyes a bit, realizing she had been put on the spot by Tirek. He was clever. “Sombra and Chrysalis have been given a chance to redeem themselves. We have even forgiven Discord twice, and my sister has also redeemed herself.” The solar princess turned to look at her sister.

Luna was about to raise a hoof and interrupt, but that last statement made her lower her hoof. Her lips squirmed a bit, fighting the urge to outright declare them all insane. The night princess raised her head, giving a sigh. “I cannot find fault with Twilight’s reasoning, nor my sister’s. To not at least try giving Tirek a second chance- Would make us hypocrites.” She stopped though, narrowing her eyes at the centaur. “But only the opportunity, not the actual pardon.”

“Then it’s all settled!” Twilight smiled, opening her eyes after all of the smiling she had made. “So far, everything is in my checklist!”

“Hmph,” Chrysalis said, shaking her head to the sides. “I do feel love, but not one that shall last.”

“Not to mention Tirek is getting a better opportunity at redemption then we were given,” Sombra complained in a deep voice.

“You two got off easy,” Twilight scoffed. She immediately narrowed her eyes. “You got exiled. Tirek spent locked away in Tartarus.” Tirek shrugged, not used to receiving support from from a pony. Sombra shut his eyes and sat straight, not giving Twilight a chance to argue anymore. Chrysalis chuckled, seeing Twilight angry like that reminded her of sending the bookworm into the crystal caverns.

Legolas had his hand raised, wondering what direction the meeting was taking. He just wanted it to be over and get his sandwich. “Back to the meeting?”

“Forgive me Legolas,” Tirek spoke, a large smile on his face. “We had a moment for final thoughts then?”

“Oh?” Cadence tilted her head to the side. For Tirek to suggest something? But he seemed so against Twilight as his mate... “Go ahead.”

“Twi- Argh!” Tirek raised both hand up, covering his face as Twilight was hovering right in front of his face.

“Yes?” Twilight asked, very excited now. A large smile decorated her face, eyes open wide with a slight twinkle in them. Did Discord or Sombra help Tirek with his reluctance?

“Ergh,” Tirek cringed a bit, memories floating in his head about that fateful encounter. Both arms moved down to stand straight and defiant. “Twilight Sparkle, I have spoken with my fellow males...”

“And?” Twilight leaned in, crooning her head into his chin a bit.

“I am prepared to engage in a possible relationship with you-”

“Finally!” Twilight moved in, embracing him by his neck in a hug with both of her hooves. “You have no...” She stopped talking, looking down at a Tiny Fluttershy and Tiny Deadpool shaking their heads at her. Where did they come from?

Discord moved a claw to his face, covering his eyes for the incoming chaos. There was good chaos, and then a spurred loved one. Last time that happened, he got himself encased in stone. Celestia narrowed her eyes, spotting Discord’s reaction. Oh no...

“On a condition! On a condition!” Tirek quickly shouted out, moving his hands up to try to pry the amorous alicorn from his neck. Sombra opened his eyes, turning to look at the centaur. Did... Was Tirek blushing?

“A condition?” Twilight stopped fighting against his hands, lifting her eyebrow in question. She had not expected that in her calculations. Oh please, by Starswirl’s beard, let it not be sex once a month! She moved off him, floating back to the ground. Cadence narrowed her eyes, not liking what was happening.

Glad to have a chance to breath, Tirek released a sigh. “Twilight, I do not believe your love to be true, only lust.”

“How can you even-” Twilight was about to launch a tirade when she saw the look the others gave her. Discord moved the claw away from his face, looking at her with his left eyebrow up. Legolas moved his right hand up, pointing at her accusingly, as if daring her to say something. Sombra and Chrysalis joined their horns together, making the images of “I want that dick!” appear in green and black letters over them. Celestia kept her eyes closed, refusing to comment. Luna moved a hoof again to introduce it to her forehead. Cadence blushed, looking down at the floor. To think the little unicorn foal she foalsat grew up into a sex fiend. Tirek himself, said nothing, waiting for Twilight to say something with both arms crossed on his chest.

“Oh ok. What is your condition?” Twilight sighed. It only took her a moment to smile, since Tirek was willingly to give her a chance.

