Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom


Okay, as you'll notice, when a few of the bronies get hit or hurt, they may not be able to continue fighting. Why is this? Well, they are only normal human/ponies, unlike a few of the others

Now, I will do my best to not have this drag out. I'll make it short, but detailed, since that's what you all like XD Yes, all the bronies will be in the fight, so everyone with an OC in this story, prepare for it lol Don't get mad if your character doesn't last long, or gets hurt to bad. This is suppose to be a, almost, bloody fight scene.

Lance = Breaking Dawn
Grace = KillJoy
Frederic = Darksteel Edge
Peter = Violent Inferno


Chapter 103

"Is this really a good Idea, Lance?" Twilight asked as we, along with most of the bronies, stood in the clearing of the Everfree forest.

I sighed and looked at all my friends, "Probably not, but we have no other choice."

"We can contact the Princesses, they can..."

I shook my head, "No Twi, that's a bad idea. From what I've learned from the show and the internet, the Nightmare can take over any body... even the Princesses."

Twilight gulped, already knowing this, "But.... what are you going to do?"

I put on a weak smile, "What else? We're going to do the only thing we can... fight."

"But you don't have to do this!" She said, tears in her eyes.

I put my hoof to her cheek, "I have to. I'm the one who freed it, it was my energy... and my fault. I must Twi."

She wiped her hoof across her eyes, "Just please, don't get hurt."

I chuckled, "Twi, we both know I'm going to get my ass kicked. But don't worry, I have my friends to back me up."

A small smile formed on her face.

"No Twi, I'm not going to allow you to help. I don't want you to get hurt!" I said, trying to stay as calm as possible.

She frowned, "But Lance, I can help!"

"I know, but you'll be more help if you're out of the fighting and safe. I would not be able to live with my self if you were to get hurt."

She sighed and leaned forward, giving me a kiss on the cheek, "Just stay safe, for me."

"I will Twi, I promise." I said, returning her kiss, but this time on the lips.

[We're gonna kick some fucking ass!]
<Hellz yeah!>

As she walked back to the tree line, the place I had told her to stay during all this, I looked around at all my friends. All of them ready to fight along side me... gotta love them.

Everyone was here: David, Greg, Peter, Zorrow, Seth, Drax, Frederic, Vinetion, Alexander, Shadow Breeze (Who was in the background.), Aaron, Cody, Grace, and of course, me. Octavia and Trixie were also here, to give support to their lovers. A few didn't come, either because I didn't want them to, or for other reasons.

Annabel was told to stay at the Palace with Discord, encase something goes wrong. I had sent Omnius to look for Mr. Bleak, but they haven't returned yet. I didn't even tell Mark, I wasn't about to put him at danger. As for Malbatorus, who was suppose to be our edge, freaked out when we told him we were about to fight the Nightmare. He said he wasn't about to try that, and before we could protest or reason, he fled, leaving us behind. I don't blame him though, I want to run away too, but I have to stay for my friends.

David walked up to me with a weary look on his face, "This isn't going to end well, will it?"

I forced a smile, "Don't worry bro, we'll do just fine. Nothing can take on fourteen bronies... wait, sixteen bronies."

He chuckled, "Got that right."

I turned back around to face the forest around us, but felt a hoof tap my shoulder. I turned to see Frederic... "Frederic?"

He chuckled, "What? Didn't think I knew how to control Darksteel Edge?"

I smiled and looked him over. He was in the same form he was in when we fought his father, "Nice, now we'll win for sure."

He tapped my head, "Yeah, but only if we work together. I want you to go into your alter ego."

"Alter ego?" I said, tilting my head.

He snickered, "Breaking Dawn, Lance."

"Oh." I said with a sheepish smile, "I knew that."

"What ever you say Lance." He said while rolling his eyes playfully.

I shook my head and focused. After a few seconds, I felt my self slip into Breaking Dawn mode. "Nice."

Frederic chuckled and turned, "Now to tell the others to do the same."

I turned back to the treeline.

{Break, turn on the HUD.}
[On it.]

