Dawn's Twilight

by NightsongWrites

Chapter 8- Cuddly Surprises

Two months later…

Celestia gave an amused smile as she stepped through the hidden book-case portal, finding herself in the middle of Twilight’s stacked library. Literally stacked. Scrolls and bookcases were settled into towering, yet neat, stacks that rose nearly to the ceiling, and Celestia had to work fairly extensively in order to navigate the labyrinth of knowledge to reach the prize at the center: Twilight Sparkle. The little alicorn was hunched over her well-used writing desk, horn glowing a soft violet as she scratched out line after line with a worn quill, oblivious to the world. Oblivious till said world decided to give an ear a gentle nibble.
Twilight whipped around, horn glowing with a defensive spell, though it died when she recognized the smiling white mare. She immediately leaned against Celestia’s chest, giving a soft purr when the Diarch’s wings enclosed her in their fluffy embrace. A soft blush infused Celestia’s cheeks as she looked her former student over from such an intimate vantage point, gently tracing a feather down her spine. She allowed her eyes to flick to their unicorn-like magical sight; Twilight’s ley lines were far stronger than when she had been rescued, looking all the world like rivers of light that branched off at her core. Rivulets spread down to her wings, pooling into each wing and forming the beautiful flight arrays of her pegasi limbs. Thick rivers ran into each leg, directly connected to her sun-bright horn. A few dull spots echoed from her student: the brands on her face and chest being the most prominent, but even with them, Twilight’s body was a work of art to the Diarch.
“Excited about the ceremony, Twilight?” she asked the cooing mare, grinning as she dragged her tongue up the nape of her neck, banishing a bit of nervous energy, “Ponies have been gathering at the new school grounds for days. Equestria’s excited.”
“I-I’m more nervous than anything,” Twilight muttered softly, sighing and stretching a bit as Celestia’s tongue groomed her neck and ears, “I’m n-not sure what I can s-say, or do. Or if the Caribou will try anything.”
Luna’s Night Guard and a new, highly motivated Equestrian Intelligence Service had been working overtime since the attempted assassination, tracking down Caribou saboteurs and pony infiltrators all across the allied nations. Many had been routed out and dealt with- the Canterlot dungeons were filled with ponies under rehabilitation, and Caribou… well, there were quite a few unmarked graves- but Luna was sure there were more they could not find. And the abject refusal of the Griffon Empire to allow Night Guard in their borders had not helped matters, though Celestia could hardly blame them, giving it some thought after she had received their missive. Batponies were signs of doom in the Griffon religion, if she recalled.
“The Guards are on high alert,” she whispered soothingly to an ever-drooping Twilight, “And the Knights are roused. The Air Navy patrols our borders, and the Rangers are certain the area around the new School is clear of saboteurs. Nothing can get in or out without us knowing about it.”
Celestia smiled as Twilight peered back at her with hopeful eyes. The Solar Diarch couldn’t blame Twilight for her hesitance. Before the Caribou, her confidence in her Princess skills were meager at best. Now… A faint knock at the door made Celestia glance up in surprise, giving Twilight a curious look. One that blossomed into a small smile as Twilight’s face flushed a bit.
“T-that’s probably Rainbow Dash,” she mumbled into Celestia’s silky fur, muzzle twisting into a smile, “Our r-reading time. She uh… she l-likes to check up on me.”
Did she now? Hrm. A small smile rose on Celestia’s muzzle. Rainbow Dash was a loyal pony and, as Twilight’s reports had always attested, a very smart pony, when she applied herself. She would have to watch this one, definitely. Her horn glowing a light gold, the door opened with a small squeak, revealing a surprised Rainbow Dash, her hoof raised to knock again. The young pony still was battered and bruised, her black eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, and her wings only recently unwrapped, feathers still growing in circles from the Caribou’s pegs.
“O-oh! Twilight… uh… h-hi, Princess Celestia,” she managed shakily, a small smile gracing a still-bruised, slim muzzle, “I-I’ll go, sorry to-”
Celestia was already starting to speak, feeling Twilight beginning to tense up beside her at the idea that Rainbow Dash was leaving.
“No, no, Dash,” she interrupted quickly, smiling invitingly and opening a wing, “Come… it’s quite alright.”

