Star Wars : The Missing Brother

by freedombiscuts

Chapter 2. Going over The Plan

Star Wars : The Missing Brother

Chapter 2 : Going over The Plan

After lunch, all prisoners are bring escorted to a large room the Slavers calls it "The Entertainment room." Well for the prisoners, it wasn't entertaining at all. The room is nothing more but a big plain room that could fit two AT-TE with a couple of tables and chairs everywhere . For the Slavers, it was another day for them to come watch the prisoners to see fights happened and make bets on who would win before they have to break them up.

Each cell sector has an entertainment room. If all prisoners were to be in one large room, they would all try to escape. Like on one ship that had happened. Now all other slave ships are being careful and do not want the same thing to happen because the customers will be mad knowing that their slave had broken free and that would not be good for business.

The Trandoshans walked behind their sector 5 prisoners to the room. Once all prisoners were in the room they scattered doing whatever they please. The Trandoshan mercenary got to each corner by three and wait for fights to happen.

Sev with his large hairy friends, Kitchit Arrikkata walk to a table, sat down on the table and begin playing Sabacc. Surely they know that weren't playing for real but rather play to keep the guards fooled while they review with the plan.

To the guards on what seems like a simple card game on whatever game a clone and wookies have in mind would never guess it was a little planing review for tonight's breakout.

"One last review on the plan before tonight, are you sure all other Wookies understand Shyriiwook?" Sev ask. He was really glad that his cell mates taught him to understand some basic words of their language. Kitchit, the Wookie with dark brown fur growled. "Alright then, once I'm done going through with this plan, make sure that everyone in here gets the word." Both wookies nod showing they understand what their mission was. "Does sector 1 and 2 know about this as well?" Arrikkata, the other Wookie with sandy colored fur growls from a low pitch to high and back to low. "Words spread fast when you don't want to be a slave and when the lizards don't know wookie speak."

"Knowing their little schedule with other important intel about the guards even though I've been here for two weeks, I know that all prison guards in each sector switch every galactic standard day. Meaning that our friend, Obbas is leaving us tonight. So before he leaves, we're throwing him a goodbye party."

Kitchit spots two wookies that are about to fight. A small crowd begins to form around them and the Trandoshans begin placing their bets.

Arrikata tells Kitchit to stop focusing on the fight and get back to listing on the plan. "Kitchit, remeber that their fight are nothing more but distraction to keep their ears away from our plan." Sev remind Kitchit. Kitchit turns around to listen on while looking at his cards.

"Before Obbas leave, Arrikata will act sick grabbing the attention of Obbas. With that on his mind he has no choice but to come into our cell and check him out. They're trained with basic medicine so they know what's wrong with them. Slavers don't like their money maker to be sick since it brings slave value down when they're close to their destination. Which will be Tatooine, I will be sold there to Jabba along with witht some other Wookies." Arrikata growls questionably."If the sickness is out of their understanding, that being is left to die." Sev answers." Oh yeah,remember these shock collars around our necks?" The Wookies lightly tug on their metallic collar since it was extremely uncomfortable with a quiet growl showing the Sev they do remember.

"Each prison guard has a master controller to that sector in case anything bad happens. So Obbas will check Arrikata out with confidence since he's the tough guys with the remote. Arrikata," Sev looks directly to Arrikata. "count thirty seconds once he's checking on you before surprise attacking him. Go for the throat so he cant call for help and we'll dive for his hands."

Roars and stomping of two Wookies tells Sev their peacful fight had started. If the Trandoshan knew shyriiwook, they would know that the fighters are actually yelling random everyday things like rock, cities, juice and so on.

"With the killing done, I'll grab the controller and deactivate all shock collars. Then I'll slice into sector three computer gaining all access to the ship so i can deactivate the collars, open the cells and unlock their weapon lockers that has all our items in it and lock theirs up. The slicing should take me forty five seconds since I'm not like my brother Fixer who the supreme slicer so you two have to guard the doorways in case of any guards that comes in for patrolling."

A loud roar that sounds like cheering bursts from the crowd. From what Sev knows, the fighters are insulting the Trandoshans. Something that has stinky dungs heads or something. "Di'kutla aran. I may not understand all words but I know just enough that they're insulting him, am I right? " His friends gave a him a hoot.

"Once everything is unlocked and deactivated, go wild," Sev plainly said "I'm going to get me some target practice. Lets see here, I got twenty five, plus how ever many more I'm killing will total up and I'll a happy killer. And make sure to tell them wait about thirty seconds for the collars to go off and the doors unlocked." The wookies raised their eyebrows at him when said a happy killer. "You guys already know me by know." Sev responded to their raised eyebrows. Kitchit and Arrikata shrugs in a "oh well" manner.