When my HUD came up, I could see the forest more clearly. I could see almost every little detail, I could even see those two bugs mating on that leaf.... damn.

I looked at the map and saw only my friends, plus a few random blue dots moving beyond the treeline, animals.

After a few minutes, I began to get bored, "Where is this thing?!"

I looked at the clock on my HUD and saw that it was 3:14 PM... and it was worried about us missing the fight.

"Ah, I see you're all here. Splendid!" Echoed a very creepy voice.

Frederic, along side Grace and Peter, who were both in their alternate forms, stepped forward, "Where are you?!"

Quick side note: Yes, Peter is in Violent Inferno. You must read the Role Play that I posted a link to. They talked me into making that Canon, and it is now. Back to the story.

"All around you!" Came the response.

All around us? What's that mean? "Show your self then!"

"My pleasure."

Suddenly, the light fuzzy fog that had been hanging over the clearing lifted. It began to stream towards a single spot, forming a small cloud of black smoke.... is that smoke?

Wait a minute... you mean that thing has been here this whole time?!

[And we've been breathing it in!]
<SICK! EWWW! That's just wrong!>

"A cloud? We'r going to fight a cloud?" Peter... or Violent Inferno said in a confused voice.

"Oh no my dear colt, this is my pure form. Let me show you the form I've made just for this occasion."

The black smoke began to pull together, forming a tall creature. The creature's body began to form, creating more details with each second. When it finished, we were all silent.

That.... We're... fighting that?!

"Oh fucking shit! A Werewolf!" Greg yelled out from behind everyone else.

No Greg, that is no Werewolf... I mean it is, but... it's much much worst!

The thing bowed with a wicked smile, "Oh no, I'm no Werewolf. I'm a much darker form. Call me, Nightmare."

I gulped, this was worst than I thought. We can't fight that thing! It's bigger than Frederic! By at least a foot! DAMN!

Nightmare stood up straight and crossed his arms... which had huge claws on the hands! Fuck!

"Two choices, you fight me first, or the Darkness." He said, a amused look on his face.

"THE DARKNESS!" Greg yelled out, getting glares from everyone else.

Nightmare chuckled, "If that's your choice, so be it."

Suddenly, over a dozen black Pegasi jumped from the tree cover. They all took up positions next to Nightmare.

Wait, are those the ponies I saw in Pleasant Fields? Not good.

{Turn off my HUD! It's getting in my way!}

Once my HUD was off, I glanced around. All my friends looked determined, but also scared.

I looked back at Nightmare and the black Pegasi.

Nightmare chuckled and waved his claw, "Go, have your fun. But don't kill any of them, that's my honor."

I heard the Pegasi hiss happily as they moved forward.

Here comes the first fight!


Suddenly, large thorny vines shot upward under each of the black Pegasi, instantly killing them. How do I know they died? Because they turned to smoke, that's why... kinda creepy.

"AHA! You call that a challenge!" Vinetion remarked proudly as she lifted her hoof, causing the vines to go back into the ground.

Nightmare chuckled, "No, that was just the warm up. Now, we can really begin. I'll give you all a small chance. Send forth your best fighters. After I deal with them, I'll deal with the rest of you."

Really? You're going to let us get together? He's an idiot.

Everyone began to back up, just leaving me, Darksteel Edge, Violent Inferno, KillJoy, and Vinetion.

Nightmare looked amused, "Really? That's your best? This is going to be easier than I thought."

I began to walk forward, followed by the others, "Don't underestimate us! You'll be very sorry if you do."

He shrugged, "I'm not worried in the least." He then smirked, "Hey Lance, you know what I'm going to do when I've won?"

I glared, but kept walking closer, we were about fifteen yards away now, "I don't care, because you're not going to win."

He continued to smirk, "I'm going to kill your family, and I'll take extra time on your wife."

"YOU BASTARD!" I screamed as I sprung forward.

"No Lance! He's trying to get you close to him!" Darksteel yelled out.

I don't care! No one threatens my family!