“I have been told that in fairy tales,” Tirek smiled, lifting his head up to look straight ahead of himself. “That a prince must often prove his true love to the princess.”

“Oh, this is going to be so easy!” Twilight moved to sit on her haunches. There was nothing she couldn’t do.

“Overthrow Celestia, become the new ruler and make me your king,” Tirek lowered his gaze back down, a cruel smirk forming on his lips.

“Oh here it comes,” Discord muttered, snapping his fingers to summon a pair of shades over his eyes. Sombra grinned, leaning in to see the look on Twilight’s face. Luna’s mouth fell open, shock at the evil Tirek came up with. Celestia herself, quickly sat up, both eyebrows moving up in shock. Twilight had not immediately said “no” or even look in her direction. Chrysalis turned to look up at Tirek, a bit in surprise. She then turned to look at her unicorn and got a clue. Oh, her dark unicorn was such a tease.

Legolas though, shut both eyes a bit to study the purple alicorn. She had immediately lose her confident smile, each hoof lowering to the ground. The dark purple mane cast a shadow over each eye when her head moved down. It was hard to see what she was feeling, much less reacting. Was she actually debating doing such a heinous act?


Everyone waited on bated breath, looking down at the alicorn. Her voice had come out a bit weak, almost a whimper.

“Why?” Twilight raised her head, tears building in her large eyes. Tirek never lost his smile, looking down at her. “Tell me, why the most difficult thing ever?”

“Twilight... are you actually considering this?!” Cadence asked, Celestia too stunned to even close her mouth. Luna herself turned to look at Tirek with a snarl. Was Tirek doing this to torture the newest princess?

Discord moved his paw to the shades, lifting them over his eyes a bit. This... This was not what he had been expecting. Was Twilight really in love with this backstabbing centaur? Then again, he was a backstabber, but still...

Sombra smiled a bit, glad that Twilight was actually that conflicted. This was genuine love Twilight had. Chrysalis couldn’t help but feel pity for the alicorn.

“Tell me why?” Twilight asked again, looking straight into Tirek’s eyes.

“You are Celestia’s former student! Look at her!” Tirek shouted, lifting his own right hand over at the white alicorn. “I wasted away in a cage! She has not changed a single hair in all this time!” Tirek frowned, his hand forming a fist. “She made my own flesh and blood betray me! While you want my reformation, she locked me away without a chance at a pardon!”

Celestia tried to stand up, trying to regain her senses. She could not let Tirek manipulate her student into becoming a traitor. “Would you-”

“Silence you! I was speaking to Twilight,” Tirek sneered, turning to look back down at the alicorn. “At least this way, I know you love me more than her.”

“I...” Twilight turned to look at Celestia, then back at Tirek. This had been on her list though, the chip in Tirek’s shoulder must be huge. But to think it would drive this thick a wedge between her and her centaur... “I can’t! Please! Anything else! I will do it!”

“No Twilight Sparkle, this is my challenge.” Tirek spoke, his voice relenting as each eye shut. “And this would include Luna as well.”

“Tirek! I should’ve known you had no love in your heart!” Luna shouted, snarling now as she pawed the ground. “Prepare to-”

“Tirek?” Cadence spoke out, her voice a sweet and sing song. Twilight picked up her head, turning to look at her sister. “Don’t tell me you were going to take it back in case Twilight said yes...”

“What?” Tirek immediately picked up his eyes open, turning to look at cadence. “I-”

“Oh!” Twilight’s mood immediately picked up. “This was just a test?!” Her front hoof moved up to wipe her face. “Now I get it! No wonder you made it so hard!”

“No no I-” Tirek quickly moved both hands out in front of himself, quickly trying to make fists again. “I was being serious! I-”

“I’m so sorry I ever doubted you Tirek honey!” Twilight quickly flew up, moving to hug the centaur again. “You can stop pretending. I was this close to saying yes!”

“Uh...” Tirek’s hands froze in place, unable to comprehend what just happened. Twilight was about to say yes?!