Rainbow Dash, the supposed “coolest pony in Equestria,” gaped up at Celestia and Twilight like a slack-jawed idiot. Mostly because she felt like a slack-jawed idiot. She had totally forgotten that today was Twilight’s opening speech for the School; which was stupid, really. Twilight had been worrying about it all week! But… Rainbow had just wanted to… see her. A twinge of sadness bloomed in Rainbow’s chest. Sadness, guilt… And now she was intruding. There was no way either Princess could really want to-
“R-rainbow?” Twilight whispered, half-hidden by Celestia’s larger frame, voice filled with nervousness and pleading, “W-would you… I m-mean… I-”
Rainbow’s hooves had been moving at the first word, blushing furiously as she scurried over to the cuddling princesses. Celestia was smiling down at her, and Rainbow could practically feel the heat radiating from her blush as Celestia’s wing gently guided her into the crook of her side, where a tiny ball of purple fur and feathers awaited. Twilight looked… scared. Her violet eyes were gazing up at Rainbow Dash with a mix of nervousness and pleading; the broken lightning was still visible through the silky soft fur of her snout, and it cut like a knife into Rainbow’s heart. The Caribou did that because they thought they broke her. Because Rainbow had sobbed and pleaded for them to stop, because she was weak, and-
White wings and purple wings drew Rainbow down before she could protest, and her eyes widened at the sheer warmth, the utter need and trembling mewls from Twilight, the acceptance and understanding from the Sun Princess cuddling them both. Closing her eyes, Rainbow Dash buried her nose into Twilight’s mane, licking slowly at the fur beneath. She didn’t know the finer points of grooming, but Rarity had always talked about it being awesome, and other unicorns liked it, so… She nuzzled further into her fur, slowly drawing her tongue along Twilight’s shoulder-fur. It didn’t taste… bad. Actually rather tingly, like static from a thunderhead when one dives through it. Rainbow’s wings slowly extended, and the pegasus stiffened in surprise when another muzzle moved to bury itself into her well-tended, if still healing, down.
Rainbow Dash peered back in awe, watching with wide, magenta-tinged eyes as Celestia, the Princess of all Equestria, proceeded to preen her wings. She was experienced, and gentle, each lick and tug sending a shudder of pleasure through the young pony. A tongue, delicate and white-hot, traced around each of the old wounds on her wings, a warmth trailing behind the appendage. A foreleg gently wrapped around her waist, and Celestia’s lips kissed a small line down her shank. The slow and tender preening was one of the best Rainbow Dash had ever received.
“W-what about… t-the speech?” Rainbow mumbled sleepily, a goofy smile splaying out along with her ears.
Celestia only chuckled, smoothing out the last of Rainbow’s feathers before turning to begin grooming her ears and the nape of her slender neck.
“We can be a little late.”

The Great and Rather Astonished Trixie smiled cheerfully as she trotted down the path towards the Sparkle School; as Luna’s apprentice, she would be getting a front row seat to the commencement speech and, hopefully, time to work alongside Luna, creating the first runes to go on the building’s exterior. To put her name down in history! The last two months had been amazing for the former showmare. After returning to Canterlot with Princess Luna, Trixie had been accepted into the nobility by all three Princesses, her family’s name restored, though few were left alive among them to really appreciate that. Luna had taken her on as an apprentice, teaching her the old Runes and the more ancient forms of magic Luna had pioneered and learn centuries before. It was exciting work, and Trixie was proud to be apart of it.
But the single most important thing to occur for Trixie had happened on that first night. When she had approached the injured, moroseful ponies, Twilight Sparkle’s friends, Trixie had done the one thing that came naturally. She put on a show. A good show, too, not like the high-and-mighty ones she had plied before at Ponyville. Instead, she was there to lift the spirits, not her own ego. Clouds of sparkling bunnies and butterflies had brought a smile to Fluttershy’s face, while an apple shimmering into a thousand golden bits made Applejack crack a smile across her own stony face. Rainbow and Twilight’s tears were dried by magical doves, and Rarity had been stunned by a horde of shimmering, dancing cats that had climbed onto the ceiling. It had been silly, amusing… and completely what the girls needed.
Forgiveness. The concept made Trixie shiver in delight. Finally, the ponies she had wronged most, twice over, had forgiven her of her past deeds. Trixie didn't deserve it. She knew that better than anypony, but that wasn't to say she wouldn't have wanted it. And to receive it… It nearly brought tears to her eyes. Nearly, of course. The Great and Powerful Trixie couldn't be seen crying, or have red eyes when she rose to the stands along with her Mistress. That’d be wrong.
“Excuse me, miss?”
The tone was friendly and questioning. Most likely a lost pony heading for the Sparkle School herself. So the Lunar Apprentice had a smile on her face when she turned… and met a rock hard hoof slamming into the side of her head.