When I was close enough, I brought back my inflamed hoof and slammed it into his face. I then followed up with a few quick jabs to the head.

I backed up, hovering in place.

He smiled and twisted his neck, popping it a few times, "My turn."


His closed fist slammed into my face, forcing me backwards. Before I could fall, he grabbed my hind leg and slammed me into the ground, hard.

Why am I always the first one to get hurt?!

He picked me up by my neck and smiled, "I'm going to make you watch." He then brought one of his claws up to my cheek and drug it downward, drawing blood. He then tossed me into the air and gave me a sharp kick to the gut, sending me pass the others, who were still running towards Nightmare.

When I hit the ground, I instantly forced myself to stand. I then began to slowly limp back towards them.

Up ahead, Darksteel was the first to reach him. He jumped at him, slamming his hoof into Nightmare's gut. KillJoy also ran up and slammed her hoof into him, causing black flames to erupted from the impact point.

Before the two could pull back and attack again, Nightmare quickly grabbed each by the neck and slammed them together. This instantly knocked Grace out, forcing her out of KillJoy mode. Darksteel however stumbled back and fell to the ground, dazed.

Vinetion stomped the ground, causing a large vine to shoot upward and wrap around Nightmare's neck.

"Not so tough now, are you!" She yelled triumphantly.

Nightmare laughed loudly, "Nice try." One of his claws sliced downward, cutting through the vine with ease.

Before he even hit the ground, he sprung forward, wrapping his claws around Vinetion's neck and lifted her into the air, "Ah, now I remember you."

"What do you mean?!" Vinetion gasped out as she tried to breath.

Nightmare only smiled as he slammed his head into hers and threw her in the direction of the forest.

Nightmare looked ahead, at the only one of us that was left. Violent Inferno.

He was walking towards him, a glare on his face, "No one hurts my friends."

"I just did." Nightmare said smugly.

Before Nightmare could make a move, Inferno shot forward, slamming both of his hooves into Nightmare's gut.

Nightmare's eyes widened as he was knocked back, gasping for air, "You're a tough one, aren't you?!"

"YEP!" Inferno yelled as he jumped into the air, slamming his head into Nightmare's snout. Blood flew upward as his head snapped back.

Inferno then sun around and bucked Nightmare in the chest, causing him to fly backwards.

[Wow, who would have thought that Peter would have been the most powerful out of all of us?]
<I know right?>

I finally arrived next to Inferno, who had just landed and was looking at the body of Nightmare, "You get him?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No."

Nightmare stood up and rubbed his chest, "Hmmmm, you are tougher than the others. No matter." He looked at me and smiled.

Why is he smiling at me?

My question was answered when he sprung forward, his claw raised.

SHIT! Move Lance!

Suddenly, Inferno knocked me out of the way.

*Slicing sound*

I hit the ground and turned around to see Inferno stumbling to the side, a large gash on his side. He looked at me with a sad look and fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

Nightmare smiled, "I knew that would work."

"You asshole! You used me as bait!" I'm going to kill him!

I jumped forward, and slammed my head into his gut, trying to wind him. Sadly, it only gave him a advantage.

He smiled and began to punch me repeatedly in the face, chest, and gut. Each hit delivering more and more pain. He laughed and threw me to the ground.

After hitting the ground, I felt it open up under me, dropping me into a hole.... wait, not a hole, a portal. I fell through and flew out on the other side and hit the ground.

Alexander looked down at me, a worried look on his face, "Oh man, he doesn't look that good!"

Cody leaned over me and frowned, "Why do you always let your self get hurt?"

I tried to answer, but found it hard. I was no longer in Breaking Dawn, I was normal... useless yet again.

Twilight ran up and kneeled down next to me, "Lance! Speak to me!"

"H-Hi T-Tw-Twi..." I forced out.

A tear fell from her face and landed on my cheek, where it rolled down and to the ground.

<One second...>

When my HUD came on, I could see the damage that had been done to me. I had three broken rips, a broken snout, my bionic eye was slightly damaged, and I had bruises all over my chest and stomach. Damn, he did do some damage.

