To say that there was no tension in the room would be like saying that trying to tame a timberwolf was a good idea. The ponies in the room almost seemed to be waiting for Twilight to enter with the tea. Spitfire and Rainbow Dash were locked in a silent war of staring as each of their eyes tried to murder the other pair and Shining looked less like an experienced officer and more like a recruit about to see their first battle. Scootaloo sat in a chair beside Rainbow, covering her face with her tail, unusually shy. Twilight supposed that she would have to play the mediator in the upcoming debate. A role that she would rather not perform, yet one she was forced to take.
Twilight levitated the tea tray down onto a coffee table and hovered a cup over to each pony. “Now that we are all calm and settled in, let’s begin.” She said.
“Spit it out will you? Why did you leave Scoots in a orphanage?” Rainbow demanded, slamming her hoof on the chair.
“Rainbow!” Twilight said sharply, “Calm yourself down! I understand this is stressful, but you’re acting as childish as a foal who lost their favorite toy!”
"Twilight! She practically abandoned her own child!"
“Rainbow please. Calm down.” Twilight said, practically begging.
Rainbow reclined back in the chair, “Alright. But I’ve got my eyes on you Spitfire.” She pointed one hoof at her eyes then one at the wonderbolt.
Thank Celestia… Twilight thought, massaging her temples with her hooves. She glanced over at Spitfire, whose overly calm demeanor seemed out of place. “First things first. Where and how did you meet my brother in the first place, Spitfire?” The alicorn asked.
Spitfire brought her hoof up to her chin in contemplation, “It was… about ten years ago? Back when I lived in Fillydelphia.”
“How much contact did you make with him after that?” Twilight continued.
“None. This is the first time I’ve seen him since.” Spitfire responded.
Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. She had suspected that her brother was having an affair behind Cadence’s back, but if Spitfire’s answers were honest then it ruled out any possibility of such a thing. There was always a chance that the Captain was lying, but Twilight was able to suspend her disbelief for a short time. If Spitfire was lying it would become obvious soon enough.
“Why did you two break off contact?” Twilight said, posing to question to Shining. If they’re both lying then their answers should contradict one another.
Shining rubbed the back of his head as he glanced away. "It was a, uh... one-night-only thing." He said, a bit of red appearing on his face
Rainbow and Twilight exchanged a quick glance. Suddenly the whole situation was much clearer. However, Twilight pressed on, “Why was it only one night?”
Spitfire nervously glanced at Scootaloo who had been quietly listening in on the entire ordeal. “Should we really be discussing this in front of her?” She asked.
“What do you mean by that?!” Rainbow said, her voice as cold and steely as a knife.
If looks could kill, Spitfire would have murdered Rainbow in the most violent and brutal way possible. “I mean this is starting to take a more…” Spitfire paused, looking for the right word, “adult turn. She’s too young to understand this stuff anyway.” Spitfire said.
Twilight turned to face the orange filly beside Rainbow. “Spitfire’s right. Scootaloo would you mind going to another room for a bit?” the alicorn gently requested.
Scootaloo crossed her forelegs, “But why can’t I stay? I’m old enough!”
“Scootaloo…” Twilight began.
“I’m 9 years old! That’s good enough!”
“No it isn’t some of these topics
“And besides isn’t this whole thing about me anyway? Why do I have to go?!”
“Scootaloo we’re going to talk about some things not suitable for a young filly like you. We’ll let you back in as soon as we’re finished.”
“Scootaloo, I promise I tell you everything I can when we are finished.”
Scootaloo harumphed, “But I want to stay.”
“Scootaloo listen to Twilight.” Spitfire said.
Rainbow shot Spitfire a quick dirty look. What’s that for? Twilight wondered. “Scoot Twi’s right.”
“Fine..” Scootaloo grunted. Getting out of her chair and opening the door to the kitchen.
Once Scootaloo was gone, and the attention was refocused on the conversation, Twilight asked her question again.“Now, back on topic. Why was it only one night?”