Discord quickly turned to look at Celestia, wondering what she was going through. The white alicorn had formed a frown, an angry vein forming at the side of her head. Twilight was going to betray her for this-

“Now now honey,” Discord chuckled, moving his claw and paw out to grab Celestia by her front shoulders. If she found out it was him that gave Tirek the idea, he was going to be put in stone again for sure. “Pickle barrel kumquat...”

“I’ll pickle barrel kumquat you!” Celestia shouted, turning to look at Discord with a snarl for the first time in such a long while. “We are out of here!”

“What the-”

Discord’s voice vanished, as Celestia’s horned glowed with magic power and made them both vanish.

“What just happened?” Sombra asked, his eyebrows raised at the scene. Chrysalis shrugged, not sure herself. Did she even care anymore?

Luna had her own eyebrows raised now. Was that all some silly test? She turned to look at Legolas, who had simply furrowed his own brows. Why was Tirek not rejecting the alicorn now?

“Cadence, how did you know?” Twilight grinned, turning to look at her. Tirek stood there, his head slowly moving to look at the pink alicorn as well.

“Oh, I’m the love princess, remember?” Cadence chuckled, actually lying through her teeth. She knew full well the centaur was being completely honest. “Not the first time this has happened. Lot of couples make them prove their love to each other, only to take it back at the last moment.”

“To think I almost failed!” Twilight chuckled, the coat under her eyes slightly damp. Her head moved in, nuzzling Tirek’s neck. “I love you so much...”

Tirek stood there, unable to say anything. Twilight Sparkle, had been willing to betray Celestia?

“Well Tirek, is this true?” Luna asked, marching up to the couple. No way that could have been the case!

“I...” Tirek slowly shook his head to the sides, shaking the cobwebs out of his head. Twilight moved her face from body, only to move it up to give him an Eskimo kiss.

“Don’t tell me he was just that shy,” Chrysalis teased. She could now feel emotion from Tirek. Well, other than revulsion and hatred now. There was something... something blooming there. Sombra turned to look at his queen. Could she feel the centaur having a change of heart?

“Well, now that that has been settled,” Cadence smiled, eyes closed. “I declare this meeting over! I will have Heart set up appointments for next time.” Excellent! Not only had she saved her sister’s heart, she had also screwed Tirek! He was now stuck with the obsessive and adorkable alicorn.

“But-” Tirek raised a hand up, moving it to point at the pink alicorn as she walked away. “You can’t-”

“I’ll be watching you,” Luna whispered in a low voice. “Come along Legolas.” The elf nodded, moving to stand up and smile. Deciding not to say anything, the elf merely walked by Tirek and gave him a shrug of both shoulders.

“Et tu, Legolas?” Tirek watched, finally getting a clue that there was no escaping Twilight.

“Chrysalis, let us leave the lovebirds alone...” Sombra chuckled. While it was fun for the short time it was, he wondered how long before Tirek could take no more.

“Oh, you’re right. They need to consummate their new relationship...” Chrysalis smiled as she walked out with her unicorn.

“Consummate?” Tirek asked, his eyebrows shooting up. Twilight bit her lower lip, leaning her body away from his chest to look down at his muscles. “Fine. Make it quick.” The doors were closed, leaving the new couple in the dark.

True to her word, Cadence and Armor had angry sex.
Sombra and Chrysalis returned to the hive, where the dark unicorn serenaded the queen with deep, baritone love songs.
Celestia and Discord engaged in angry sex, leaving Tiny Devil Deadpool and Tiny Angel Fluttershy staring at them in shock all night long.
Legolas got his sandwich.


“Legolas, I promised thee a sandwich. Just pick it,” Luna said, bowing her head in thanks to the elf.

“I see. I feel more deserving than just a sandwich. I would like two sandwiches.” Legolas negotiated, crossing both arms on his chest.

“We only agreed to one!” Luna pouted.

“After the Tirek and Twilight affection added?” Legolas asked, lifting his eyebrows.

“Fine fine. Pick your two sandwiches.” Luna shook her head to the sides. Legolas was lucky he was so sexy.

“I want one sandwich of Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The other sandwich of Fluttershy and you,” Legolas grinned, facing Luna.

Luna blushed, gulping hard as her wings flared out with a ‘poomf’.