Luckily, I was able to clear my throat and get past the hard to breath part, "Guys... he's to strong."

Alexander sighed, "I know, but we can't leave... we'll die if we do."

Cody nodded, "Besides, all we have to do is hold out till Mr. Bleak and Omnius get here. Then we can sit back and watch the fireworks."

"Stop your talking and fight! Or, I could just attack you all right now!" Nightmare said as he strolled towards us.

I looked around, "Guys, just do your best to distract him."

Alexander smiled, "That, I can do. Come on Cody."

Cody smiled and stood, "I may not want to kill, but I can fight at least!"

As they ran off, I looked at Twilight, "I love you."

She smiled a little, "I love you too. Don't worry, give me ten minutes and I'll have you up and ready to fight again."

I smiled back, "Thanks Twi."

I then looked away and at Alexander and Cody, who were about to reach Nightmare.

As Alexander neared, he shot a portal behind Nightmare and then one in front of himself. He jumped through it and came out the other side, slamming his back hooves into his back.

Nightmare stumbled forward as Cody slammed into his side, knocking him over.

Both of them quickly jumped on him and began to slam their hooves into his face and chest, causing as much damage as possible.

Nightmare twisted over, knocking them both off, and lunged forward, tackling Cody to the ground.

"Any last words!" Nightmare yelled out.

"Fuck you." Cody said as Nightmare smirked.

Nightmare opened his mouth and slammed his head forward. He then bit down on Cody's shoulder, tearing muscles and tendons.

"Get off of him!" Alexander yelled as he bucked Nightmare in the side,

Nightmare didn't even move, instead, he let go of Cody and turned to Alexander, "You're a pest!"

Alexander laughed loudly and shot a portal behind Nightmare, "I know." He then did a back flip, and shot a second portal down below him. He fell through it and came out the other side, ready to slam his hooves into Nightmare's side again.

Nightmare twisted around and grabbed his hind legs and lifted him up, "That trick doesn't work twice."

Alexander's eyes widened as Nightmare tossed him upward and caught him by his face... oh no.

He then slammed Alexander into the ground, his clawed hand still holding onto his head. He then stood up and pulled his hand away, revealing Alexander, his head implanted into the ground.

"ALEXANDER!" Trixie yelled out as Drax and Octavia fought to hold her back.

"This isn't good." I said weakly.

Nightmare turned to the rest of us and bellowed out, "Who's next?!"

"I AM!" Darksteel yelled as he slammed his horn through Nightmare's back. His horn then penetrated and came out of his chest, "Rule number one, don't forget where your enemy is!"

"I didn't forget. I was merely waiting." Nightmare said with a smirk and he grabbed Darksteel's horn and began to drag it along his chest... wait... is his body moving around Darksteel's horn!

Once Nightmare had Darksteel's horn out and in his grasp, he pulled him forward and put him in a sort of headlock.

"Rule number two of fighting, never stab a creature made of dark magic." Nightmare said as he raised his clawed hand and slammed it down on Darksteel's horn, breaking it off close to the base.

Darksteel screamed out in pain and fell back as Nightmare released him.

He fell onto his flank and put his front hooves to his head. He then instantly turned back to normal, no longer in Darksteel Edge.

Nightmare laughed cruelly and grabbed Frederic by the throat, "Nighty night Prince Frederic."

Frederic began thrash around, trying to get air. But it was hopeless, he was weak now, and Nightmare was still strong.

Seconds later, Frederic passed out from lack of oxygen.

Nightmare tossed his unconscious body to the side and turned to us, "Next?"

I gulped and looked around at the bodies of my unconscious or hurt friends. This was hopeless, we can't fight him! The only one who could was Peter... and I don't know now.

Twilight leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Five more minutes Lance."

Then what? I get up and fight him, get my ass kicked, and end up in the same place? Shit, today is not my day.

Nightmare chuckled, "Okay then, I guess I'll just pick." He then began to stroll towards us.

Not good! Please, somepony, anypony! Help us!

[Hurry up Omnius! We need you and Mr. Bleak!]