“Well we both had a bit too much to drink…” Spitfire hesitated on the last part.
“Got drunk, had sex and never spoke about it again.” Rainbow finished for her, crossing her forelegs.
There was a pregnant pause.
“To put it bluntly, yes.” The wonderbolt said, blushing furiously.
“I’m assuming this is why Shining never knew you were pregnant?” Twilight said.
“Why did you never tell me, Spitfire?” He asked.
“How was I supposed to? You just fucked me and ran back home to Canterlot.” Spitfire replied gravely. “I had absolutely no way to get in touch with you.”
“So I’m the bad guy in this?” Shining said. “You’re the who tried to force herself upon me even though I hardly knew you.”
“Excuse me?! It’s no-”
Twilight then slammed her hoof onto the chair, interrupting Spitfire’s counter-argument. “How about we just blame it on the alcohol and get back on track?” She said, slowly losing patience. Everypony stared at her, surprised at the sternness of her voice. Seeing the attention refocused on her, Twilight sat back in her chair. “So, Spitfire. We now return to Rainbow’s earlier question. Why did we find Scootaloo in the Ponyville orphanage?” Twilight said. Her voice had returned to it’s normally calm state so quickly that it creeped out everypony in the room.
“I didn’t think I’d be able to take care of her, okay? It was for the best.” She said.
“What? Did you think she would tax too much onto your bills?” Rainbow sneered. “That’s disgusting.”
Spitfire looked ready to attack Rainbow. “That’s not, bucking, why.” She said through clenched teeth.
“Then why?!” Shining cut in. “Did you even try and find me? I would have gladly taken her in!”
“I already said; how in tartarus was I supposed to find you in the millions of ponies living in Canterlot?”
Twilight felt she was quickly losing control. “Everypony calm down! I’m sure we can-”
“You still could’ve taken her in yourself! It’d be better then some crummy orphanage! I at least figured you of all ponies would be responsible enough!”
“Would the orphanage have been better than the run down one bedroom apartment I lived in?”
“Having an actual parent would have been better!” Rainbow got out of her chair, ready for a fight. “I can’t believe I ever looked up to you!”
Spitfire sat up as well, and advanced towards her foe. “I bucking s-”
“EVERYPONY BE QUIET!” Twilight shouted, grabbing the two mares in a magic grasp. Rainbow and Spitfire immediately went still as stone, completely immobilized in Twilight's purple tinted magic aura. “I can’t believe I have to do this!” She complained, lifting both of them into the air and away from one another. “Seriously?! Did both of you forget the part at the beginning where I said act civil! And I thought you were both grown mares, for Celestia's sake!" Then she dropped the two pegasi back down onto the ground with a loud thud. “Both of you, out of my library. I don’t have time for this nonsense.”
Rainbow winced, Twilight’s words cutting her deep. “Listen Twi I’m really sorry I-”
Twilight ignored her, “Sorry isn’t a good excuse for nearly assaulting somepony. And don’t think you’re off the hook either Spitfire.” She added, casting a deathly glare at the wonderbolt. “Now both of you, just go.”
Spitfire looked embarrassed, or mad, or sad. Twilight couldn’t tell at this point, she was too frustrated to care. Each pony picked themselves up and made their way to the door. Rainbow accidentally bumped into Spitfire, who, about to start the fight all over again, cast one glance at Princess Twilight’s gaze and fled, the prismatic pegasus quickly doing the same.
“So that was... interesting.” Shining Armor said.
Twilight gave him a look that said shut up, I’m too tired for this. Shining slowly got out of the chair and made his way upstairs, understanding how hard his little sister was to deal with when angry. Twilight lay back in her chair, exhausted from the frustration.
Suddenly, the kitchen door swung open and Scootaloo fell out along with it.
Twilight looked over at the heap of orange fur on the floor, she looked alright, just a bit bumped up. Then she said, “You were listening in through the crack, weren’t you?”
“Uhhhhh… Maybe?” Scootaloo said with a tacked on smile.
Of course. Twilight thought, burying her face in her hooves.