The two wookies fighters are now roaring their lungs off to the air making Wookies and mercenaries cheer.

"Okay, now all in a summary : Pretend to be sick, kill prison guard, slice into computer, unlock everything, kill all Slavers mercs, elites, take over ship, go home. Now go tell them." They nodded about to get up and tell the rest. before they could move a centimeter, Sev said "Get angry that you had lost and tell it to your furry buddies over there." He doesn't want to look like they lost and just walk off calm, Wookies are known to get angry at the smallest things sometimes.

Kitchit and Arrikata got up from the table enraged at how the clone had beat them and goes the group and "Cheers" for the fighter they wish to win.

Arrikata goes to the crowd and tells the plan for tonight. All roars with "Yes, heard, got it" to look like their still wild about the fight going on. The fighters themselves heard and roars "for Kashyyyk."

Kitchit walks up to the random small groups of Wookies who weren't involved with the fight and tells them the plan. Most simply nods and said "got it."

Forty five minutes have past and the two Wookie had their done good with the distraction that lasted for a good first six minutes and with the victor being the caramel furred Wookie. After that, nothing much had happened but small chatters throughout the room with one clone sitting by a table alone. Sev looks at the mercs that begin their movement towards a wall opposite of the doorway. "Alright now you slaves, your forty five minutes is up in this room now go to your cell." Announced a mercenary. Wookies calmly walks out the room with rifles behind them carried by the lizard master to stop them from making any attempts to escape and escort each prisoner to their "room".

Once in their cells, Obbas stood in the middle of the hallway where all can hear him "Now in one galactic hour, dinner will be served, with delicious bread and fresh water, again." He chuckled at what they're eating again. When he said delicious bread and fresh water, he meant left overs of what him and his slavers had a few days ago.


Dinner pasted by and Obbas was flashing his lights at every cell he passes by. Checking that all are fine and half well fed.

Sev, Kitchit and Arrikata sees the flash light coming closer, "Okay here he comes, Arrikata, you know what to do. It's now or never." Sev quickly whispered. Arrikata sat on the bench hunching over, hands on stomach and breathing quick shallow breathes. Kitchit has his right arm on Arrikata's chest and the lest on his back to support him before he "throws up." Sev was by the bars. Hands gripping them with a rare look of concern on his face. A bright light shined onto his face.

"What do you want, clone?" Obbas asked with much hatred in his voice. "Look, I hate you, you hate me, but my friend over there doesn't seem to well. I think he's sick." responded Sev. Obbas shined his light over the ill Wookie and looks hard his left eye since he can't see far. It appears to him that a Wookie is breathing slower than normal with another holding him for support. "Why should I help?" He asked. Sev already knew the answer but replying so quickly might add suspicion. "Well if you check my vod out and see he just has an upset stomach, you can give him medicine. Since we're close to Tatooine, and you're getting rid of me and some wookies and with him fine, you'll get a good pay share and i get to have a friend who will be fine." Sev responded a few seconds later looking thoughtfully. Obbas though over this carefully not wanting to risk his life over a Wookie. But then again, Wookie slaves do bring good amount of credits.

"Fine, only because a good pay is what I need. Your hairball beast of a friend is lucky that I know some medical stuff." Obbas said opening the bars.

He's taking the bait! How stupid are these slavers? Sev thought.

Obbas walks in the cell room carefully. With two wookies and a clone is not to be taken carelessly, they could kill him at the moment but they chose not to. Ha, stupid clone and Wookie must know that if they do anything to me I'll shock them down.Obbas mused to himself. He pulls out his shock collar controller making sure the three could see it. "See this hear? Do anything to harm me and escape, and you're all fried." Obbas threatened.

"Move him hear to me and stay back to to the wall or-" Obbas waved the controller in his hands.

"Got it." Kitchit Growls. "He said he understands."

The prisoners that could see all watch closely as step one closes in.

Sev helps Kitchit with Ariikata and lays him on the floor by Obbas. They back away from the "sick" and let Obbas do his job. Obbas shines his lights into the Ariikata's eyes to see if the contract or not. His eyes are fine. He then proceeds to hear his breathing. Obbas cautiously place his head near his mouth. Slow, shallow breathing with a little raspy tone to it. Maybe he is sick. Obbas thought to himself. For now that's all he can do. He has to go the medic bay and grab the medic droid to heal this Wookie.

"Well your friend is actually sick." Obbas said finally. "I'll grab a medic droid and come ba-ACK!" Obbas barley finished as two large hands is wrapped around his throat. He couldn't say anything. The bad part is that he's slowly seeing black.